More balcony runner beans next year. Did well and cost too much.
Sweet pepper from a store variety.
Need to think about our communal garden I began last year in an unused bed. Going to scatter some Italian parsley seeds there now. Rabbits should like that!
Hummingbird salvias too & cuphea on balcony
Our neighbors are farmers and they have a Goose Gun which just makes a loud noise. (They are also wildlife aficionados & always reporting on what the eagles & the coyotes are up to.)
Problem is they’re seldom around when we’re outside or can see them. They do a lot of their criming in the early morning. And if me and/or the dog are outside we can see either the raised beds in back or the containers in the driveway but not both.
May all the gods be with you. Two years ago California ground squirrels moved in. They undermine building slabs & wreak havoc in orchards. All of the neighbors shoot them, 100s every year. Hard to grow food with them around.
You can buy dwarf trees and get a two-year head start. But be prepared to take them inside if you live anywhere where it gets below around 35°F (Hass is tolerant to 32°F).
Haven't hard a garden in years, but thinking I will in 2025. Want to build raised and enclosed (we have far too many wild creatures around here), probably should be looking at lumber NOW.
Sweet pepper from a store variety.
Need to think about our communal garden I began last year in an unused bed. Going to scatter some Italian parsley seeds there now. Rabbits should like that!
Hummingbird salvias too & cuphea on balcony
I’m going back to trapping & relocating them