I’ve seen some awful things in my life, and I’m quite hardened, but the torture instruments being uncovered in Assad’s Sednaya Prison, the human slaughterhouse, are devastating. This is a place of atrocities.
The cruelty in the human race is sickening.
The cruelty in the human race is sickening.
I read the Anonymous post and knew I'd have to keep my head down on this one.
If Anonymous are disturbed then it's everything we feared it would be and possibly more.
It seems there are at least 7 levels underground and they can't get into them without trained help.
The more I learn about humans, the more I like dogs.
It's not like the Middle Ages didn't have their own cruel forms of torture
I hope she reconsiders her position.
I know so many people for whom the Chamberlain quote sums it up
A quarrel in a faraway country, between people of whom we know nothing
I would imagine many people will pay little attention, other than perhaps think “thank god (!!) it’s them instead of me”
She was an Assad apologist, and it is really fucking dangerous if she’s handed the keys to all intelligence agencies.
and torture wasnt to extract information but just to punish them or force false confessions
' Oh the usual, tortured a few children to death then dumped them back on their parents doorsteps'
Human cruelty is shocking.
also Yemen and Burma
They seem to be saying perversely comforting things right now.
When will all those Farage, Le Pen, etc, get in court of justice?
christ. this fucking species, sometimes.