It needs a blood marrow transplant (a risky procedure used to treat agressive blood cancers) from specific donors who have a mutation that prevent the virus from entering theirs blood cells.
It’s great but not something that can cure every aids patients.
Great for him though.
This is what we fought for back in the 80’s, research aimed at finding a cure. It took a long time, and we’re not completely there yet, but bless the researchers who are working on this.
I have a love/hate feeling towards this. My Dad died of AIDS in the mid 90’s but he was a test case in the 80’s/90’s which I love but I hate that he didn’t get to live long.
My brother-in-law, John, died of AIDS in 1991, exactly 30 days before my daughter was born. He was in the Navy and landed with a man in Greece, where he got HIV. He was admitted to a VA hospital for appendicitis where they tested for HIV for staff, but were under no obligation to tell the patient.
I went to his room. Found him covered in rash. His chart said, "bathed self". He wasn't bathed for a week. They knew he was HIV+, he didn't. I demanded shampoo and betadine soap, cotton and towels. I bathed him and washed his hair. This is great news Jack. This hits home for me. 😢
He fought with AIDS activists back in the early 80's. In a bad & good way. It was a very complicated relationship between them but they finally decided to work together.
I was reading about churches closing during the Spanish flu and turning their spaces into convalescent hospitals. Such a different reaction back then. .
Cool... how bout curing the rest of them than. That would be great. Bet that will never happen even with the cure cause it will be cost prohibitive for most and will likely be slow to manufacture but there won't be any national "warp speed" to boost production and lower cost to spread heard immunity
HIV is a virus that has mutated. That's why it's hard to cure. The virus today may be different from the virus when it was 1st recognized back in the 80's. Viruses are very smart things. Even covid virus has mutated itself. Flu also so that's why last year's shot is different from this year's shot.
Not so much that they're smart. It's that they are (a) fragile and (b) come in population sizes of trillions+. As a result, random chances that tons of them get built wrong or break, and one does so in a certain way that ends up being an advantageous adaptation that helps it survive/repro better.
100% all I'm saying is there's not gonna be some world wide global effort to get behind curing this terrible thing. It's gonna always be a case by case basis for those privileged enough to be able to afford it
A person has to be cleared by doctors. This procedure won't work for everyone. And the people who went thru this procedure had another underlying condition that allowed them to go thru it. Most are volunteers who got it done for free.
It's always free at first. Cancer trials are all usually free too before they charge a customer 6k dollars every two weeks for the treatment. To be more clear.
Oh my! Stem cell replacement is no easy road. The cure is dangerous and has very serious long-term side effects. Hopefully there will be an easier cure, for both HIV and cancer, right around the corner.
The bad part of the disease was Reagan ignored it (sound like Trump?) until women & children started showing up with the disease. People thought back then gay men deserved to die. We haven't gotten too far in that thought but at least we have meds now so everyone can lead a normal life.
Yes sir! I’ll second that Wow Jack! I teach science and believe in the hard data from research and evidence based medicine. It leads to breakthroughs that bring medicines to market to meet unmet medical needs.
Hello Mrs. Deborahlynn.
I voted down ballot in NC's last and 100th county, which is filled with confederate & dRumpf flags because of the inability to comprehend their last flag, which was white.
Some 1st time voters showed up, and they were worse than indoctrinated.
Internal tears Nov.5th 😢
I have never seen medicine work so fantastically and beyond our dreams. In the mid-90's, I worked for UTMB contracted to correctional care, mostly HIV/AIDS.Men so cachectic, maybe 90 lbs, in our hospice who participated in the triple cocktail trials,and see those guys move to GP in 6 mo. Great work!
I had a friend die back in the 80's from HIV. He came into work to say goodbye, he was going to live w/mom in Pittsburgh. I hugged him tight & he started crying. He said that when he was diagnosed w/AIDS, nobody would touch him. My hug meant so much to him. And me. He died 3 wks later.
I never kept count. I worked in a hospital in Chicago’s “gay” neighborhood-1980’s. I lost friends and coworkers. Horrible time.
At least the future looks bright for HIV.
That breaks my heart. My cousin Paul was diagnosed in the early days when there was no hope. His family (such GOOD Catholics) disowned him. I sent him a card and beautiful letter to tell him how much I loved him and would always stand by him. He kept it on his nightstand until the day he died.
Both of these posts break my heart
I know gay men who people won't touch or hug cause stupid people think they can get AIDS by it My one boss was gay I he told me "I am gay and people avoid me "I said I won't avoid you cause your my boss don't you give me a review ?
He laughed 🤣 😂 Got good reviews
You meant alot to him. Keeping that card says alot. I'm so sorry for his loss to something that could have been avoided if Reagan paid attention. You can't change history but you can work with science.
It’s great but not something that can cure every aids patients.
Great for him though.
The SCOTUS embraced denial of scientific evidence in order to permit religious gatherings during the pandemic.
We have no excuse for this aberration.
Mary Baker Eddy’s Christian Science was founded in 1879. She died in 1910 - 9 years before the pandemic.
Her doctrine is disease is a mental error that prayer cures.
We must do everything possible to insure RFK Jr, Dr Oz, etc, do not get confirmed.
Call/email your representatives.
Your voice matters.
February 20, 2023, 11:01 AM
I voted down ballot in NC's last and 100th county, which is filled with confederate & dRumpf flags because of the inability to comprehend their last flag, which was white.
Some 1st time voters showed up, and they were worse than indoctrinated.
Internal tears Nov.5th 😢
Maybe if it wasn’t such big business.. 🙄
Early stage but only couple years or so more
They are for people with the disease already
At least the future looks bright for HIV.
I know gay men who people won't touch or hug cause stupid people think they can get AIDS by it My one boss was gay I he told me "I am gay and people avoid me "I said I won't avoid you cause your my boss don't you give me a review ?
He laughed 🤣 😂 Got good reviews