As someone who encountered sexual predators as a child, there is one thing that no one talks about...and I don't know why. (I think I do; it doesn't fit the popular narrative.)
If you want to do something to immediately give the kids who are a victim of these crimes a better fighting chance at a...
If you want to do something to immediately give the kids who are a victim of these crimes a better fighting chance at a...
We need to get better..
As a survivor myself I still have trust and self image issues.
After what had happened to me, I wasn't sure what it all meant. I knew there was something wrong about it, but it was far from "devastation. The "devastation,"...
Nothing in life has any meaning. Human beings are meaning-makers. Without that, there is no inherent meaning to anything. In the absence of having assigned a meaning, our minds are open...
Those comments, and the resulting meanings I unconsciously assigned were what turned out being...
The experiences themselves? Yeah. It's not fun feeling like some adult your family trusted would do those things to you. But did it "shatter" my life? No. It did not. Human beings...even young ones...have a way of figuring out how to cope as long as they don't...
The raw experience is a moment in time. The meaning either works...
“Meaning” is a human construct that “means” nothing standing alone.
What matters is how we respond to occurrences in our lives.
The main point I got, it isn’t what’s in the minds of the survivors, they all get their valid perspective, but a message to those around survivors that they shouldn’t instill a sense of doom.
As an observer, things may look horrible & we can empathize. But it’s not up to us to live with it. The victims have to live with it. Let’s not make it harder for them to do that.