I can’t wait to see these old, fat fuck Trumper’s around me locally….having to get up on a ladder in the June heat…and and roof their own houses…because the migrants are either gone, or too afraid to work and get caught.
I’ll honk, wave, and say, “Damn! It sure is hot today, eh?!
I’ll honk, wave, and say, “Damn! It sure is hot today, eh?!
I'm gonna say "I am so very happy you finally WOKE up!!!"
Apparently it’s also hitting the service industry and agriculture sector hard there.
Isn’t that what they wanted?
double and I'm glad 😊
Last longer
I will now call up to ken or karen on their roof while sipping my ice cold beverage, wave and laugh.
Fortunately, not too many idiots around here, though
Good luck with that. Don’t worry, Trump will fix you.
The energy we need.
Lawns are going to be an issue down south….Amigos do about %90 of residential lawns…
It might be good for those fat fucks as their social security and Medicade monies are going to fund the deportation of their lawn workers and handymen.. They gotta get their greasy MAGA ass in shape!
ACAB my ass!
Ain't no one gonna cook for them. Migrants do that too
Hardest working people I have ever met.
I wonder how people are going to take to picking their own onions, lettuce, peas, and potatoes?
I can just picture them all traipsing and trampling vegetable fields now ...
Viva La raza!
These people have no idea.
I need a roof.
According to a gutter installer I asked about references:
"I don't know. All of em use the same crew of hombres, so it really doesn't matter."
It won't just be the Trumpers up there.
punching down at bamboozled maga is cringe when our own leadership suck so badly
How will your Racism help you now? Hatred & Racism has led your life to this stage.
Maybe Racists will tell the Truth now and NOT blame POC for their own Actions, Failure, and Demise.
My Dog::: i aint fetching shit or shingles he can go fuck himself
Me::: who's a good boy!
None were the drunks.
None skipped work.
None wasted money on trivial things.
Their lives were their families and friends because even in normal times there were insulted.
No Latino ever took a job.
They were hired by business owners.
Americans are bigots.
I'm really sorry they're now being shit on because people who look like me (but are, in fact, absolutely NOTHING like me) are fucking #fascist #racist #ignorant #bigots who are so stupid they...
Trump Has The FECAL Touch.