Couple of reasons. First, our population is not fit for war. We are lazy, comfy in our 'pods' & until the flood is at OUR door, and OUR WiFi is unaffected and still going strong, all good, next. Have you seen the male 18-30 yr old response? Bros are fine. Crypto anybody? Maybe some Trump coin?
At some point, we are going to need to take it to the streets. Will some of us get arrested, be hurt, be killed? Yes. We are going to be arrested, hurt or killed anyway! Hello? Boil slowly in the pot or jump out. If you die either way, why not make a point in the process 👀
We aren't in the streets because we know that Trump is looking for an excuse to declare martial law. All it would take is for his Jan 6th thugs to go after peaceful protesters. We have to be shrewd about how we protest. Yesterday's no-buying day was a start.
And our country is filled with gun-toting yahoos. I once even saw a couple of them on Nextdoor - Nextdoor! - saying they’d live a civil war, and how great it would be because they have so many guns.
So his strategy is working. We are too afraid and hunkering down in fear. If boycotts are the answer, we better amp that shit up. I already buy as little as possible. I don’t need a boycott day cuz I am doing it every single day. Are we going to cower in fear?
So are you amping up your boycott of corporate stuff? They aren’t going to apply Martial law to force us to spend money 🤣 And he will get his way…kill us slowly cutting our jobs, social security, disability, foodstamps, Medicare, Medicaid, vet benefits etc etc. Stop spending and save up?
Well, we can’t protest and give them the opportunity to use martial law on us. Guess we just gotta suffer so they can win later as we slowly suffer 🤷♀️ Or wait, what can do it? We may have other options. Let’s figure that out. What are our other options? Something might be out there for us
That'll be fine with Trump. He'll have some sneering comments as they walk out & continue playing to his adoring fans. It'll just give him another reason to work on outlawing the "clearly un-American" Democrat party.
This is what has baffled me. Why yanks aren't out in the streets all day every day is beyond me. The passivity of Americans will be their end.
NB: I know that you'll all say you can't take time off work which is exactly part of the problem. Your overlords taught you unions are bad.
Because it would give Trump the excuse he is looking for to use the military against citizens and to declare martial war, implement curfews and halt elections.
Is boiling slowly in the pot and dying better than jumping out and dying in a blaze of glory 🤔 I’m not sure …. Give me more time and desperation and jumping might seem appealing
Like he won't find an ostensible reason. He could declare a state of emergency and martial law if the government shuts down. At least you won't be on your knees
I don’t disagree. And I don’t know what the answer is. There have been many protests, rallies and boycotts since he took office, to little or no effect. Trump couldn’t care less. I live in a blue state, so protesting on a local level is preaching to the choir. We need a new strategy.
America isn't Germany or Poland. We're a BIG country and there just aren't enough people to "fill the streets." And you know the red states wouldn't protest, they VOTED for what's happening! & GOP doesn't care if blue states protest, they have no power. So what's the point?
it sure would be nice if there were access to facts without having to sign up with a subscription service to get them.
Come and gone within just a fraction of my existence.
Carville goes for “Roll over and play dead.“ Funny guy! The whole democratic world is looking for leadership. But democrats are playing hide and seek. Super risky business for every one alive.
When Marx envisioned the workers rising, he never envisioned consumer capitalism where most of the proletariat had smartphones, appliances, computers, televisions, cars McDonalds...
There may be inflation, but most aren't starving like people are elsewhere around the globe.
Dems are collaborators, no one is organizing an opposition.
because of American apathy??
Schedule protests on weekends, you'd get people to show up. Geez!
NB: I know that you'll all say you can't take time off work which is exactly part of the problem. Your overlords taught you unions are bad.
Come and gone within just a fraction of my existence.
But do it quickly, before Ketamine Karen (Musk) shuts it down. You can also access movies and streaming shows through your library.
There may be inflation, but most aren't starving like people are elsewhere around the globe.