Please attend American cousins. The President of the USA has been acting like a Russian or Chinese dictator for weeks now and the rest of the world is like, come on man! Where's the resistance?!
I cannot afford a plane ticket to go nor do I want to step on any airplanes right now or I would be there in a heartbeat. If we can go to our own capitals then I can definitely do that and will.
It is well to focus on Trump but Americans must accept that a tyrant can only succeed when good people do nothing. Americans are doing nothing; that is no different to Germans during the rise and early years of Hitler.
I think it should also be realised that Trump is but a reflection of the American soul. Only America can exorcise itself. The March is but a small step
Please organize a well publicized march or rally on a weekend so that teachers and others who work the "typical" Monday through Friday work week can participate?
Teachers are especially vulnerable. Their students come first. And none want their entire teaching staff absent on a school day.
I'd love to fly to DC & attend but honestly, I predict the Miscreant in Chief will call out the National Guard, declare Marshall Law. He will NOT allow this protest to be anything but a bloodbath. I pray I'm wrong but as a kid, I remember watching the Ohio State shootings on TV & Drumpty is insane!
This is just my opinion on history, but Brutus did nothing wrong and was, in fact, the good guy. Julius Caesar was a genocidal megalomaniac who ignored the law and marched his personal army against Rome so he wouldn't get prosecuted for war crimes. Alas, however, history was written by the Victor.
It always is.
White MAGATS really wanted me (Lakota Sioux) to know that my people were and still are cannibals. It's a lie but We did not write the History books.
(sighe) 🪶😒
We been doing that! #50501Boston #50501NYC #50501Chicago These are all real actions! They have worked in the past. Supreme Court almost has his back and he doesn’t care about rulings anyway so what is anyone going to do? Make ourselves heard n show how mad we are!!!
Teachers are especially vulnerable. Their students come first. And none want their entire teaching staff absent on a school day.
🇨🇦 will be there, in spirit with full support.
White MAGATS really wanted me (Lakota Sioux) to know that my people were and still are cannibals. It's a lie but We did not write the History books.
(sighe) 🪶😒