Hybrid warfare includes common biological agents. Your defence is weakened and releasing measles or tuberculosis or whatever into your public transportation and civil aviation takes nothing more but infecting a bunch of people and put them onto the next couple of national flights.
growing up in the glorious 50's children got childhood diseases prior to vaccines. Many children died or were crippled for life also huge increase in hearing loss. It was even scarier times for kids..Don't bring that back
Maybe it turns out that he does have academic credits to prescribe that appropriate & proven treatment. His medical CV is possibly available in Encarta'98 ('the ultimate information resource'), but I can't running now the software to share the screenshot.
I’ve always had great respect for the medical knowledge and expertise of RFK Junior! OK, I’m kidding. Isn’t he a lawyer? Probably not a good one of those either.
and promise Kennedy from Louisiana, who is an MD no less although I don’t know kind, the moon and the stars. And then when he was voted in, he started doing whatever the hell he wanted to do because who’s gonna call him out
It’s a waste of money to go back and revisit the autism issue.
to spend the kind of money he wants to spend on clinical trials is a waste. Clinical trials are very very expensive. I can tell you that.
And I agree with you he will probably just put a spin on it so he can continue to be an assistant to an ambulance chaser
Unlike most clinical trials, an autism risk study most likely would be a relatively inexpensive tracking study of autism rates in vaccinated versus unvaccinated children.
The challenge would be finding an adequate matched control group of unvaccinated children to follow.
As much as I want to say I was an enthusiasm fan I wasn't I really wasn't one who could appreciate Larry David. Maybe that's how RFK Jr is being financed. That would I think as much as I know of Larry David have him throwing up! Am I right?
What is that about and MTG suggesting parents to have measles parties.
Should be criminal offence under the criminal code of endangering the life/health of a minor.
Haha. I literally typed a response to another post related to this image. I was wondering when dead brain worm 🪱 Jr would reintroduce cocaine as a cure 🤣
Once again he's hit on a 1/2 truth. In Africa where people are severely malnourished/ have chronically low levels of Vitamin A they do sometimes treat measles with Cod Liver Oil. This is ONLY because of these deficit in Vit A that people here don;t have. Therefore the treatment is useless.
Americans should have great concerns (😱) that RFKJr says he can only focus well while on heroin. Elon micro-dosing ketamine. DJT on adderall. Junkie-ocracy.
As an RN (retired from work but still licensed) I have to say RFK,Jr is a serious moron on this topic folks. Cod liver oil isn’t gonna do anything for measles. It’s a VIRUS. It’s gonna run its course. Now, cod liver oil may be socked full of vitamin A and Omega-3 fatty oils. But that’s it. M’kay.
Of course he did. Its called the Brainworm. It suggested he take a powder in Cali while people are dying from measles and it continues to spread. It first suggested Vitamin A as a substitute and now its suggesting Cod Liver Oil 🤷🤷
He spent decades addicted to heroin because it 'helped his ADHD', and he wants to put people in camps who take Rx meds for their ADHD or mental health. He's a danger to public health and safety. He's a parasite like that dead worm in his head.
Cod liver oil?? My grandmother tried feeding that shit to me back in the 60’s - saying it would keep you “healthy” cod liver oil has been around for centuries and evidently it didn’t work well on measles the first time or they wouldn’t have needed a vaccine in the first place
RFK is just another Trump disciple sycophant who happens to be legally insane, which is why I think Trump wanted him to head HHS because RFK cannot seem to comprehend his actions will harm many people, furthermore, being legally insane RFK cannot be held liable for his acts. Right up Trump's ally.
Voice of experience here! My mom forced me to take CLO & guess what? I still got the measles! It was the snake oil of the 50s & 60s.
He truly is a junior Kennedy.
To be fair to a psychotic grifter named #RFK, vitamin A which is abundant in cod liver oil was found to be *mildly* effective in treating brain swelling in pediatric patients with measles, but only in children under age 2 in a clinical study.
In Vitamin A deficient children.
Children from areas of the world where Vitamin A deficiency is normal.
There is no data for children in developed countries.
Too much Vitamin A is **TOXIC** and can cause organ damage, blindness, etc.
people dying in Texas, and he fucking around telling people about cod liver oil. This is what you wanted, America.....and lets also bring back tuberculosis
RFK Jr. has admitted having a 14 year heroin addiction. That is real and it’s a struggle I don’t wish on anyone, but I’m just wondering why anyone would take healthcare advice from someone who would allow themselves to do that to their own body, let alone allow them to dictate public health policy.
I’m going to be honest, might not be a popular opinion, but I still think he’s using. Do I have proof? No. And maybe he’s just crazy, but it’s just a feeling I have. Watching him with that nicotine at his hearing…
Kids wont eat Broccolli does that moron believe they ll take Cod Liver Oil ? I want a second opinion, im goin straight to th top on this one I wanna hear what th worm has to say !
Yeah it's the vitamin 'A' thing that works in countries with malnutrition. In the US there's no evidence of increased survivability as Vitamin 'A' deficiency is negligible. They always grab these one-off studies to grift from.
Well if he was using it himself and maybe led to that worm 🐛 in his head that's been feeding up there for years. What grey matter thats left is not enough to construct a useful thought.
RFK Jr. and his followers are incapable of reading and understanding scientific papers, let alone drawing sensible conclusions. They will ultimately prove that being anti-science costs lives, but what do they care? If you die, you're just a sucker and a loser, right?
Walking corpse Roadkill Jr.’s plan is to kill American children like he fed live baby birds into his blender. Parents rolling the dice on the lives of their babies on the advice of that creep???insane.
And they still voted for him.
-RFK Jr.
You don’t eat road kill if you’re not up for surprises.
She's made my list.
They took cod liver oil and voila. No measles.
So I guess it must be the cod liver oil.
Modern science never ceases to amaze.
Made so little money as an environmental lawyer that he switched to being a vaccine injury lawyer.
Testified he was $1.2 million in credit card debt at his hearing!
Refused to give up his role in suing vaccine manufacturers while in office.
It’s a waste of money to go back and revisit the autism issue.
Of course #RFK will try to rig and delay the results.
#RFK is a #vaccine injury lawyer and a negative finding would make a whole lot of these vultures a lot richer.
And I agree with you he will probably just put a spin on it so he can continue to be an assistant to an ambulance chaser
The challenge would be finding an adequate matched control group of unvaccinated children to follow.
Crazy times!
Should be criminal offence under the criminal code of endangering the life/health of a minor.
“Cheryl doesn’t feel Bobby can be trusted one iota living on his own, in D.C.!
He's a criminal.
addict needs to poison the children. Anybody see a pattern here??
What's so hard about using what actually works, like a proven vaccine? Is his goal to oppose anything the Democrats support?
He truly is a junior Kennedy.
It does not prevent measles.
An ounce of prevention…
Children from areas of the world where Vitamin A deficiency is normal.
There is no data for children in developed countries.
Too much Vitamin A is **TOXIC** and can cause organ damage, blindness, etc.
Just like people took ivermectin incorrectly after #Trump touted it for #Covid and died, it will seem “safe.
#RFK is deliberately creating vaccine phobia.
Also dangerous- MTG's suggestion for measles parties.
Parents deliberately exposing their children to a *deadly* disease should be PROSECUTED.
Blame the grifters including #RFK who are deliberately creating vaccine phobia in parents, not the grifters’ victims.
Blame the vaccine companies relying on “mandates” rather than parent education about diseases and risks.
Check with a medical PROFESSIONAL!😳