In a government the people pool their money via taxes to serve the people. The purpose of a commercial enterprise is to profit. Two different purposes. Anyway, see what Elon is doing to Tesla, SpaceX and Starlink. He can't be trusted with either one.
the government is NOT in the business of making a profit from its citizens it's job is to protect, and support it's citizens even if means it cost's money!!
That was and still is Trump's belief. MAGA believes Trump is a successful businessman just because he said so. Being exposed to Trump's early shenanigans and aware of his failures, I know he's not the smartest guy in the room, as he claims. I've never drunk the KOOL-AID.
Every time this has been done, from California's electricity to Alberta's phone systems, costs have gone up, maintenance has gone down, customers, citizens, suffer.
You are absolutely correct, Jack. I’ve been saying this for years, since Michigan voted in a businessman, Rick something, years ago. Businesses look to the bottom line without regard to much else. Governments work for the people, simply stated. Compromise and negotiations are unique for each.
I know people talk about bloated government and how we need to shrink the federal government and services—- completely forgetting how the population has increased over time.
In Governing a Society you cannot take it as just another profit making enterprise. It is about looking after all the members of Society which just happen to be people which means their welfare which you have to look after.
Looking after their welfare has it profit in a well ordered, healthy, safe and actually prosperous Society.
Business is only exists at the behest of the Members of Society to ensure they all have good access to their Societies resources.
Businesses did not create Society only people can do that.
The republicans are running the government like a private business with all the profits going to the rich and all the costs go to the poor and working class.
ESPECIALLY if it’s a model like his previous private company failures.
Of which there are many.
And the bribes and not paying workers.
Of which there are many.
This is America, not trumps grand American resort and tax shelters.
Well media has continued to give them a pass on this lie for about a century. When will THEY be held to account for not correcting obvious lies that have brought this country to it's knees more than once. Same w/the Trickle down crap, they allowed W 2use that aft it was proven 2B a failure.
That is why there are two words:
1. government
2. business
They are different words that have different meanings, for a reason. Business does things that are useful and profitable. Government takes care of the rest of the useful things.
The government is not meant to operate to make a profit. There is no profit to be made for paving roads and building bridges we use to pump money into the economy. Sure we can improve in areas, but a private company will always look to make a profit. Doesn’t fucking fit people.
Business people don't belong in government. They don't understand the concept of service. They only think about competition and profit. It's a totally different mindset, and you can't adjust it.
Nonetheless, Clinton took some serious lessons from businesses friends and used them to create a federal budgetary surplus without harming the U.S. on the world stage or metastasizing the wealth gap to obscene proportions.
But, he was not great for the working stiff, true.
I assure you with 35 years of experience in the business world in senior roles that at no time, under no circumstances do you take a D-11 bull dozer to your employee population and expect to survive. That’s exactly what Trump and Musk are doing. No method, no known analysis, no long range plan..
And honestly, the private company approach does not even always work in the private sector. In any case where you devalue human capital and non-tangibles like experience etc. you lay the foundation for diminished returns and a reduction in return customers. Translates pretty evenly in my estimation.
He just wants to “skim off money from the top.”
Doesn’t care how he came by it…who suffers…if the “company/country suffers. That’s how he bankrupted casinos.
Their goal: crush fed govt/ make us sick & desperate so tech bros (musk, thiel, sachs) can “invest”/create countries in states (economic development zones) governed by them as CEO (so running as a company) with bitcoin as currency & AI basis (see The Network State by Bilaji Srinivasan)
Product output & accounts receivable are reverse - Gov is pay forward, service out. Biz folks want a profit in $. The profit is Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness w/ Justice for All. Not $.
And you always back up a copy before you mess with any code. That way you can recover from your fuck ups. Like muskrat and team. I still don't get how you say you're doing an audit with coders and not people to handle money.
The government is not a business. No-one started a business so that it doesn't make money aka profit. Never had a govt been established so the country makes a "profit". If it were, the last person to hire/elect would be someone who bankrupted CASINOS for God's sake and every business he touched.
They want to shut government departments down, sell off government real estate and let the oligarchs take over everything, it's not remotely transparent
Exactly. The economics of public goods and services is very different than private sector microeconomics. In fact, most public goods and services exist because the private sector is inefficient at providing them.
Just had this conversation. Private biz is about profits and returns for shareholders. Government is about serving constituents for the least amount possible, not necessarily the cheapest, with NO profit, infrastructure and support for the general good of the public. Two completely different things.
Watch him!! There is no one to stop him! Zero guardrails, zero loyalists to the constitution, zero fucks for the American people! I’m so pissed off right now
1. 🤣
2. Can we find new ways to call him a dumb ass every day?
3. There is so much material and it keeps growing exponentially.
4. I think insulting his intelligence is now a crucial form of resistance.
The stress expressed by federal workers mirrors almost precisely how those who remained at X (formerly Twitter) felt after Musk bought and restructured it.
Well, if you want to BANKRUPT IT, you can. I mean, that feels like what they’re doing, doesn’t it? Sure picked all the right people for the job, you gotta hand it to them.
Exactly. Government agencies aren't supposed to make a profit. Why are Americans lacking any basic knowledge of civics?
Look at how screwed up our for-profit healthcare system is. Our tax dollars shouldn't be used to enrich shareholders & CEOs. Privatization will kill these agencies.
Anyone actually recall sitting around the break table at work and hearing someone pontificate that “the whole country needs to be run just like this factory”?
Oh no! I didn’t come up against a paywall. Essentially, they follow the cult of Curtis Yarvin which advocates for a CEO monarch with feudalism and is explicitly anti democracy. It is a racist framework and ok with slavery. Musk, Vance, and Thiel are adherents.
I don’t know cars. And I don’t know space. And I don’t know social media apps. But I know brains. And Neuralink is terrifying, using vulnerable humans as lab rats. MANY fibers break off and are unretrievable in the brain because they didn’t account for how much the brain moves with just breathing.
He and Trump generally hate the disabled (in America at least)It won’t be available to anyone here or those without $$$. The expenditures on testing this quackery, smh. Defunding cancer research for this! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
The upshot is it’s a video that takes down Democrats and paints us as misguided losers. The thing that disgusts me is they aren’t completely wrong but where was their takedown of MAGA last fall? NYTs choosing sides as usual. Here’s a snippet:
At one time, if homeowner had wrong insurance company plaque on his home, it could burn to ground. Conversely, different fire companies sometimes squabbled for burning homes with good plaques. Firefighting was a business
Looking at the state of his companies... you cannot take an Elon Musk approach to a private company either... But thats a problem for the shareholders.
He knows this... he doesn't care. He's not trying to make the US government "successful," he just wants to strip it of its wealth and move on to the next challenge.
They are used to being CEO’s. Anyone who has worked corporate knows they are ruthless, order huge layoffs to benefit the bottom line, and care only about stockholders. If their company fails, they get a huge golden parachute while we are on the street. America is now a failing corporation.
It occurs to me that at the time of the founding, business by corporations was not widespread, if it existed at all in the US. The founders conception of the government had nothing to do with what we would think of as a "business"
Rs never understood the huge difference between a providing a needed Service and a running a Capitalist Business.
They thought they could make a fortune from milking sick and dying people, so they ruined Non-Profit Healthcare.
To a casino Kingpin every individual is a mark.
And taking a private company approach to his private company is not working out, either.
Move fast and break things was like a motor vehicle violation, before all this disastrous tech bro stuff, remember?
Right? The model for government is a FAMILY: you take CARE OF YOUR FAMILY, you invest in its future, you use your earnings to make sure your family is healthy, educated, strong, and productive.
Business is only exists at the behest of the Members of Society to ensure they all have good access to their Societies resources.
Businesses did not create Society only people can do that.
What happens to our taxes? They should go away right?
Everything is a fee or premium subscription now.
No subsidies for groups then.
Of which there are many.
And the bribes and not paying workers.
Of which there are many.
This is America, not trumps grand American resort and tax shelters.
It’s not supposed to make a profit.
It’s not supposed to make a profit.
It’s supposed to protect us.
I want a building department or DMV that operates like an auction and accepts ‘gifts’. That’ll be great.
1. government
2. business
They are different words that have different meanings, for a reason. Business does things that are useful and profitable. Government takes care of the rest of the useful things.
He is the only one term governor we have had in modern history because it was so bad.
Nonetheless, Clinton took some serious lessons from businesses friends and used them to create a federal budgetary surplus without harming the U.S. on the world stage or metastasizing the wealth gap to obscene proportions.
But, he was not great for the working stiff, true.
Example: Xhitter
The role of govt is service to the population. Which does NOT have a profit motive.
The role of private companies is to make a profit.
Doesn’t care how he came by it…who suffers…if the “company/country suffers. That’s how he bankrupted casinos.
no shit
Their ineptitude has cost lives, crashed the economy and we’re not even through the first quarter yet.
Looking at everything I can’t imagine these 2 will be willing to ever leave office and face the consequences for their actions.
Project Management & Accounting are the same.
Product output & accounts receivable are reverse - Gov is pay forward, service out. Biz folks want a profit in $. The profit is Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness w/ Justice for All. Not $.
I guess I'm just old fashioned.
Just sayin'
Mussolini did it.
It's called Fascism.
It's just not the way our country works.
And it fails every time.
To me, it can be summed up in the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States.
2. Can we find new ways to call him a dumb ass every day?
3. There is so much material and it keeps growing exponentially.
4. I think insulting his intelligence is now a crucial form of resistance.
Look at how screwed up our for-profit healthcare system is. Our tax dollars shouldn't be used to enrich shareholders & CEOs. Privatization will kill these agencies.
Doesn't matter "how" you organize it.
It all serves a "why".
Our "processes" are adopting to their makers.
Fear is the fundamental cause.
Specifically, fear we cannot learn.
Wanna learn how we know, Jack? We'd love to share!
Go ahead, ask me anything.
Is it what is planned for the US government?
I remember 11-12 years ago someone on FB messaged me telling me that the Federal Government needed to operate like a business. He’s a Republican.
Government doesn’t operate that way.
Full stop.
Perhaps a South African who didn’t drop out of college would have learned that.
(grandparents on his father's side were Jewish American and communists).
They've all done extensive writing on this
Delusional. Sociopath for sure.
These dumb bullies feel ENTITLED to profit off of our social contracts.
(Am so proud I wrote this without using profanity or making up new swear words ....🤨.)
Stupidity has been the death of this nation.
Inevitably service suffers in the name of profit.
They thought they could make a fortune from milking sick and dying people, so they ruined Non-Profit Healthcare.
To a casino Kingpin every individual is a mark.
Move fast and break things was like a motor vehicle violation, before all this disastrous tech bro stuff, remember?