I love Xmas & also find it tricky. I thought it might be useful if I explain my experience as some of it might apply to autistic people in your life (or you!). None of these things are universal. Some might apply, some won't. But some people have said my explanations helped them understand.
On the plus side, Xmas often lets me indulge my special interests. One of those is boardgames, which is baked into tradition, but also often at least one gift is related to something I care about (Mario, Pokémon, a book on a topic I'm currently obsessed with).
I like giving & receiving gifts. However, I would go so far as to say I hate the pressure of formalized ritual gift giving at Xmas. I find the pressure of guessing what other people might like & then finding it in time for the day very stressful to the point of deep anxiety.
Xmas feels magical to me but magical like faeries are magical - i.e. wondrous but also dangerous. I imagine some autistic people struggle to internalize & understand the fuss about these norms & expectations. For me, they feel almost like religious edicts.