In East Slavic traditional beliefs, witches can cause all sorts of bad weather, but also they are capable of transforming themselves into the fog and wind.
#folklorethursday #dailyspooklore
Image: SinyaPtaha
#folklorethursday #dailyspooklore
Image: SinyaPtaha
There is an old belief in some cities in central Mexico about spellcasters that “traveled in dark clouds and landed in one foot” so the church would ring the bell to send them away
Oh, thank you for sharing! The wild hunt travels like that too 😱
And the church bells protect from it (in Norwegian lore).
I will look for the bells piece, there is this old magazine that talked about all things paranormal but just presenting the information, letting people decide. It was called Doubt (Duda)
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Just this morning I couldn’t help myself thinking of our villages tale about a dead witch, whose coffin lid had gotten blown away by a very strong wind 😱