It remains unclear, but all subjects may have been previously infected at least once. Based on the>96% serum positive in Autumn 2022 and the samples collected from December 2022 as well as the IgG anti-N levels, this is very likely for the majority of subjects.
Is this possible on some scale?
(Sorry if question is naive - not a biologist / medic!)
My question was a different one: is there a non trivial set of people whot get infx but later test negative on infx ABs?
E.G: Kupferzell: 22%
There are those who do not make antibodies (agammaglobulinemia). And ~10% do not have levels of anti-S above background after 1st infection (mild?), which is corrected upon a second infection.
I think the most likely scenario for undetectable anti N following asymptomatic infections is that the anti S were so high the infection was almost averted