the staircase in the woods series is one of the big highlights of creepypasta/internet horror whatever and chuck wendig has no honor in this house. get a firmware upgrade! (kicked down a wall)
How is it blantant plagiarism? Two stories share a similar ideas based on something that actually exists. Neither story is the first about a mysterious staircase in the woods.
imagine if in 1979 you went and pitched a movie called Space Fight about a group of young people who toppled an empire with the guidance of an ancient religion called The Pressure and then when everybody called it "Star Wars" you said it wasn't the first time a story was about war.
Oh boy howdy do I have things to tell you about the OG Battlestar Galactica.
Also? There was a staircase in the woods in House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. Which was published in 2000. So I guess the creepypasta is ripping off Danielewski.
Fine. That would suck. But here it’s basically two books about space rebels that have nothing else in common and everyone is calling it plagiarism because they don’t like the dude. Show me something beyond the fact that both books are about mysterious staircases in the woods.
I'm going to drop pretense: the first two sentences here tells me you and I aren't going to have anything in common in how we see art, so I'm not going to dignify you with my attention further. This isn't about the legal definition of plagiarism, and you know it.
Yes, it’s not about the legal definition of plagiarism. It’s also not plagiarism, and you know it. If you don’t think two artist can have a similar source of inspiration and come with their own original interpretations, then yes, we don’t see art the same way.
Also? There was a staircase in the woods in House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. Which was published in 2000. So I guess the creepypasta is ripping off Danielewski.