its answer remains the same; no.
it is far too much a danger to othersーthe risk only grows greater the more prolonged the time one spends around it is; the maddening gnaw of eternal hunger is only able to be repressed and ignored for so long before it takes control by force.
it is far too much a danger to othersーthe risk only grows greater the more prolonged the time one spends around it is; the maddening gnaw of eternal hunger is only able to be repressed and ignored for so long before it takes control by force.
Reposted from
☆ 𝐂 𝐀 𝐏 ' 𝐍 ☆
Trust him; it's not a burden. Caring for creatures like the Wraith may not be his responsibility . . .
But he has seen creatures like it before, and every time, he has attempted to help. No matter the cost. This will be no different.
Not to mention, unlike the guild hunters, he's also a mage.
But he has seen creatures like it before, and every time, he has attempted to help. No matter the cost. This will be no different.
Not to mention, unlike the guild hunters, he's also a mage.