Congress since the election you have watched as our democracy, economy, and goodness have been shredded. It is time for all of you to stand up to the bully, stand up to your oath, stand up for the American people and bring an end to this reign. You were wrong to support him, but it is not too late.
Trump and Musk are proof that a greater intellect or business acumen are not required to be a billionaire, CEO, or even to be elected president. (Ofc Trump was born wealthy). Any reasonable person knows it’s a bad idea to destroy sensitive business documents without prior review.
And anybody who has handled federal agency records knows it’s unlawful. We all received records management training, had to account for all records in our possession at time of PCS, and those of us at the WH received additional training on the Presidential Records Act.
They do not want to be investigated for the number of people being killed as a result of USAID cuts.
Just a few examples of the death toll are listed below.
These are numbers equal to or exceeding ALL the deaths in ALL wars since WWI (estimated at 100million)
Where is Congress?? We call and call and email. But all we see is our democracy being destroyed.
so is just about everything else they’re doing, but obviously we do not have a law-enforcement system that can hold the powerful accountable. If they were brown people stealing shoes from target it would be no problem. 👨✈️🚔
Same as dismantling and scrapping the sorting machines at the USPS, or the recent video of a Polish airfield being ripped up so the runway can't be used. They don't just discontinue government function. They scorch the earth so no one can start up function again without having to reinvent the wheel.
Stop the Coup!
It is unlawful to comply.
They better not say “etiquette”
gotta hide that
Just a few examples of the death toll are listed below.
These are numbers equal to or exceeding ALL the deaths in ALL wars since WWI (estimated at 100million)
And if there was a protection, you-know-who has the power of the pardon.
Like everything else the looters are doing.
Any chance you'll consider using alt text for such screenshots so they can be more widely read and shared?