If you don't fight, you can't win.
Reposted from
Sahil Kapur
SCHUMER just now: "While the CR bill is very bad, the potential for a shutdown has consequences for America that are much, much worse."
Welcome to the new world Chuckles Actions are our words.
Wasn't he preaching and jumping around about FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT and all he did was FLIGHT FLIGHT FLIGHT
Fight for a better option @schumer.senate.gov
We needed a leader.
And right now, we good guys are losing.
Check please.
Schumer is too comfortable pretending to be a US Senator.
Term limits.
ok you old fossil..
we get the message loud and clear
you are afraid to pushback
you'd rather pass a bill that makes it even easier for tWump,theGQP Congress and DOGE to gouge and tear apart and end the Government esp social programs .
So it's a big fuck you from you to WE The People
What a fucking fool.
are hardly known to their followers.
Next after them are the leaders the people know and admire; after them, those they fear; after them, those they despise.
To give no trust is to get no trust.
When the work's done right, with no fuss or boasting, ordinary people say, Oh, we did it.”
Grandpa Munster fails again.
It was all a scam, it seems 😞
@schumer.senate.gov you suck
He has shown nothing but cowardice through all of this. No one gives a fuck about working together right now.
Fight for us, or get out of the fucking way!
It begs the question, why did he bother to vote at all.
ICYMI.. Gov Martin O’Malley worked on Social Security - he talks about what DOGE did. Must watch you tube
Do you think that this was his first, best plan?
C'mon! This fight is hard and there are many layers to it.
If you think that you can do better than him, then run for an office!
Otherwise, let's support the team that we have!
Fuck Chuck @schumer.senate.gov
Listen to the American people
FFS no wonder Dems can't win enough seats with leadership like this.
Time to Retire Chuck
AOC Should primary him
…or did they just promise him a Tesla
Revolting decision
Time to out to pasture….long past time!!!!
Primary!! Bb
Let it shut down
Republicans own you
Primary this failure please
My money and vote for you is now gone
Give em what they want!
Let the American people see what life without a functioning public sector looks like and maybe hundreds of thousands of taxpayers keep their jobs & we all keep our money.
There’s going to be no fucking America left !!!
There’s no 4 years from now.
There will be nothing left, we voted for you, we trusted you -
What happened to you ?
Stop surrendering.
Catch up-better yet, step aside! Dems need new leadership in both Chambers. America is on fire and Democrats only bring more gasoline to burn it to the ground.
Mark Warner for Senate Leader.
Chris Murphy for Senate Leader.
Patty Murray for Senate Leader.
Sheldon Whitehouse for Senate leader.
Bernie Sanders for Senate Leader.
Elizabeth Warren for Senate Leader.
Ed Markey for Senate Leader.
Ron Wyden for Senate Leader.
Just not Chuck Shumer.
But not an 83 year old guy who twice ran on our Party banner and still won't join the team. He should retire.
Republicans blackmail us with shutdown threats regardless of who holds the majority. Caving like this - assuming whatever responsibility they delegate to us - loses every time. I'm fully prepared to starve in a shutdown to avoid...this.