The next week is going to be a big dye week for me. I want to get as many colors as I can done so I can write my blog post on dyeing and start assigning colors to the design
Ah! I might consider starting to collect the stray walnuts that end up in the yard, then. Squirrels bring them through and forget to clean up after themselves.
And we have brown fabric! I'm starting the extract for the color as we speak (as I type?).
One minor fail already - the iron bath didn't darken the bottom bundle as much as I wanted. So I don't really have two distinct shades but that's fine. I think I'll need a lot of brown anyway.
Walnut dye is so much fun to use! This past fall I made black walnut ink and pokeberry ink for funsies. If you have a glass dip pens they’re also fun to use for calligraphy :)
One minor fail already - the iron bath didn't darken the bottom bundle as much as I wanted. So I don't really have two distinct shades but that's fine. I think I'll need a lot of brown anyway.