The ONLY things that Lauren Boubert is competent in, is the public performance of sex in a theater full of men, women and children, and TOTAL IGNORANCE about the U.S. Constitution, the functions of the 3 branches of government, the English language!
There's only one "job" Bobo has shown any potential competence in, but she'll never make a living at it in Congress because those johns would expect her to pay them.
Hello pot, I’m the gigantic lying Ho kettle. Nice to meet you.
If you voted for this incompetent, unqualified idiot, you should be ashamed. But of course you are in a Cult of Stupid that lacks intelligence, integrity, morals and rule of law, so you obviously don’t care.
Fire Lauren Boebert immediately.
After that, we can discuss who's next. Musk? Hegseth? Trump?
But she’s great giving handj*bs in a crowded theater. So, I suppose she has some talent?
"NOTE: Please, do NOT include what you may have done at a theatre"
Do you see any waste here??
Your tax money is going into his pockets!
[email protected]
Give her a hand!!!
You made me spit my drink
Fortunately for her orange deep state hires only incompetent cabinet sec and department heads.
She fits right in! She's a star among the entire incompetent trump admin.
If you voted for this incompetent, unqualified idiot, you should be ashamed. But of course you are in a Cult of Stupid that lacks intelligence, integrity, morals and rule of law, so you obviously don’t care.
Legislating is a helluva lot more lucrative than being a call girl for Ted Cruz.