Resisters call in sick on 3/19/25. Truckers, bus and train drivers, unions, air traffic controllers, pilots, cabbies, IT, manufacturing, etc. Please stay home as long as possible. This action will help to get our message against tyranny out and show the world we won’t allow this takeover.
They have grown the economy and created jobs. What hasn’t happened is wage earners didn’t share in the wealth generated. Supply side economics only favors capitalist, not labor. Their businesses grow and they hire more people. But they pay like crap and keep all the profits.
They are also the primary driver of our debt and deficit. It’s been a 1% money grab from day one. The only “trickle down” is working people getting pissed on.
Don't forget trickle down economics. The fact that we accepted such a demeaning economic concept is crazy. After all where we would be without these Conglomerates creating all these jobs for us, and we didn't even day thank you
Even Racist Nazis have bank accounts and bills.
My umbrella rotted away waiting for those pennies to fall.
My maracas relatives are waiting for a $5000 check.
GOP Trickle Down Economics dates back - at least - to Herbert Hoover.