"It is no longer enough to say, 'The other side is really bad, so vote for us because we’re slightly less bad.'"
In this op-ed, Angelita Morillo calls on fellow Democrats to stand up to Trump. ⤵️
In this op-ed, Angelita Morillo calls on fellow Democrats to stand up to Trump. ⤵️
Apparently she hasn't checked the news in the last month. 🙄
What a shocker!
Be mad at the centrist platforms hoping to get the elusive (inexistente) swing vote.
No pet politicians. No blind allegiance. Dems, be better.
Good thing for us she can’t stop shooting her mouth off and making enemies.
Still gives us time to get mad at the impotent hecklers who can't lead either.
"Do not vote for less bad" is a position of privilege and I hope the people who refuse to vote for the fewer bad things are mucked in the shit they helped to create, face forward.
Be consistent on your "more bad is better than less bad"
Did you go impotent in more ways than politically?
They need to meet this moment or get the f*** out of the way.
The left aren’t anti-black.
Libs should probably stop being anti-Palestinian though, genocide isn’t really a thing people like to support.
they aren't misogynists either
It's just they started by telling women to get back into the kitchen and make them sandwiches while discussing the white working class. Yes. They just tripped over those dog whistles.
They had a chance if she had been elected. It's a tragedy.
And I guess you blindly supporting a party that's voting for Trump appointees, supporting genocide, while giving black people crumbs instead of true change is your business.