THERE. IS. A BOOKMARK. FEATURE. IT'S. THE. RED. PUSH. PIN. EMOJI. ALL. YOU. HAVE. TO. DO. IS. TAP. A. LITERAL. BUTTON. Sorry it's been three times I've seen a post about bookmarks now.
Hi Alycia! The push pin emoji is fine but it isn't public which defeats the point of bookmarks (they should be private). We built a private bookmark option for bsky that let you keep the content forever.
THERE. IS. A BOOKMARK. FEATURE. IT'S. THE. RED. PUSH. PIN. EMOJI. ALL. YOU. HAVE. TO. DO. IS. TAP. A. LITERAL. BUTTON. Sorry it's been three times I've seen a post about bookmarks now. however means anyone could peruse your big thigh mommy collection by doing the same.
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