I want to say thank you to all the women who are older than me and fought for everything we have, to the women who never pulled up the ladder behind them, to the ones who walked into the room as the first woman ever to be there. Thank you 🙏
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70 & been protesting this shit for 54 yrs.
Over half a goddam century.
Opened 2 business when a Woman couldn’t get a credit card or bank loan.
While raising 2 kids w/no child support.
You’re welcome.
Please hear:
1 month from now you will not recognize US.
“Thank a worker when they make your meal, help you meet a need, keep the building and street clean and safe, or help you travel. Thank a worker when they research information, help you learn something new, compose a poem or song, or entertain. Thank a worker when they manage conflict, or heal.”
you have no idea what it was like working in male dominated fields with old school male bosses. I am heartbroken that this young generation has to face this again. Its worth it to follow your bliss, even if it means learning the art of riposte and standing up for yourself when no one else will.
I was the first girl to wear pants to grade school. It was scandalous, but my great aunt raised hell and I was allowed to stay. Policy was changed because of us. Pants=scandalous. Weird, huh?
Dang it! My mother as well! She's worth a post of her own! 🥴 Mom had 5 kids. She took one college class a semester for ten years to get her BSN at age 50. Worked as a nursing supervisor until 75. A gentle force of nature. 💙💙💙
I’m Gen X and feel defeated after 26 years in a male dominated career. Attempts to change the culture were exhausting at the end so I retired. It’s time now to try a new strategy and make good trouble.
My mom is a 2nd wave feminist, she taught me to see women as sisters who we should help & give opportunities to in the workplace. In my industry which is woman-dominant, no one does this, you’ll get thrown under the bus in a heartbeat. Makes me sad to see. And here you are giving me hope! 💕
Starting my career, I was "odd man out". Having to walk into a conference room with 19 men, & 1 female, me. Also less pay, the only 1 not deserving of a bonus even though I out performed them all. I do feel good, there's many woman now. I'm proud to pave that road for them, even if it was miserable.
I was an original protestor for Roe v Wade. We didnt beat drums or scream, didnt throw things (we silly gave out flowers!) we protested, peacefully. To see in my lifetime a convicted criminal CON his supporters he was for them, turn our allies against 🇺🇸 is revolting. JFK must be rolling in his grave
I dedicated my book to all the women who were burned alive for having green eyes like mine. We stand on their shoulders, all the ones who walked before us. Shoulders to carry the load, legs to walk any road. #OnlyLovePrevails
Thank you - it might not be your cup of tea and the exchange rate and lockdown hurt me from the start. You can read an excerpt for free and decide from there too. You just really made my whole entire day. I love my Irish. It shows up all the time. #OnlyLovePrevails
Sister, we pushed it pretty far up the hill. It's up to them and those after them now to make it permanent. It's like democracy. It does not perpetuate itself.
here's to teaching our daughters autonomy and confidence, strength and backbone against repression of all kinds, and compassion for those who cannot fight for themselves.
Thank you. I keep Mom's picture on my couch's end table & long ago apologized to her that there weren't enough people who fought for her rights along w/me.
She was the best person & best friend & best mom
she never got equal rights as she so deserved.
She was, thank you, and a flapper, too, among the wild women of the 20s.
During WWII, she trained as a nurse & nursing became her career. To any who asked why she worked, she'd grit her teeth & say, "Because I want my own money."💙
Thank you. I am 67 and voted in every single election to advance women's rights. And worked in IT as a software engineer. I did my part and was sad to see Roe overturned and the ball dropped.
On of my cousins was thrown in jail, bloodied and beaten on many occasions back in the 50’s when she and other women were fighting for abortion/birth control rites. She’s a tiny gal in her 80’s now. SHE WAS A BAD ASS and she fought for us.
So many brave women never got to tell their story.
Try and record her for posterity. Write it down.
I only say this because my mum was a nurse in the Blitz and although I remember some of her stories I never recorded them.
Anyway, next time you talk tell her "Thank you".
Thank you for your kindness!! We burned our bras and protested loudly in our youth!!! We never thought we’d be here again but… here we go! Let’s roll!!!
My mother got her first credit card in her own name in the mid-1980s! Even though she earned more than my father most of my life, her first card only had a $500 credit limit.
Beautifully said, and you’re most welcome. Those of us now past menopause are ready for the next fight. So much rage and so little estrogen are a powerful combo.
This got me teary. I was the only female at a tech company for years till finally they hired more. ❤️ balance is good! The company was way better that way.
Tariff-ic, lass, do you realize what a wonderful thing you've done? Strong suggestion: make a starter pack. You brought all the foremothers out of the Bsky woodwork! There must be 80 of us here...so far.
You're welcome. We though could walk into new spaces because others had walked into countless rooms before us. It was worth it, because it was, and because we know that as we die, women's liberation won't. You're there. (Look out, Rooms! They're walking!) Thank you for all you do, respected sister.
This was so very kind of you to say. So many times on Social Media, ageist comments are made about us older folks. We were fighters in the past, and most of us will continue to fight until we are no longer able to. I might be slower than I used to be. I forget things, but I still have value.
Honestly, Gail, it just makes me sad. In a time where we absolutely must come together, separating ourselves in any manner, is truly unconscionable. I believe that all generations can learn from each other. My daughter will be 32, and I have been blessed to learn many things from her.
I think it's deliberate, not from us. Alexander Dugin, Russian political scientist with Potin's ear, aware of Putin's hatred for US, said we could be destroyed by shoving wedges in all divisions and giving sufficient inducements to the right. (This time, they're the "useful idiots," not the left.)
Thankyou - with my big first job I walked in the board room as a director and two non executives asked me to give them a cup of tea each - they thought I was catering 🤣🤣
I feel like I unintentionally broke so many boundries, being myself and at times it cost me. But in hindsight I now realise how in every small step I helped break those boundries. Thank you so much for honoring the women who came before you.
it was my generation who were the first to finish high school and not immediately get married. We got careers, we traveled, we did what we wanted to do with our lives. I'll fight forever for the chance for the next generations to have what we had and what they should have.
I’m 77. Started resisting during Vietnam War and Civil Rights movement. Feel as though I’ve been spitting in the wind since the 1960’s. It’s even worse now.
83 here, born in 42. All those decades, I'd show up at some protest or committee meeting and the people kept getting older, finally realized it was us, unwavering. They're facing something horrible, but they have something we didn't: older people cheering them on. Imagine what that would have meant.
My mom was a tough take no prisoners woman who did not put up with crap. But she was also kind and generous and loved a good glass of wine and a laugh. She pushed aside many barriers to make the life she wanted. Her efforts helped open the way for others.
That’s so kind. I’m proud of what we fought for. My friends and I tried so hard, and it’s sad that it’s going the other way. We could have now had a strong democracy and an inclusive one. I’m still fighting though! Again, thank you.
Rise up ladies, you're losing the most right now. I've always believed that without the women there will be no revolution. They are 50% of this country. Resistance means nothing without everyone on board. So, I encourage you to encourage other women to fight for their Rights & freedom itself.
Good lord, Hernandez, you're mansplaining to foremothers. I encourage you to get the people you know off their duffs as well. We've never quit and some of us here are in our eighties.
I've been trying to get this whole country of its duff for over six years now. We have a plan when Americans find their courage and freedom. We can't do it alone, so I encourage you to encourage others and help spread the word that a revolution is on the rise in America. Revolution is the solution.
No we/they don't! Do you have *any* idea how many highly educated, well paid women there are out there now? Not just lawyers but judges not just judges but Supreme Court judges. We opened a door, Vamp, but they walked through it. They're not starting at zero. Our dream walks among us.
Thank you. I fit your description so now, IMO, I'm required to pass your gratitude to the women who came before me. We are, quite literally and figuratively, nothing without our ancestors. 🫶
You are welcome. Much appreciated after all the unjustified "Boomer Hate" thrown during the first administration of the Blithering Idiot. (signed relative of woman to earn first 'boys varsity letter" in HS, first woman to sue for right to vote in district of college away from home address....)
Yes, that Boomers hate thing kinda hurts. I used to tell my cc students I didn't hate any of them based on their age/generation, and I hoped they wouldn't hate me for the year I was born. I wanted them to try to understand that everyone in a labeled generation didn't think the same.
I'm old enough to remember the civil rights movement, Billy Jean King and Bobbie Riggs, Kent State...who the hell do they think participated in actions moving progress forward? BOOMERS. *sigh*
Well yeah, and those of us a few years older, born during the war :) I have *never* understood why they called us the Silent Generation. Tell that to Janis Joplin.
a very thoughtful post from the younger generation 👏
as a mom with a daughter it makes me even more passionate to hope and wish for a fair and easy existence for all women….
ya i know! it sounds naive and ridiculously out of reach but how awesome would that be!
Happy to see young women out there protesting. At 71 I've protest a lot and worked for women's rights my entire life. My mother was first to buy her own car in Texas. I started a union! Take the baton and kick ass.👍😊
And thank you. As a woman, you are subjected to so much cr*p that is undeserved. My sincere apology for all the unevolved men you have ever encountered. May they be few and far between in the future. Or better yet, non existent. Best wishes.
Taught my daughter her whole life…..told her this day would come and now they are coming after her science! She is teaching her daughter, we are all teaching each other and standing strong!
My mother, Grace, would have turned 105 this year.
In the Second World War, while her sister was serving overseas as a WAC, Grace was flying in two seated Piper Cubs with the Civil Air Patrol over the Eastern seaboard on sub-spotting missions.
My activism was inherited from my grandmother who was a suffragette and was force fed three times in prison to get me a vote - this is what inspires me to keep fighting despite the setbacks - we must never forget that women hold up half the sky!
I am going to be 57 this year and have been an activist and loud mouth my whole life and like others have said...not gonna stop.
What I will always embrace is learning from other women. You all humble me💖💖💖☮️
Pelosi, Feinstein, Waters, Eddy Johnson, McCaskill, & many more who walked into a congress of men only, united in their fight to reach & bring another woman along with them as they passed their sacred torch.
And our 'women's rights are human rights' career advocate, HRC. 🩷🩵✌️
1995 Bejing China
Thank you for your kind words. You just made an old lady cry. There were some soul draining times and it is heartwarming to know it wasn't in vain and is appreciated. Please carry on what we started and fight to keep your rights and the rights of all. Proud that we led the way.
Thank you. It's easy to forget. My career was a series of firsts for women. Before that, I broke a barrier in college,1st woman dishwasher. At each first, within a short period of time I was able to bring in other women to similar positions. I was proud to start an informal women's networking group.
At 15, I was the first female to be “allowed” to flip burgers at our local McDonald’s in the late 70s. 😁 I was proud of myself but also, it was seriously gross. I think it played a big part in turning me into a vegetarian. 😂
So, thanks, Mickie Ds! 😁
😂 My first job was at Burger King where us girls were not allowed to work the whopper "board" only the boys, girls could work the junior whopper "board" only. Apparently those big whoppers were just too heavy for us girls. We could make shakes, but not flip fries and we could not work closing.
How crazy is that?! 😂 So territorial and SO macho with the big burgers! 😂😂😂
One day it hit me that there were no girls in the back kitchen — we were always stationed out front. It bothered me so I just bugged my manager until he finally gave in. It was not fun back there at all. 😂😂😂
Holy moly Batgirl! I cannot even imagine how tough you had to be. I bow down to you. I was in insurance, most of the crap was at least thinly veiled. Most women these days have no clue how much better they have it now.
I worked for 30 years as an electrician in the film industry and was most often the only woman on the crew. Sometimes I’m still amazed I had the balls.
I too stand on the shoulders of giants. But ve been fighting the good fight since 1990. Sit ins, marches, protests, civil disobedience. I’m tired. Still fighting but really hoping your generation will hold the torch up with us.
The most amazing thing I have done as a Woman is raise a strong, intelligent, outspoken, and confident daughter. She’s now raising a strong, intelligent, outspoken, and confident daughter. #StrongWomen
Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906) Her work helped pave the way for the 1920 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote. She became an abolitionist and agent for the American Anti-Slavery Society. She was known for her passionate anti-slavery speeches, a rare activity for women at the time.
I'd say you're welcome except they're taking that shit away daily. I protested for pro-choice. & women's credit rights. Did you know you couldn't have a credit card, a loan, own/rent property or even have a bank account in your name without a male cosigner? 1973 was signed into law, 1974 into effect
but it was a hard battle. Even though I didn't have a college degree until 2010, I found out the hard way about our credit rates. I lectured at colleges on women's credit rights in the 80s. I broke glass ceilings where misogyny was. I was paid less but worked harder than any man that was my "equal "
My mother was let go from her job when she got married. I still have the picture of men giving her pots and pans. Make it team work, and we all work together to crush the patriarchy.
My mother was let go from her job when she got married. I still have the picture of men giving her pots and pans. Make it team work, and we all work together to crush the patriarchy.
I think I was maybe a boy of 10. My parents came home from dinner, and my mother told me my father hired the first female engineer in the company. They had been to dinner with them. That was 55+ years ago.
I was the only board drafting women at Hughes Aircraft, for a while. I worked with two hundred men doing the same job. This is the deal, I had to always do at least twice as much actual work. I also had to do the shit work making blue prints and breathing fumes, fixing men's fuck ups daily.
Unfortunately, those in Congress didn’t follow thru & codify into the Rule of Law the protections we fought so hard to get! It’s a work in progress until it’s done! For a family that’s got more girls than boys, their Future is as unsure as ours were! We Won’t Go Back! Time To Stand Our Ground!
My mom is so pissed right now. She's never talked about politics. But now she is. Her mother didn't break ceilings for her just for her to build them back for the patriarchy. I've never seen my mom act this way and I love watching her fight this BS with all the privilege she has.
Awww…us old ladies who believed that we could be “more than” continue to be amazed by the courage & determination of our smarter, younger counterparts. Everything happening now is nothing we hoped for you. I know I’m not alone when I say we’ll do everything we can to make it right.
Over half a goddam century.
Opened 2 business when a Woman couldn’t get a credit card or bank loan.
While raising 2 kids w/no child support.
You’re welcome.
Please hear:
1 month from now you will not recognize US.
Now, it's your turn to sieze opportunities to mentor others.
We pass the torch on , confident that it will shine brighter than ever!
She was the best person & best friend & best mom
she never got equal rights as she so deserved.
She grew & loved flowers; always w/her now.
During WWII, she trained as a nurse & nursing became her career. To any who asked why she worked, she'd grit her teeth & say, "Because I want my own money."💙
Try and record her for posterity. Write it down.
I only say this because my mum was a nurse in the Blitz and although I remember some of her stories I never recorded them.
Anyway, next time you talk tell her "Thank you".
The Stories I Could Tell.
You are welcome!!
And thank you for fighting the good fight!!!
Now don’t throw it away.
Thank you!
as a mom with a daughter it makes me even more passionate to hope and wish for a fair and easy existence for all women….
ya i know! it sounds naive and ridiculously out of reach but how awesome would that be!
and thank you for acknowledging the struggles many of us women have endured to accomplish even small goals
Safe happy waves from Canada
In the Second World War, while her sister was serving overseas as a WAC, Grace was flying in two seated Piper Cubs with the Civil Air Patrol over the Eastern seaboard on sub-spotting missions.
This was on her days off.
We owe them so much and I am extremely grateful for them 🙏🙏🙏
What I will always embrace is learning from other women. You all humble me💖💖💖☮️
If I get tired, I will rest.
Never quit.
And our 'women's rights are human rights' career advocate, HRC. 🩷🩵✌️
1995 Bejing China
Served in Congress 1969 -1983
First Black woman in Congress, running for president, and advocating for civil rights and education
So, thanks, Mickie Ds! 😁
One day it hit me that there were no girls in the back kitchen — we were always stationed out front. It bothered me so I just bugged my manager until he finally gave in. It was not fun back there at all. 😂😂😂
Maybe the lack of dating, marriage, and births will mean this stupid experiment will just disappear soon.
27 years in the largest LEO in the US.
Misogyny like breathing.
I did my best. I’m sorry it wasn’t enough.