Enjoying the blog posts. I thought I'd say just so you knew that I actually got there. I don't want to login at the blog with the FactlessBook. I've subscribed and probably will comment on future ones with email when my 🧠 has enough spoons to work out that step.
I just built the Endurance and managed to convince my wife to let me put it on the mantle. It's a beautiful ship. I to restrain my son from stealing the pieces, there are so many good ones.
I appreciate this platform more as I realize just how good it is at surfacing content that I actually want to see, such that I was able to click the link to your blog *before* the notification hit my email! :)
FYI, added your blog to my phone's RSS reader and my browser's RSS feeds. 👍🏻 I swear I had them before, but I must have purged it during one of my semi-regular culling of inactive feeds. Now that you're dumping the Book of Face, it's time to return!
Thank you for the recommendation! : )
I wouldn’t mind hearing more about your “most amazing chicken soup”.