I actually found them really fun! But yeah, when playing with randoms, it's impossible to communicate the Witness Shapes on missions. 1 person needs a headset so the others can at least listen
So silly this isn’t retroactive. I did the missions for microcosm before I was at this rank last episode. So now I’m just a lowly rank 7 forever because I refuse to do them again on LFG.
See I went and did the missions to get Microcosm earlier this season and it’s not completed for me. So I have to go back and do them all again, or do the same mission three times. Thanks, Bungie.
it's also a white, not blue triumph. White ones are permanent. Blue ones are seasonal. That's why I mentioned Microcosm, because I'd think that means he doesn't have it
Can't do it either. Those FS co-op missions are possibly my least favorite addition to the game this year. Absolute nightmare trying to do these with LFG teams.
Join us in the “forever rank 7” club. I don’t try to rank up, just play the bits I enjoy. Unfortunately those bits are getting fewer and farther between anymore.
If you have Microcosm, it should be auto completed. It’s silly that I have to run either the same mission three times, or three missions I’ve already done.
Right but if you do them for your rank you don't have to do them again, I just renewed rank 10 for this season. They just aren't retroactive if you did them before they were a rank objective.
I really enjoyed the cooperative focus missions actually! …but just one time. I agree that I’m not interested in playing them every Episode for rank ups.
kinda infuriating that it makes it so that i just can't get into lfgs anymore tho
Watched him swing the shield for 10 minutes
I got rank 10 like once and then stopped giving a crap
On the bright side, those aren't hard, and I actually kinda liked them.
I kinda miss seeing the season ranked and seeing people with like 300 or 400 ranks.