Thanks. Now we can tell her we love it here and say thank you for creating a new space that we can spend our time and not be attacked or belittled for having a different view.
Is that bad or good? Let us know please. Because I am not supporting another corporate greedy ass person! I am not feeding the machine as you would say! Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, but remember, this is going to be a hard work, so is not just on you, but us, to keep this corner safe and free like a butterfly
Does anybody know what the official stock symbol is for Blue Sky? I keep seeing BTCWF but it makes no mention of Blue Sky. It just says its a digital currency company.
Love that it’s a “she”. We obviously need more women CEOs and such to “prove” our leadership skills. Maybe next time, America will elect a woman president.
Wow. Just searched her bio information to see who I can thank for such a positive, lovely platform. In charge at age 33…well done. You deserve your success don’t let anyone tell you different!
SHE is the CEO sounds so refreshing in today’s climate… sorry men, it’s not personal, it’s just…. 🥹 the strongman economy/society has all our cortisol levels shy high these days
Thank you, I personally want to thank you!! Without you, none of us would be here, able to speak freely ABOUT our freedoms. THANK YOU!! 💙💙💙🙏
Some of us already knew this information. 🙄🙄🙄 so yeah when you going to get around to blowing up someone's ass and make elmos life a hell or you waiting for them to get into office 🙄🙄🙄😒😒🤨🥱
I actually looked it up before I joined because I wasn't going to go from bad to bad and although I don't know this person I couldn't find anything nefarious on the person so it's a good start
A round of applause for the Devs too, and an even bigger one for the awesome moderation team.
Know what I didn't see? Negative reaction to the introduction unlike *clears throat* other...places.
🫡 🖖 😎 💯
Bluesky feels like Twitter 2.0
Any orders, Captain?
Is she *really* the CEO?
Well done
I like it here 🦋
It feels good to vent without being trolled by hateful MAGAs.
No doubt Elon Turd will sue her soon enough for refusing to sell Blue Sky.
That's an automatic out in my book.
Just checking.
Thank you for the awesome job.