Trumpblicans are taking money away from kids with cancer to fund tax cuts for their billionaire benefactor Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and their cabal of criminal billionaire oligarchs.
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This is precisely why the Democrats should burn the norms book and start talking about how Republicans want to kill your kids.
Taking money away from pediatric cancer research & denying federal funds to schools because of vaccine mandates will do exactly that, so it's not like it's phony or false!
I swear on the old gods and the new, oversight had better be so far up their arses that it tickles their throats, or I will come back and haunt every single committee member for eternity after this Musk administration kills me off.
Please don't use the word cabal. It is inherintely anti-semitic in nature, particularily when tied to ruling elites or wealthy individuals. Thank you. ❤️
pretty fking sick 4 real... republicans say they are the party of pro-life while all they do is harm, maime, and kill them for money in their pockets. what a sick and evil barbaric group of scumbags most of them are 4 real.
They are pro birth. Could give a shit less about humans after they are born. I know I sound like captain obvious because we know this, I just wish they would call it what it is. Not pro life at all, it infuriates to the point I can’t even think.
they arent even pro-birth... women are dying left and right because they will not allow treatment for complications. does anyone realize that an abortion is a c-section ? crazy people.
The word repugnant comes to mind. That and the fact that Elon Musk - who btw is not an elected official- is calling the shots makes me ill. Let’s make him go away. His subsidies need to be called back in the name of budget cuts.
He has more money than anyone else in the world. He has enough to fund cures for cancer globally and never miss a penny of it yet he chooses evil. We have to fight back with whatever we’ve got. I cannot fathom this kind of evil and selfishness.
As a Mom who watched her child go through brain cancer treatment, this repulses me. Childhood specific cancer research is only ~5% of total funding to begin with. My I loath these assholes with all my heart and soul.
Trumpblicans! Yes, there will be no reason in 2025 not to describe every "Republican" as a #Trumpblican.
The word "Republican" should be relegated to history.
We also have to stop referring to Leon as a just a billionaire. Makes it sound like it’s not hundreds of billions! What’s the next big number up from that?
We are passenger Rail enthusiasts! We want all major US cities connected with High-Speed Rail and all US cities with over 100,000 people to have more local commuter Rail!!
This is just a preview of the inhumanity to come. The goal is wealth uber alles. Immiseration be damned. They’ll take your Social Security and any other safety net so you’ll work for as long as possible for less.
I think its strange, Republicans care more about the people who can't vote than the ones who can. I'm not saying kids are not worth saving but what about the the people who pay the taxes and can vote for them?
Yeah.The bar I set for them was so low,I buried it underneath the pyramids.And still,they manage to astonish me with their seemingly determined efforts to bury it deeper.Perhaps thats the strategy?To make even the most evil policies banal?Where have I seen that before? Oh...Oh right..Oh shit..
This messaging & all the like going forward [to counter the threat america is now beholden to] needs to be up in neon lights and amplified wherever possible Ad Nauseum around the country… overwhelm the propaganda tsunami from the other side.
Make no mistake, this MAGA Trump government is an atrocity.
Cruelty is a feature, not a bug
They feel invincible.
Taking money away from pediatric cancer research & denying federal funds to schools because of vaccine mandates will do exactly that, so it's not like it's phony or false!
Like a frog in heating water
They simply don’t care.
Forced Birthers.
Not prolife.
Just forced birth.
They high-five each other, cheer and then imediately leave, feeing content their job of making a woman bear the "poor wittle baby" is complete.
Unconcerned if that child wil grow up in poverty and then die homeless.
hasn't been paying attention.
Honestly take my TikTok I don’t care.
I just hope that I sent to enough people so that the UNBIASED news will get it and see it. Because Trump isn’t President just yet.
Don’t let anything they try to do be kept in the shadows. Make sure they own all their bullshit.
Eventually they will damage the lives of their base enough the pitchforks will be pointing at them.
They won’t stop until they’re scared.
The word "Republican" should be relegated to history.
Moore -
Van Duyne
Dems might get a congressional majority before 2026 😂
They are talking infrastructure, helping the poor, the sick, the downtrodden. High speed trains.
What does the 🍊 windsock do with it?!? Anyone?