In Tbilisi, Georgia protestors surrounded corrupt judges and pro-Russia collaborators when they tried to have a fancy state sponsored banquet.
The corrupt judges were forced to flee while being pelted by eggs. Reports indicate staff also spit in their food. #GeorgiaProtests
The corrupt judges were forced to flee while being pelted by eggs. Reports indicate staff also spit in their food. #GeorgiaProtests
Americans will soon have to make peace with what real sacrifice looks like.
Think Elon would be tied for first place IMO.
Let them feel the weight of their betrayal, not in gilded halls but in the scorn of those they’ve wronged. Society thrives when justice isn’t just a word but a demand, eggs, spit, and all.
Looks cathartic.
The US is loaded up with weak people ready to "Obey in Advance"
Loogie in the Vichyssoise!
"I thought this was supposed to be cold!"
We wouldn't use those eggs, since more people here have guns, than eggs.
I don't hear much complaining about the cost of bullets either.
Hmmm. Something to think about.
lol 🫣
A little bit preoccupied
They're for....uhhh....omelets later on.
Yeah....omelets....that's the ticket!
Goals folks! Make it happen
When we look back at history when I’m 80 lol.. Nazi will have been changed to MAGA for 21st century representation
Hmmm and then, Ok, were those fresh eggs or rotten?
the pitchforks are coming.
Very afraid
Rotten eggs for rotten eggs…
Although maybe something cheaper since egg prices are cray.
A much more, impactful expression, coming to a courthouse near you.
Donations are given to both parties. Some equally so. Both parties do NOT act OR vote the same.
Disregard their words and ALL TV media. NOTHING but how they vote matters. Pay attention to that and you will see that the "both sides-ism" is nonsense.
Immigration bill anyone?
Donations are legalized bribes so politicians will vote a certain way. It's time to come to terms with that.
Min wage?!? That's a Republican problem pal. 95% of Dems are on board with an increase.
Justices...Republicans would NEVER accept that...unless it was them picking them ALL. Next.
The supreme court ended citizens united. America voted for more of that in 2024
Where the FUCK is this in America?!?
We can't even stop being friends or friendly with people we see as supporting a FASCIST....A RAPIST....A TRAITOR...DISHONORABLE...INCOMPETENT...CORRUPT...ETC.
I let every pathetic trumper know how I feel about them! EVERY SINGLE ONE!
My kindness and consideration turns to hate and anger the moment I know you will defend that pathetic POS.
I refuse to be around them or treat them with an ounce of respect. I work with them, but that's where it ends. I hate their fucking guts and will proudly tell every one of them exactly why
They won’t KNOW it until they FEEL it.
Until they FEEL it? They are free to IGNORE it.
I had the misfortune of going there, dining with them, and I couldn't get out of there quick enough.
Slimeballs, the lot of them.
Cannon too
#Georgia says NO! to shithole rusdia
He is responsible for what is happening now to our country.
Georgians can afford eggs?
I openly advocate for a 2nd Revolution and will continue to do so until we have numbers
No peace.