The real conversation everyone should be having about social media is who controls the data. It shouldn't be a corporation that has ownership over your identity, words, ideas, voice, who you see or who you talk to. Data belongs to you, it is created by you and should be owned by only you.
It’s so sad that he could do so much good for the world and yet he’s been completely consumed by becoming the meme king
You really don't understand what is being done !!!
I'm on red, note and everyone is amazing !!!
We are not being told the truth !!!
The second should be the chilling effect this will have on
they are targeting in this order
Who I look at
Who I talk to
Sharing the essence of who I am shouldn’t be used to control me
Highest profits of Fortune 500 companies.
With each president, the poverty grows deeper.
Think about this.
According to the Terms & Conditions of every single "free" app or program you use or website you access, you TRADE your data to use/access them.
NOTHING is "free."
and the EFF has great resources:
Them arguing over "us" and our info haunts me.
Lets make it simple.
Twitter started 2006.
Many political leaders worldwide used DM's to discuss with.
Elon bought Twitter in 2022 and had access to those DM's.
EVEN deleted ones.
Elon is an exploiter whos used those secrets to blackmail his position.
He is losing millions on this platform.
So you don't think he is just PAYING for something he really wanted?
He's the lapdog for arguably the most powerful man on Earth who even if proven got there via illegal votes, most likely will not be removed.
Its every post comment or DM ever made by anyone.. even deleted ones.
If you ever made a racist comment to a buddy.
What if you was a business mogul saying that?
I can't explain just how detrimental to privacy and the sole blackmailable aspect
I'm 52 years old and existed BEFORE internet.
Its not a location. It's just other computers networked.
One MUST understand there is and has never BEEN privacy online.
VPN's are just one paying another for a comfortable lie.
Don't say it you don't want it out there
Start with your local Cable & Mobility company would have been the 1st way to stop.
Be aware , once you send it off , it's no longer yours.
Might meet yourself one day 😌