The backdoors these fascists install are accessible by far more people than just DOGE and the CCP like they think. Their hopes will shatter once the major attack occurs.
I'm in! I'm calling, emailing, & faxing my bought montana republican reps. I am willing to DIE fighting fascism. I don't know shit about shit but I know THAT. Anonymous you can find me, I'm willing to do what needs to be done within my power.
Anonymous waits . . . Dude, Trump's been in power since 2017. You're insisting people act and yet you sit here repeating drivel while cowering behind a mask. What a joke. You're as bad as QANON.
I'm not putting myself out as some kind of saviour. I have done a lot thanks, but I am not promoting some kind of secret agenda that is going to undermine musks government.
Our phone calls, emails, and rallies are what caused Democrat elected leaders to start to do something and fight back. It can sway some Republicans, especially ones susceptible to losing their seat in 2026. If absolutely nothing else (both my Senators are MAGA sell out asshats), it annoys them!!!
Do annoyance tactics to bog down Republican staffers in congressional offices like this #resist idea below. 😇👇
In the cover letter box you can write, "I beg of you Senator _____, please don't become a Nazi & uphold your oath to the Constitution by stopping Elon Musk NOW!"
Join however many groups align with your values (Indivisible, MoveOn,, Sunrise Movement, PP, etc.) & become active. Protest smartly w/known, trusted groups. Don't be reckless, but keep your activities up!
Our 🗣️ voices work! Good to call & write!
Think we need to be flooding GOP/MAGA phone lines shaming their traitorous actions! Afraid we’re going to have to March in the streets 🪧
I’m telling people to find people they trust and organize. Build decentralized resistance cells. You decide what resistance looks like for you. Figure out what capabilities you have vs need. Use the ones you have to go on offense. Build or recruit the ones you need. Do everything offline.
That. And create local trusted networks. And be prepared to do more. However, don’t watch MSM, they are ignoring what is happening. #Meidastouch is a good watch.
They aren't giving any info you can't get from parnas or Beasley, or mockler.They get it from ap & reuters
Fuck them anyway, they won't even talk about the election being stolen.
They're rage baiters
If you want action & news, was on there but left for that exact reason
Organize Embrace the 2A Maga love's to tout. Make the BLM protest look like a church social! Cuz if we don't fight back now we're all going to die! It means if you're old young whatever organize get together in any way you can.
I think you have to show up. And keep showing up. And keep showing up. It can’t be a one day strike. It can’t be thin crowds. It has to be many many people over a long period of time, who keep showing up.
I understand you are trying to help the people, but couldnt you jyst hack the banks and steal their money and give that out the people who really need it
In other words, the groups of leaders among us need to be ready to move, to act, to seize the moment. To bring the people together and to act in solidarity.
Thank you! we have confidence you know what, when and how to make them listen … They have chosen this and we must fight back you must countermeasure👍 🪖🇺🇸💙
It's time for the Legion Anonymous to gather together to combat the forces of the #Musk #Trump regime. Legally or not, #Democracy is calling on you and your network to take action. We need you now. Our bat signal is bright. Please. The consequences could leas to global destruction.#Anonymous
I f you’re real, can do something real, you’ll get a lot of support! We need you, democracy needs you against these evil forces! Start with Fox, Oann, Newsmax, dismantling their propaganda and lies would go a long way!!!
They can only do so much, you have to help yourselves too.
I'm in the UK and it's mental what's happening over there.
People need to rise and take control of what's happening before it's too late.
Are we really trying? Massive boycotts? General strikes? Large organized protests?
I see what’s recently taken place in South Korea, Serbia, Georgia, and the response to the right wing in Germany and wonder why we are so lackadaisical.
People forget OWS. Act Up. Civil rights movement. ERA. The hippies marching against the Vietnam War. You have to have numbers. You have to keep showing up. None of this one day strike business.
Yes they are real! We introduced them to the US during our OWS protest in NYC. We should have united back then when it was easier, but we didn't. I lived in Zuccotti park for two months and had my fellow Americans throw glass bottles at me!
Even if it's just theatre look at the ppl it motivated! Look at the hot it's giving ppl. If they never do a thing they have motivated ppl to get involved & take action! That's a powerful thing!
Tell me you never been a part of a protest, organized anything & don't belong to anything without telling. Just here on earth sucking up the air and benefiting from the sacrifices of others!
We the people are what they are doing. We all have to act. We must all take up some form of opposition. No one will save us we must all save ourselves. Their is so many post about action steps. Choose your own resistance but we all must be the hero. Our power is unlimited with solidarity.
Learn from those that have been resisting imperialism in the Middle East for decades now .... Religion and faith can never be beaten. Without God, we're just aimless headless ppl with the same goals as our elites ... the ephemerals of this life. Hold fast to God. He is sufficient for all of us.
Weeell Religion is irrelevant in this case, people who dont belive are in the same boat as you. Trump is even trying to force religion upon americans through education wich feels like religion becomes part of the problem instead when turned into a political thing 😥
Trump uses religion to further his selfish Zionist goals. That's anti religious. Evil at its peak. True religion doesn't espouse racism and fascism and selfishness. No religion supports those things. He's also using religion to divide pekple. He's anything but religious or God fearing.
A million Iraqi children died under the Us sanctions in thr 90s. Over 250 million killed in WW2. Millions in WW1. A million in Vietnam . A 100k in Afghanistan rcently.
How again is religion to blame for these purely secular wars?
Every war? This past century. Civil war about slavery and greed. WW1 and WW2 to fight secular fascism. Communism is also secular. Capitalism is also secular. All the proxy wars since ww2 were between the secular US and Russia. The Gulf War. Desert Fox. How is religion to blame for all these wars????
The Glorious Quran 2:56
Let there be no compulsion in religion, for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood. So whoever renounces false gods and believes in God has certainly grasped the firmest, unfailing hand-hold. And God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
Quran 4:163
Indeed, We have sent revelation to you ˹O Prophet˺ as We sent revelation to Noah and the prophets after him. We also sent revelation to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants, ˹as well as˺ Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon. And to David We gave the Psalms.
For instance, the founder of Zionism Herzl was neither a practicing Jew nor raised in any Jewish household. He was a STAUNCH atheist and secularist. But didn't stop him from quoting a few religious verses to justify illegal land grabs.
That's not religion. That's anti religion. Evil at its peak.
Learn from the peaceful Torah, Bible, and Quran . No religion espouses greed, genocide, selfishness, empire, fascism, and racism.
There are power hungry people who'll use ANYTHINg, religious verses among other things, to justify their worldly ends. Those people aren't actually religious.
Not sure what you mean. It's the fascist, greedy, empire-hungry, resource-hungry, climate change causing, secular unrestricted capitalist (neoliberal) agenda that's both causing problems AND losing its grip (hence it receding into Fascism). Why are religions to blame for all that?
I guess the important thing is morality, irrespective of religion. Which basically comes down to the Golden Rule, to treat others as we'd want to be treated.
Musk has shown he don't have the greatest reliable staff, one already left due to is past tweets. This may sound like an odd request, keep tabs if Musk and his lackeys accidentally kept a backdoor program open. Musk is in such a rush for data he, or his lackeys may not noticed and moved on. 🤔
They are inexperienced and full of unearned confidence. Elon moves fast and breaks shit. Including security since he's trying to breach it for his own ends. Seems very likely to have lots of cracks.
Anonymous is back. I was disappointed and missed your protection as things raged out of control! We need you. Another source that helped the fight in SM was K-Pop! They shutdown threads. We need both of you! I just let out a sigh of relief! LET'S GO!!!
You have no idea. People like you keep your head in the sand unless its front page news. Anonymous has infiltrated the government. It moves in the shadows.
Anonymous act in the shadows, they're not even supposed to have social media, they just do this so we don't feel alone and lost.
I saw Epstein's list of flights and names on their Ex's account, the orange head's agreements for sexual abuse too.
fact is, they don't have to do anything.
This is America's issue.
Only its not because Trumps provoking the rest of the other countries, mainly the friendly ones.
Its now global.
They CAN act because they are outside the scope and like Pearl harbor, ' They were pulled into the war'.
It may look like a video game or whatever.....but THIS is a Threat map. EACH and EVERY LINE that you see and/or STARTS to an ACTUAL cyber attack occurring in REAL time.
You're gonna see lots of lines here.
How many of these are you ACTIVELY being told about AT THIS EXACT moment...?🧵
Perhaps one thing that works in our favor against these soft people in their Ivory towers is that they might not be aware how f****** crazy Americans can get. I've seen an entire car wash dismantled brick by brick just to get the coin machine off.
Although I would love to see all involved exposed, it's too late for that to really do anything. They do not give a damn about any court or rule of law. There is no one but us to enforce now.
A a CySec's worst fkn nightmare. So many holes in the little time to patch. Lapses in training for Social Engineering hardening....broken/pulled/non existence safeguards and endpoint protection....
I could only imagine the chaos happening in the dark web rn...
There’s no time to watch and wait.
We the People are here to support you and help take action.
I called and wrote to them anyway!!
In the cover letter box you can write, "I beg of you Senator _____, please don't become a Nazi & uphold your oath to the Constitution by stopping Elon Musk NOW!"
Our message isn’t bold or clear—
It’s dipped in doubt, it reeks of fear.
No more whispers. No weak spin.
It’s time to fight! To rise! To win!
Think we need to be flooding GOP/MAGA phone lines shaming their traitorous actions! Afraid we’re going to have to March in the streets 🪧
You have to get out there and overwhelm them. I'm handicapped so I'm donating money, food, water...etc.
Black people protested EVERY DAY for our rights.
Harriet Tubman started by herself.
Rosa Parks started by herself.
Take a stand and people will stand with you
Fuck them anyway, they won't even talk about the election being stolen.
They're rage baiters
If you want action & news, was on there but left for that exact reason
Just a glitch we the people will correct.
A Final Warning
They can only do so much, you have to help yourselves too.
I'm in the UK and it's mental what's happening over there.
People need to rise and take control of what's happening before it's too late.
I see what’s recently taken place in South Korea, Serbia, Georgia, and the response to the right wing in Germany and wonder why we are so lackadaisical.
People forget OWS. Act Up. Civil rights movement. ERA. The hippies marching against the Vietnam War. You have to have numbers. You have to keep showing up. None of this one day strike business.
Let's make white house's lights turn off again
What should we learn?
Romans 14:19: People should make every effort to do what leads to peace
You go prove to the other religions they’re wrong, and then you can talk.
How again is religion to blame for these purely secular wars?
Let there be no compulsion in religion, for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood. So whoever renounces false gods and believes in God has certainly grasped the firmest, unfailing hand-hold. And God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
Indeed, We have sent revelation to you ˹O Prophet˺ as We sent revelation to Noah and the prophets after him. We also sent revelation to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants, ˹as well as˺ Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon. And to David We gave the Psalms.
That's not religion. That's anti religion. Evil at its peak.
There are power hungry people who'll use ANYTHINg, religious verses among other things, to justify their worldly ends. Those people aren't actually religious.
Of WE don't do our part and take to the streets, then it doesn't matter what people like anonymous do.
They already told you to expect it.
Interesting that.
I saw Epstein's list of flights and names on their Ex's account, the orange head's agreements for sexual abuse too.
This is America's issue.
Only its not because Trumps provoking the rest of the other countries, mainly the friendly ones.
Its now global.
They CAN act because they are outside the scope and like Pearl harbor, ' They were pulled into the war'.
You DO NOT announce your nonsense ON CLEAR NET SITES. you take your ACTUAL plans to the DARKNET where SEO and Search Engines can't dig up.
You're the type to do something nefarious and then brag about it later huh...?? 🧵
Here....Check this out:
You're gonna see lots of lines here.
How many of these are you ACTIVELY being told about AT THIS EXACT moment...?🧵
None of us know what they have done or have already done.
What have you done?
Ive tried informing others of grassroots levels of methods to prevent these things happening and thats more than some have done.
A call to action
Listen to parts 1-5 and share widely!
A #smallwindowintime
We can only hope
A a CySec's worst fkn nightmare. So many holes in the little time to patch. Lapses in training for Social Engineering hardening....broken/pulled/non existence safeguards and endpoint protection....
I could only imagine the chaos happening in the dark web rn...
And it's not a good one.