Norwegian firm Haltbakk Bunkers announced it will stop providing fuel to all US forces in Norway: "No Fuel to Americans! We encourage all Norwegians and Europeans to follow our example. SLAVA UKRAINA" #3E #StandWithUkraine
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Fantastic news. Big respect to Norway. The world needs to show, no matter how powerful, that Trump's thuggish and corrupt behavior is totally unacceptable.
Good!! This is what ha to bullies!! You get what you deserve. Unfortunately so do the rest of us. I really hope the people that voted for this are realizing that they messed up big time!!!
Millions of us US citizens are horrified and did not vote for the
Pr!(k. We are disgusted, pissed, nauseated and feel absolutely hopeless. And thinking of leaving
The point is that the problem is the current US administration. The majority of Americans don't agree with Trumps ideas on the war and I'm sure if you poll the US army the vast majority will be in support of Ukraine, so being hostile to everything US isn't the solution either.
Many people voted him for his anti-immigration or anti-woke stance, thinking that in regards to foreign policy he would be contained by more traditional republicans like in the first term. Even after his election many that voted for him thought (or hoped) his pro-Russia stance was a reuse.
Until then we kinda have to view the USA as an ally of Russia and therefore an adversary at best and an enemy at worse 🤷🏻♂️. Your move sane bits of the USA.
Great news fu$k them rest of Europe do the same thing.
People of America, this is the time you all need to stand up and fight your losing your country to Putin .
Trump is a Russian assest Russia is in the White House now..
I wonder how the fox host will handle the potential catastrophe this could create… I fear for the sailors on board, paying the price for the commander in chief’s Putin inspired temper tantrum
I saw a comment from a maga saying “it only hurts you as allies”
So MAGA don’t realise that after what Vance did in Germany & that insecure men reality show yesterday, that a large percentage of Europe no longer considers the US an ally?
The US administration is an untrustworthy threat to us all.
How long until Trump announces Russia will be fueling our subs… and even offered to take them into their ports and wash the inside before taking nice display photos for memorabilia?
It is necessary for us to become outcasts. Our ignorant people are never going to understand what is happening unless there are REAL CONSEQUENCES they can’t ignore.
I can't wait for the Washington Post opinion piece promoting this company for so beautifully illustrating its commitment to individual liberty and free markets.
I've unsubscribed,so a heads up when it happens would be appreciated!
I think helpful coalition between friend nations is needed in this world… A global community if you will… What isn’t needed is a pay to play sort of relationship between countries and that is what Trump is bringing to the world
now THAT is a fuckin boycott! bravo to the Norwegians! i hate that the 🍊💩🐒 is fucking over our allies, but this is how you send a solid message to a fascist regime.
This is sadly what needs to happen. Europe needs to marginalize this as*hole and start to wield its own power. Shut his childlike as* out of every summit and international meeting. Make him the kid on the playground with lice. Zero respect. He earned it.
I love this approach. Marginalizing him. That’s the way I feel.
Just shake your head about your best friend with his new crazy toxic girlfriend/boyfriend. He will find out soon and will leave her/him.
But be there when he comes back.
Good. Since apparently Trump is obsessed with winning the Nobel Peace Prize, I contacted them via their in site contact form requesting they don’t dare reward that psycho (they are also in Norway). Here’s the link if anyone else is interested!
I’m posting this link everywhere because I needed to figure out how to support Ukraine directly with my modest contribution, and figured other might want to as well. SlavaUkraini!
Had you read the article, the original post doesn't mention submarines at all. It was the journalist who pulled it out of their arse, which is no surprise, considering what paper wrote this.
While I sympathize w/ the sentiment, actions like this will simply give cover for Trump to pull back on *ALL* NATO commitments. He is looking for a justification for surrendering Europe to Russia.
This is the kind of response the administration is looking for. Clearly we are headed toward isolationism since those incharge believe the USA is the biggest and baddest. We don't need anyone else but Russia. After Trumps response to Ukraine, I can't blame them, even support them in spirit.
De berichten over een Virginia-class onderzeeër welke om zou hebben moeten keren is wel ongeloofwaardig. Een nucleaire onderzeeër heeft vrij weinig stookolie nodig.
“Som du sikkert skjønner blir det ikke levert en liter før Trump er ferdig, sier eieren til Kystens Næringsliv.” Gunnar Gran er eier, styreleder og konsernleder i Haltbakk Group
It was on their facebook 23 hours ago. Same facebook account linked from their website though.
Additionally Daily Express reports
“Owner of the firm Gunnar Gran has told Norwegian maritime news site Kystens Næringsliv that 'not a litre of fuel' will be delivered 'until Trump is finished'.
Visegrád 24 and pravda did. The speed with which Russian and far-right sites covered the news made me suspicious.
I see some Norwegian newspapers copied the news now, so it might be true.
Still weird the original boycotting company has no statements anywhere 🤔
That is understandable, but wrong. As long as the US is part of NATO, all NATO members have a duty to support each other. A rogue president and VP do not make a difference here.
The best way to make Trump suffer is to prevent his best buddy Putin from winning this war.
Some nuke subs have backup diesel plants but they probably don't burn much fuel. It sounds like they are refusing sales to all US vessels though. More than anything, it sounds like a bit of a PR stunt. Appreciated though.
Yes, but wait... our armed forces members are some of the toughest and most resilient folks around, not to mentionwell trained. I'd like to see what happens when they realize they're just pawns in his game too.
My adopted dad was of Norwegian descent my last name Bolstad is Norwegian and I loved the trip I took through Scandinavia and to see my great grandfather’s home town of Bergen!
President of Ukraine is probably one of the most admirable people on the planet for his devotion to his people, his commitment to Freedom.The request he made for his security for his people,for his return of children 20,000,come on the man is justified. America supports those on the side of Justice.
All Commonwealth nations, the UK, Germany and France need to hit us with sanctions that make what we did to Iran and Iraq look compassionate. It's gonna hurt, but this is the only way to weaken the regime.
They have to literally starve them out, either by destroying the US currency & economy, thus devastating the oligarchs running this shit, or making Americans so fucking hungry that we tear them apart with our bare hands.
They could also do some soft power moves, like humanitarian aid to states having natural disasters, or private animal/environmental welfare organizations, & some good old fashioned subterfuge, like arms shipments to vetted resistance forces, but make no mistake, they need to do a Cold War.
This is true, when Canada was going to apply tariffs, they were going to apply it to products that came from red states. If Europe takes away with one hand & gives with the other, maybe Americans will finally understand soft power.
Canadian retalitory tariffs will be selectively targeted on Red States. Purchasing and Travel Boycotts by Canadians & the EU will likely be widespread.
New markets coming and opening for Canada - energy, metallurgy, potash. CETA ratification. Mutual 2 way trading and unity. Also Chiyayna re oil/gas.
Trump may need to 'Drill Baby, Drill' to release that image of the Trudeau kiss from his skull.
It won't actually happen. America is just too dependent on Canadian oil, electricity, potash, auto parts, copper, nickel, uranium, water & wood for any retaliatory export bans initially.
this is what abusers (trump and russia) do. they isolate their victims from any support networks... often by chasing off good people and cutting off communications
a lot of united states citizens (and democrat run states) trying desperately to handle this in house. something victims of abuse also make the mistake of trying. i read that 50% of victims of abuse avoid acting because of pets being hostages. we should be in contact with other countries for help
That is a good point! Compassionate recognition and persistent offers of support tend to pull the abuser out into the open and they can't maintain control the way they need for long.
we as citizens must b aware that many in government are bound by their positions. they can't reach out but we can. i think they can't even ask us to. but if the nazis are not going to honor the laws of our country like the hatch act then why should we? i know canada and mexico seem onboard with us
I wonder if Sec Hegseth's brilliant career at Fox gave him the requisite skills to find a fix for this. Maybe ask the scientists at NOAA for a map of sea currents so that when the ships run out of fuel they can just float to a friendly shore?
Oh...wait. No scientists at NOAA and no friendly shores.
Good for them. Other countries will have to make Americans from every walk of life feel the pain. Maybe then, finally, 47% of this country will get it.
US submarines powered by nuclear reactors do not require refueling for their entire service life, which can be 30 years or more as they are designed with enough fuel to last that long.
Modern US submarines are powered by nuclear reactors, which provide a long-lasting and reliable source of energy.
I understand that the propulsion system in those subs is nuclear, but I wonder if their are other functions that are mechanical and rely on legacy fuels. Also they may use fuel for heat, not a small thing if they are deep in the North Atlantic.
I'm an American. The United States is now the enemy of the free world. We are a puppet state of an authoritarian imperialist regime. We are like North Korea, Iran, or Syria before the revolution.
Just like those countries, the individual victims of their government are not at fault. But the only way to weaken the government is to impoverish us until the government collapses. We did this shit to everyone else for 50 years. The EU needs to go to the Cold War playbook and follow it.
They won’t separates us, nor should they. Until we separate ourselves from these people we are all to blame. I understand the hate, it well deserved i hate it too!
It turns out that your constitution, which is "the world's longest surviving written charter of government", isn't worth the paper it's written on either.
Many people are angry here, and they may forget that trump doesn't represent all people who live in US. Almost 50% of people there didn't vote for him.
Right now US is not our old ally. But I hope that one day situation will get back to normal. And we all will be friends as we were.
Europe needs to use this situation to become more self-sufficient. After all, it will be better for everyone here. But some unimaginable horrors may lay ahead of us.
I hope we get rid of him as soon as possible and reaffirm we are friendly to the world and do want to share our wealth with other countries to better all of us
We as a country have not made the best choices especially lately
But I can say right now that the government does not represent the people
I don't think that we should give trump arguments that we are not loyal allies. Despite the fact that we can not count on US anymore at least until that stupid orange moron is in the office.
This article's headline—the only place where submarines are mentioned—is misleading.
The United States Navy currently operates 53 fast attack submarines, 14 ballistic missile submarines, and 4 guided missile submarines. All of them are powered by small nuclear reactors and do not require refueling.
Someone mentioned that the fuel is used by an auxiliary generator of some sort, probably not critically required if they can't refuel it but well, that's still a "no service for you, sorry."
Reminder that the USA forced japan to open its ports to refuel steam ships with coal back in the days.
Yes, Virginia-class attack submarines employ a Caterpillar model 3512B V-12 marine diesel engine to provide backup electrical power when the reactor is not operating for any reason and to recharge the batteries in an emergency.
It's not used day-to-day, but it is a critical component.
All US submarines (not just Virginia class) have a diesel engine with a tank that holds 10k+ gallons. For emergencies. Source: me, are navy vet, submariner.
yeah, this, and thanks. I don't think the US has a single submarine that uses liquid fuel, though perhaps some Carter Class may carry a small supply for seal rhibs.
Sub tenders would take diesel or JP5 as would every surface ship except the carriers.
Oh, no lube needed. His arse is always just hanging wide open after all his decades of "service" to Vlad, if you get my drift. 😐 Instead, I'm pretty sure a couple of 2x4's will be needed to keep from falling into it.
So Norway's submarines will begin patrolling the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea to counter the Russian fleet? So Europe doesn't need the American military to help defend it and we can completely withdraw all of our military forces and all of our funding, right?
You're likely right (although I think the Russian military are fully stretched & otherwise occupied at the moment).
Still loving the gesture & still believe the people of Norway will effectively convey their feelings. Feels like an own-goal for the minister to comment.
So your convinced the people of Norway are going to decide to abandon the military protection of the US Navy on several fronts while they and Europe are facing military threats from Russia and Vladimir Putin? Because of a failed attempt at peace talks in Ukraine from the USA? Seriously?
Good. All European aid to US should be cut off. If America should ever be attacked, NOBODY should come to their aid. This should give them plenty to think about their betrayal
#SlavaUkraini 🪽
Pr!(k. We are disgusted, pissed, nauseated and feel absolutely hopeless. And thinking of leaving
We should all learn from Gunnar.
Then what will the man child do? Start throwing bombs everywhere?
People of America, this is the time you all need to stand up and fight your losing your country to Putin .
Trump is a Russian assest Russia is in the White House now..
Alex Evans is employed symbolically.
So MAGA don’t realise that after what Vance did in Germany & that insecure men reality show yesterday, that a large percentage of Europe no longer considers the US an ally?
The US administration is an untrustworthy threat to us all.
I've unsubscribed,so a heads up when it happens would be appreciated!
Just shake your head about your best friend with his new crazy toxic girlfriend/boyfriend. He will find out soon and will leave her/him.
But be there when he comes back.
But somehow Trump manage to piss them off.
Sorry Norway
Slava Ukraini
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
Write letters boycott
#Bluestormrising #resist
Russki to the rescue! 🤪
Say NO 🛑 to $Trumpville Chamberlain and Assistant to the Asst Manager Bowman-Vance
Haltbakk Bunkers on Facebook: no statement.
Het gaat gewoon om marineschepen.
En ik mag het hopen ook.
Zou een goede actie zijn!
Additionally Daily Express reports
“Owner of the firm Gunnar Gran has told Norwegian maritime news site Kystens Næringsliv that 'not a litre of fuel' will be delivered 'until Trump is finished'.
You’re welcome.
And there is this: nuclear subs running on diesel?
I see some Norwegian newspapers copied the news now, so it might be true.
Still weird the original boycotting company has no statements anywhere 🤔
The best way to make Trump suffer is to prevent his best buddy Putin from winning this war.
America (I refuse to call it USA) is a vassal state of Russia.
I would hope that the military would refuse to follow orders from an anti-American "Commander in Chief".
TRUMP is anti- American and the Anti-Christ!
F*ck TRump!
Takk Norge!!
I’m so angry and frustrated with Cheetolini - he is destroying our alliances, and they are the foundation of our national security
I hate that traitorous shitstain
Trump may need to 'Drill Baby, Drill' to release that image of the Trudeau kiss from his skull.
We, Americans, stand by your decision.
Walking the walk and standing arm in arm with your allies. Proud of you! You're on the right side of history🇳🇴🇺🇦🇨🇦
They're really great!
Oh...wait. No scientists at NOAA and no friendly shores.
They should not help in any way right now, as we have our first dictator and overthrow of our country.
Modern US submarines are powered by nuclear reactors, which provide a long-lasting and reliable source of energy.
Asking for a nation! 🤭
Whose turn is it?
We're absolutely on the side of any country that sanctions, abandons or otherwise stands up to these corrupt politicians in DC
We appreciate you all standing up. We're doing the same here.
Right now US is not our old ally. But I hope that one day situation will get back to normal. And we all will be friends as we were.
We as a country have not made the best choices especially lately
But I can say right now that the government does not represent the people
We're going to be withdrawing from NATO anyway, so I guess it doesn't much matter, right?
US military is already getting fucked by the current administration.
The United States Navy currently operates 53 fast attack submarines, 14 ballistic missile submarines, and 4 guided missile submarines. All of them are powered by small nuclear reactors and do not require refueling.
Reminder that the USA forced japan to open its ports to refuel steam ships with coal back in the days.
It's not used day-to-day, but it is a critical component.
*I also reacted to the fuel statement as the sub would not need to 'refuel'
Sub tenders would take diesel or JP5 as would every surface ship except the carriers.
Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
Ships might have been a better headline IMHO.
The chances are that it will ultimately stand.
Politicians are there to serve the people.
US politicians may have forgotten this but the Norwegian people won't let their politicians forget.
Still loving the gesture & still believe the people of Norway will effectively convey their feelings. Feels like an own-goal for the minister to comment.
No. 🥴 Not at all.