I've been reading some of the comments and I'm quite impressed at the guesses. Of course I won't be watching because like some other people have said he nauseates me BUT it would be interesting for those who are going to watch to put these ideas into a State of the Union BINGO.
I will predict he's going to wave his hands back and forth like he's trying to measure something and he will say he know a lot of things that he truly knows little about, but he know better than anyone else...
Yes!, he is going to tell us how much he loves Putin. How he was able to cheat? or why he chose JDVance? Or even better what Elon did for him to let him walk over him? Omg! I can’t wait.
I figure it's either some BS to rile up his base or something that's going to backfire spectacularly in the US' face down the line 🙃.. In all cases, likely nothing good. Then again it could be nothing...that bozo says everything is the best/worse..it's always extremes with him.
There's going to be a major MAGA run on Russian flags sold by Donald Trump. Trump is going to announce at #SOTU that he's making the United States a vassal state to Czar Vladimir Putin, and he has a deal on Russian flags made in Russia, because "America first."
I wish I could find a few witches to help do a proper curse on him . Literally they would just need less than $10 worth of supplies easily obtained from their local grocery store to make Lucifer powder (used to bring down a narcissist) and preform what’s known as a marshmallow hex.
Ehhhh, like I said based upon what I see, he is easily persuaded with pressure. Give him enough pressure and he pops. See the evidence in Vermont. While I would like for him to exit too, we can handle Dumpy Vance. To me, Trump and Musk are more dangerous. Musk takes advantage of trump’s dementia.
My Bets are on
1. Immediate withdraw from UN and NATO.
1.a. War with one of the following three. Panama, Greenland, or Canada.
1.b. Removal of all troops from Europe.
2. Trade Wars.
3. Something Something USA is now Russia best friend.
He’s going to us that all the gold is missing at Fort Knox….or he’s going to turn it all into crypto, or every government vehicle will a Tesla,and the cyber truck will replace every police car in the country..or he’s inviting all sex traffickers to the U.S. to receive their gold card.eggs cheaper
Unlikely to be kicked out. A shadow banning could happen, though, where the US staff lack the newly required security clearance to be allowed to join the meetings.
It's big in his imagination. In reality it will be regurgitated bullsh*t of old tired lies, plus a few fresh ones to keep cult members satiated. He's showed us everything in his playbook. There's nothing new from a disturbed mind. Just a chaotic churn of the devil's wheel.
It will be the usual melange of threats and incomprehensible word salad, interspersed with racist and misogynistic dog whistles for his base. Not watching since his voice makes me want to 🤮.
This. I literally can't listen to him. It makes me angry and sick to my stomach. I'd rather listen to an excited 3 year old tell me about the cool rock they found in the park for 2 hours. It'll have more substance and truth
Yea, about that, CRS should be reviewed by Dems with select demands and an incremental end date, as in for 3 months. If the traitorous crew doesn't deliver on those 2-3 things asked for, make them return to the table.
He’s going to give a speech on the House floor about how his ex sexually abused him and the South Carolina Attorney General isn’t doing anything about it.
Yeah, you are right he is just gonna blame the rest of the world about the situation of our country. Spitting lies through his gapping hole called mouth, smh 🤦
i could see an ultimatum from his side: Zelensky has to go with the mineral deal or we will withdraw from NATO. It will make total sense because he sees blackmailing as art of the deal.
At this point NATO might be glad to see us go; the rest of the countries are moving forward without us and in fact preparing to defend themselves and Ukraine from Russian aggression supported by US. We are the bad guys now. Without a doubt. This country needs to burn down, our people are too stupid
I think before sending troops, the US will send weapons and materials that are needed to strengthen Russia, which is now close to collapse.
But at some point he probably will send troops. And that might be the moment where it will be decided whether there will be a military coup, I believe.
Then it is at least the beginning of World War III. Personally, I don't think it's going to happen. 1 Europe is a fairly large economy for both the US and Russia, regardless of whether there are sanctions. In the event of a new war, they will have hug economic losss
Is he going to show us how to inject bleach, Boof Horse Wormer and make Fentanyl cocktails? Hope the Trashy 🍊TRAITOR croaks soon! FUCK OFF TRAITORS! You own 🍊TRASH, not the Libs!
This insecure child must not have received enough attention from his parents when he was young and is now trying hard to make up for this deficiency every day.
What Trump is doing is illegal. The Budapest Memorandum prohibits such actions.
The memoranda, **prohibited Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom and France from** **threatening or using military force** **or economic coercion** against Ukraine,
He gets away with crimes in the US. This is international. If I understand correctly the memorandum is incorporated into the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons treaty. Treaties are ICJ jurisdiction. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.
You are correct. But what did the ICJ do when Russia breached the Memorandum (which isn't part of the treaty) by invading Crimea? Or when UK, USA, and France chose not to do anything about it?
Read about it. Do not watch. Protest & record during it if at all possible. He wants "ratings" to prove "we have the mandate" which he does not
The global surge behind Zelenskyy, US protests waving Ukrainian flags chanting "Zelenskyy is a hero" as JD got chased out of VT gave him a narcissist wound
He doesn’t have shit to say. He’s going to ramble on with his 2nd grade vocabulary, no script, no notes because he can’t read, and say whatever he feels like in the moment. He’s just hyping himself up like a lame ass wrestling promoter.
No way am I watching that. I can’t stand the sight or sound of him. Nobody should watch it, don’t give him the numbers since that is all he will be concerned about anyway.
Same old same old.
(sends preemptive social media post to garner more viewing numbers)
There are no more surprises, he’s a Putin lackey.
He's going to tell it how he sees it.
Quite different to how it actually is.
Hey I can dream.
They're all plants to enact Project 2025. I think it's a mistake to underestimate how bad Vance can be.
Both are evil, but Vance is younger and possibly more strategic in his evil.
No one likes Vance to begin with. He'd have 0 support.
Musk would walk all over him, pissing more people off
It wouldn't be ideal and things would probably get worse (they will anyway) but a lot of support would be lost and the tide would change
Doesn't help the stress though, natch
The fact that he's back in the WH and get to be this vile is so infuriating it drives be up the wall.
But they don’t have the balls.
And I won’t be watching anyway…
He would burn the world to be on TV.
Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me,
You are an absolutely worthless piece of shit. I cannot think of ONE thing from your pathetic life I can say was a benefit to your existence.
Fuck off and die already you orange fat bastard.
The day you die, the world will rejoice.
1. Immediate withdraw from UN and NATO.
1.a. War with one of the following three. Panama, Greenland, or Canada.
1.b. Removal of all troops from Europe.
2. Trade Wars.
3. Something Something USA is now Russia best friend.
It will be a narcissistic aggrandizing shi. show.
I will be clipping my toenails.
We all need to head to Washington and end this presidency.
I'm not holding my breath for that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Or maybe, hegseth threatened to send military personnel to the border, with threat of war?
"Everyone has a plan until they get pushed in the mouth." 🥊
But at some point he probably will send troops. And that might be the moment where it will be decided whether there will be a military coup, I believe.
Americans are about to feel the perfect storm of massive new taxes (tarriffs), highest unemployment, lowest consumer confidence.
Russia will be celebrating Trumps achievements.
Good luck everybody.
Or some other mad shit, like if Europe’s backing Ukraine I’m having Greenland; fight me!
2. Suspend the US Constitution, random thought about Hunter Biden, so he can clean up the border.
3. Provide a list to local law enforcement of those who voted for Harris.
4. Brag about Gitmo (see point #3)
The memoranda, **prohibited Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom and France from** **threatening or using military force** **or economic coercion** against Ukraine,
The global surge behind Zelenskyy, US protests waving Ukrainian flags chanting "Zelenskyy is a hero" as JD got chased out of VT gave him a narcissist wound
Sucked for us but it's a whole new ballgame now he & Elon's new target is globally admired Zelenskyy & by extension, all of Ukraine
The American Majority
I predict that within the next 12 months either ruZZia or US will end up using a nuke on their own respective territories.
ANTIFA starting fires in Republican states...
#Freespeech until blocked..
Anything, really. I'll take anything at this point.