This is for Canadians. Worth going over if you haven’t yet. #cdnpoli
Reposted from
When US president-oligarch Trump says he's going to invade or annex Canada, he is not joking, teasing, or trolling. He is making a threat. Take him seriously and prepare for war. 🧵🍁
We will sabotage our own electrical generation capacity!
It is more dangerous being a former ally of the USA then an enemy! Ask Ukraine!
The Atlanta fed just said that the GDP went from + 2.4 to minus 3.7 !
American are losing their country but know every stat for the super bowl!
I am no fan of Trump or what's happening but I am also painfully aware of the power of right wing propaganda. Trump and Putin are quite happy to keep us all in fear so don't fall for it.
The world has completely flipped upside down.
The US has switched sides.
Most of the planet barely tolerates Americans. Americans fake being Canadian to travel. If 47 starts a world war by attacking Canada, no former allies will side with US
Until the day it actually happened
- Batteries
- Crank radio
- Candles
- Food. Stock on canned goods
- Flashlight
- Meds and extra prescription drugs
- First aid kit
- Water (4 liters per day)
- Try to create a community in your area. Getting closer to your neighbors
- Have a bag ready
- Write down phone numbers
- Have some cash and documents ready
Get this book. Learn how to sabotage
These countries need to stand up and unequivocally state that they will defend Canada, with all available means.
Hurt them. We will survive.
But Target has my favorite ______.
But Walmart employs so many people.
But Amazon is so convenient.
White liberals have zero resilience, refuse to follow directions, and have an inflated sense of their own knowledge.
China may become opportunistic?
Japan, Australia, New Zealand etc?
Opposing the US, if they attacked Canada, would be considered likely to start World War 3, which could now be the USA, Russia, North Korea, Israel, and India? versus... Europe
And unlike Americans, we will have our own solution!
Hopefully our current resistance/tariffs targeting red states, will help wake up some other Americans
If Trump against Canada then all of NATO will have to come to Canada's defence under Article 5, as perverse as that idea sounds.
1812 all over again!
Fuck Donold Trump and Felon Musk!
Be appreciated. 🙏❤️
I could use some Universal health care.
I’m pushing ppl to boycott amazon
Only MAGAts buy those 51st hats b/c they'll buy anything the Felon-in-Queef sells. They'll go broke/no social net anymore, & blame Biden.
Cults are fun on paper, not rl. 😑
On some level he is serious about everything he says, even if he *pretends* it is an off-hand remark.
What we are seeing is that Americans DO NOT understand that this threat is real or are simply disengaged.
Please direct this to THEM. And make them do something.
Leadership is taught in a variety of organizations but the movement needs a groundswell in order to identify and raise someone into position.
Instead, because of the vacuum at the top, it needs to be 'bottom-up', organizing at community, town, state with the hope that someone appears with the needed drive, charisma, and management skills.
And we’re prepared for Diaper Don.
We like to be underestimated.
Try us motherfucker.
Humorously the US and Canada used to effectively operate as an EU, if not even a sort of country. We've moved further and further apart as the US embraced the Idiocracy.
Elon Musk,
Alex Jones,
Kevin O'Leary,
Ben Shapiro,
Joe Rogan,
Charlie Kirk,
Jordan Peterson.
If you want to know why look at what they are doing to us. It’s bad.
Kind regards,
I cannot imagine ever firing my weapon targeting a Canadian soldier but that did not stop Russia from firing on Ukraine.
Principles matter!
We are under attack, our votes manufactured & election stolen by putin/musk We are in a constititional crisis, 3 branches compromised
We are ready but lack guidance or plans. Trying to organize is not easy, esp when the media is working against US
Judging by what I hear everywhere the world isn’t ready for Canadas homegrown militia warfare. When your sovereignty is threaten the gloves come off.
A big chunk of the Geneva Convention was written with things Canada did in mind 😈😈
(And I say that as someone who usually agrees with most of the other stuff you post, but -- sorry, no.)
#neverpoilievre #nevervoteconservative
Ukrainians saw how "best friend" Russia turned into what it is today
And it really resembles Canada vs USA now