If trump succeeds with stopping the Russian-Ukraine war …. THEN SANCTIONS SHOULD REMAIN INDEFINITELY … until Russia leaves Ukrainian territory … otherwise Russia will do it again
Yes, that's what should happen BUT his head so far up Putin's butt he would throw in Moldova & Poland as well. Nobody in Europe trusts him. I would be shocked if there is a ceasefire on his terms. Vlad is running out of money & troops-who would have thought the US would have thrown Russia a lifeline
Good, Ukraine will not lie down and give up. They are brave people led by a president who cares about them unlike Trump who only cares for Americans w/money and forgets about the rest of us.
Хай живе Україна !💪🏼🇺🇦 Хай живе народне правління до самоврядування. Смерть нацистам і тиранам всюди. Небеса зміцнюють Україну і оберігають усіх Вільних Людей від злої волі.
It's time Ukraine hit back as forcefully as Russia has. Putin may not call it a war, but it is a war & since Trump won't support Ukraine they have the right now to bomb Russia & make them feel the pain Ukraine has. Russia must not win this war it's imperative.
And now given Trump has backed away from Ukraine they can bomb Russia the way Russia has. A war isn't a war fought on only one side, it's between two, not just one.
You're correct but let's not forget what Trump gets back for kissing Putins ass. A hotel or two in Russia and his teachings from Putin on how to bring a country into submission, and decome the supreme leader and dictator. That's what Trump gets.
I like. More please. Give them eutelsat and the €258B Russian money frozen in Brussels please for more fireworks.
Europe has to help arm Ukraine properly now to replace all US stocks because we know that any ‘peace’ deal will be used as a smokescreen for Russia to lay the groundwork for more death.
If it hasn't happened yet, it's going to.
When I'm at a loose end Youtube it is for the explosions.
Russia is so desperate that it is using horses, donkeys and camels to move soldiers.
I thought Trump didn't like losers???
Because Russia is definitely losing this war if they’re getting that desperate that they’re riding donkeys to reach the front line in Ukraine.
Here’s Musk addressing Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski as “small man”:
Europe has to help arm Ukraine properly now to replace all US stocks because we know that any ‘peace’ deal will be used as a smokescreen for Russia to lay the groundwork for more death.