Disgusting. Trying to humiliate Canada 🇨🇦. We are a proud and sovereign nation. We have never gotten a thank you in all the years we provided support militarily and otherwise. Never again. #ElbowsUp💪🇨🇦
He knows that trade agreements are made by all the country in the agreement, right? To their mutual benefit. Why does every country have to grovel at the feet of Trump to stop JD throwing a tantrum? Tru
Fuck that. No more.
Dominic LeBlanc and Doug Ford are meeting with Lutnick today. I hope they saw this. The abuser wants the victim to show some gratitude. Screw that. Canada Elbows Up.
Bullies and liars. Can’t wait to see how they explain when the stock market crashes and no one is buying USA products. Expect it to get seriously ugly by summer.
wow. it’s almost like he missed the last three years of us watching President Zelenskyy being extremely thankful or he’s just an empty shell programmed to repeat the current WH line of the day
Ironic how much of that statement is a fkn lie... And how ,any RETHUGLIFKS will defend it without fact checking a fkn thing, but are somehow an expert on anything that trunt throws out there in his ramblings
They know - they have to parrot whatever the moron says or he will be mean to them. That is the issue - all these people know he is completely full of shit and a moron but no one has the balls to tell him to shut up!
These people all talk like Bible belt, backroom abusers. They are then genuinely confused when they try that shit on someone who doesn't fear the fact that they are a deacon in the church or whatever they use to justify their disgusting behavior and get a resounding Fuck You. They are "offended"
How about hearing a chorus of F*CK YOU!!! Where’s our thank you for all the times we’ve helped with your wildfires, fought alongside you in multiple wars, opened our doors to 1000s of stranded passengers during 9/11 in Gander, NL? We’ve done more for you than you’ve done for us. ❤️🇨🇦
The country responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people over oil wants a thank you lol. Do they want a medal for the highest poverty rate for a 1st world country too? America is an abuser of human lives.
Thank you for being such an unloyal friend and ally that Canadians are united against you, coast to coast.
Thank you because your actions have meant Pierre Polivere has lost a 30 point lead as Canadians reject MAGA style politics.
If any country’s leadership were actually dealing with fucking adults at the WH, conversations could occur versus expected groveling. Fucking imbecilic bullies. FUCK them all.
I would love to personally thank this human waste of skin in person face to face but now that he’s completely fubarred the economy for the personal gain of him and the other minions, I’m of the opinion that a hardy “go fuck yourself” is a much better response, eh?
The Canadian foreign minister needs to get the word "ELBOWS" tattooed on one elbow and the word "UP" tattooed on the other, and respond accordingly when these gaslighting MAGA officials demand subservience...
VOTE THEM OUT! Repubs passed the Backdoor Budget (bend over) CR. Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at https://www.actblue.com/directory? and State Legislatures at https://dlcc.org LOCK THEM UP!
Talk about an inferiority complex!! Who put baby in the corner? Someone needs a hug... But then again, has there EVER been a day when MAGA wasn't the victim? Those little BETA KGB COMMIE BOOTLICKERS are ALWAYS the VICTIM! ALWAYS!!
These guys really hate seeing people refuse to lick his boots because it makes them feel even more pathetic for constantly degrading themselves for him
The republicans have so much orange shit stain on their tongues they can’t think properly. Thank you for showing the world what kind of dip shits you are. Good luck MF’s
Thank you - for lighting a fire in Canadians and uniting this country like I've never seen. Because of your disrespect and ignorance, Canada is finally working towards realizing its true potential and becoming more independent, stronger, and more free.
Right Wing male victimology/martyrdom 101. “Make the lowest white man feel as if he’s above the highest black man, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
Wait until Lutnick receives Ukraine's decommissioning invoice for all that out of date shite they sent Ukraine to use whilst pumping $$ into US MIC finally drops...I hope he remembers to say thank you. He is a total asshole.
This is all intended to rile the MAGA base & to rapidly normalize to them the idea that we (???) are the enemy and therefore justify the illegal invasion & annexation of our sovereign nation.
This is literally copying Putin… we’re in the upside down.
Lutnick is as useless as a 3rd testicle. Nothing he says in an interview is valid for than 3 seconds because he also doesn't fucking have a clue what his boss is gonna do in the next minute. .
Below 👇 is a petition for radical (status-quo breaking) reform of the UN 🇺🇳 and its “Security” Council, which I believe will be of interest to you/others: https://www.change.org/ReformTheUnitedNations
This bozo Lutnick is beyond despicable. He makes the most absurd, preposterous, disingenuous statements — drunk on power as a Cabinet member. He is turning out to be *worse* than Vance & Trump combined.
Lutnick like dump is totally transactional. America may have been kind of a Sugar Daddy to our allies, but it is true that you catch a lot more flies(ie friend, favors, loyalty) with honey than you do with vinegar. The current administration is all vinegar.
even so, the sugardaddy rhetoric re Canada is completely and utterly false, if anything Canada got the short end on CUSMA btwn the 2 . It's propaganda garbage
I was thinking more of Europe and Nato. I love Canada. Eastern Canada was my territory when I was in Sales and I told my husband that Canada reminded me of the US back when we were a more values based people.
Yeah that's fair concerning meeting NATO and other international bodies' requirements.
Agreed, Eastern Canada especially are people with strong community ties
Canada imports a large amount of goods and services from the U.S., with estimates suggesting that per capita, Canada imports more than $8,000 worth of goods from the U.S.
The U.S. imports a smaller amount from Canada on a per capita basis, with estimates suggesting approximately $1,500 per person.
Never can they define what we’ve been getting away with. We do not get subsidies from the US. We trade goods and services. I don’t see a word here about fentanyl or immigration. Another self own. Illegal trade war.
It's nearly as if countries are in partnerships and need both sides happy? If one partner is not satisfied the conclusion isn't to say 'now we do things under my terms and you will be my new driveway now!' It's 'hey, can we draft up some new agreements?' But these people are bulldozers, not partners
"To date, we have provided $66.5 billion in military assistance since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, and approximately $69.2 billion in military assistance since Russia's initial invasion of Ukraine in 2014." - US Dept of State
So, only 66.5 BN since 2022.
Doug Ford already caved in to him by going back on his counter tariffs on electricity even though Trump backed off on NOTHING. Ford will probably kiss his ass and bend over for him.
To be fair. I dived deeper into what he was going to do (as a Canadian) and it wasn’t a good idea for Canadians. It would hurt us more. We make a large surplus of energy (which we then sell to the USA) if we didn’t? The excess energy would cause energy prices to fall into the negative. You would
Think this is good for Canadians. Cheaper electricity correct? Maybe. But then where is the money coming for maintenance, infrastructure, updates, personnel?
At the end of the day Doug Ford and Danielle smith need to sit the f*ck down and let the federal government lead this war and make the
I agree, it’s a gong show! Trump has already declared monetary and fiscal war. He has stated time and time again that the Tariffs will go higher and the only way it comes off is the annexation of Canada. An asshole politician is needed to deal with deranged Trump - now is not the time to cower down.
Watch the video of the meeting. President Zelensky did say thank you. He mainly thanked the American people and did not fawn over Trump. But it was a heart felt thank you. Trump and Vance planned the attack on President Zelensky for show on a televised meeting.
Yep. The entire thing was a win/win for the USA and as a bonus they were helping to greatly reduce the amount of functional military hardware in Russia's possession.
Okay, thankfully, I'm not the only one who saw their math and was like "....that math ain't mathing, where the hell did they get $300 billion?". And yeah, the US still owes Ukraine the other half of the promised aid packets.
EXACTLY! It's like, an abusive partner who takes away your keys, your car, your phone, your entire financial security, etc., then tells your friends that *you're* the bad guy, and then they still have the audacity to say "you should be thankful". Like, no, dude, that's called "being fucked up".
Zelenskyy is a hero fighting for his country’s freedom.
Half (150 billion) of the half of THAT — 75 billion went back into U.S. businesses that manufacture what Ukraine 🇺🇦 desperately needs. The 75 billion has benefited Americans & gives them jobs/livelihoods here in the USA.
I wonder what value might be placed on the military intelligence Ukraine has supplied to the US? They have given captured Russian equipment to study and tested weapons and equipment in a modern war. Invaluable?
The US signed the Budapest Memorandum in 1994 which stated that they would protect Ukraine if they gave up their nuclear weapons. They gave up their 1900 missiles and this is the thanks they get for their cooperation.
The US should have stopped Ruzzia in 2014 according to Little Marco. He sold out.
Thank you for threatening to 'acquire' us, and applying arbitrary tariffs with the goal of tanking our economy until we submit. We realise the past relationship was not mutually beneficial, and you were just taking our oil, lumber, potash, cars, uranium and nickel to be nice.
This whole thank you thing is ridiculous and fascist. Trump is one of the rudest people in the world and forces people to thank and praise him. Just listen to all his cabinet members speeches . They always start with thank you mr president for your leadership. It's so gross...
Look, USians, I'm not the boss of you, but can I make a recommendation that you get more than one guillotine? I think down the road it'll make things faster. Just a thought, from a (french-)Canadian.
How bout America show some fn gratitude for everything Canada does for you.
Like simply putting up with the ignorance should get Canadians bonus points.
Just say thank you!
Fuck that. No more.
Not gifts.
FYI, exclude crude oil, and we run a surplus....
We want you to hit us hard.
We are ready to endure any hardship that is necessary to win this war against the magats.
We will prevail! 🇨🇦 🇺🇲
Russians will make American soldiers go to war for them.
Americans will die for them
Oil, electricity,wood.
You’re buying it because you profit from it.
You’re 340 million people
We’re 40 million
You’re just ignorant on the mechanics of trade. Among many, MANY other things.
Sounds like there’s one country in this partnership who are d*cks … and it isn’t 🇨🇦
We sell it to them at 54$
JFC and they complain of trade deficit!?!?!?
Even if they put a 10% tariff, it’s still a bargain!
Lutnick a total speed bag
On behalf of Canadians, Canadian Americans, and Americans.
I'm the one who put this food on the table, you better recognize *slams my head into the place*
you would be nothing without me *kicks chair out from under me*
All I asked is for a thank you, but you can't even do that *kicks me in the ribs*
JUST SAY THANK YOU!!! *continues to kick me until I'm unconscious*
Thank you because your actions have meant Pierre Polivere has lost a 30 point lead as Canadians reject MAGA style politics.
Fuck the US.
Suck it you twat!
Thank you.
Not only is he a clown, he's not even a notable one.
Good luck America. You have found yourselves in quite the predicament with this administration.
There's no chance in hell that Trump can win a trade war with 450M EU citizens, 40M Canadians and 130M Mexicans at the same time 😂
They sound like mafia wannabees
But seriously, another psychopath, for sure😵💫
And bullies always get theirs
Isn't this overlord ass kissing pure neofeodalism ?
This is literally copying Putin… we’re in the upside down.
Not a chance.
We will survive!
And I live in Europe and when Covid was happening we had protests which had people wearing Trump stuff here.
They are taking root all over.
And you’re no longer an ally we trust.
Below 👇 is a petition for radical (status-quo breaking) reform of the UN 🇺🇳 and its “Security” Council, which I believe will be of interest to you/others:
Agreed, Eastern Canada especially are people with strong community ties
The U.S. imports a smaller amount from Canada on a per capita basis, with estimates suggesting approximately $1,500 per person.
Thank YOU Canada, for understanding that over half of us did NOT vote for this. We appreciate you!! 💙
He thanked Biden.
So, only 66.5 BN since 2022.
At the end of the day Doug Ford and Danielle smith need to sit the f*ck down and let the federal government lead this war and make the
Canada will look for better ways to send a strong message back to America but it needs to not hurt Canadians even more than it already is.
And it’s not $300 billion but half that.
(Not really about the shoe…)
It was sickening.
I loved when Ze asked JD if he had visited Ukraine and JD short circuited.
Hardly any cash has been transferred to Ukraine.
Ukraine disposed of them for free……
Too vulnerable to drone attack, had to be pulled back from the front lines.
The Ukranians devised their own home made armour to add to the tank to make it somewhat useful.
Has the US thanked the Ukranians for that?
The German Leopards have been the most successful in Ukraine.
Now the Bradley… Wish Ukraine had about 20,000 of those.
And Fat Felon got Congress to withhold aid for 6 months. He’s provided nothing.
Everything being shipped now is from Biden.
Why should Ze thank him exactly?
Half (150 billion) of the half of THAT — 75 billion went back into U.S. businesses that manufacture what Ukraine 🇺🇦 desperately needs. The 75 billion has benefited Americans & gives them jobs/livelihoods here in the USA.
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
The US should have stopped Ruzzia in 2014 according to Little Marco. He sold out.
Same for the EU.
Should have been treated like when Iraq invaded Kuwait.
All this wishy-washy nonsense just shows that nukes are a defense & nuke powers can do anything with no consequences.
$182.8B appropriated by Congress
$83.4B disbursed
According to a new analysis published just a week ago, much less than that.
As a Canadian I am so freakin pissed at these lying MAGA minions.
If thou doth fuck, around thou shalt findeth of out.
From Canada