A Canadian woman was kidnapped at the US border by CBP and ICE agents. She committed no crime or illegal crossing but was forcibly kidnapped and thrown into an ice concentration camp.
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Awwe crap.just nuke our borders as well as felons wife and child compound and mara largo to start. They should never hold any human hostage!
Nuke us. I'm sick of their Putin party surprises!
Nuke Putin's billion dollar castle and empire in crimnea to smitherines!
Canada needs to hit us where it hurts. This cannot stand. This is a classic Russian move.
Some of us are doing the work, some are complacent, & others who've drunk the cult kool-aid may never wise up. Democratic leadership must be bold and provide new ideas. "You are not the party of working families when the places you govern are places working families can no longer afford to live."-EK
“I was put in a cell, and I had to sleep on a mat with no blanket, no pillow, with an aluminum foil wrapped over my body like a dead body for two and a half days," she said.
Core Civic is rotten and corrupt to the core. They will always bear the stain of corrections corporation of America and rebranding themselves won't help. I've heard stories from employees about how they operate inside.
America is truly sick in the head. Truly demented, sadistic, uneducated Orcs. America is now the enemy Hitler was x 1000. God has forsaken you bastards to your disastrous fate. American civilization is done. We (the civilized) are coming for you and will tear you down one fake pastor after another!
Just so you know, most of us voted AGAINST this and believe this election was stolen - Musk and Trump both have basically admitted it. But the Democratic Party was to weak to contest the results, why I have no idea. We are just as horrified as the rest of the world
Demand shut down of all for-profit detention centers. No one should be allowed to make money off of trapping people like animals and keeping them in subhuman conditions.
I know she wasn't a tourist, but would anyone really want to visit the US for a holiday whilst this carry-on is taking place?
Not me for sure, US immigration is not a nice place during 'normal' times, it must be pure evil nowadays.
Canadians are going to have to start staying North of that poisoned border. You know that border wall in The Handmaid's Tale? Build it, to stay safe, #Canada.
Well there's a really good reason to never set foot in the US again. So sad, I love the 4 corners area and had such good times going into the Adirondacks.
We should & we do demand that she’s freed immediately & sent to the nearest Canadian consulate. This US govt is becoming tyrannical & unsustainable. It’s heading for free fall. It’s unclear how & when that’ll happen. But we hope the felon holding leadership will go with the tide, never to return.
He removed agents from the southern border and placed them in blue cities. They have detained 2 Germans and a British woman, she has been detained 14 days now. Don't visit the States anyone or you could end up in Gitmo or maybe Trump will emulate putin and use foreign tourists as bargaining chips.
I agree. I’m American and did not vote for the Orange Overlord. This is a nightmare. To our international friends: boycott all US products. That is the strongest way to get our greedy leaders and the idiot voters who elected them to pay attention. Hit their wallets.
what warrant did they have? dude, idk how many ice officers they are going to need to fight me but I know how many they will use...... no warrant means picking up your teeth with broken fingers.....
Their SWAT teams train 8hrs a month and the entry requirements are 20 pushups in 1 minute, a 1.5 mile run in 12 minutes, climbing a standard 6ft fence, and pulling 150 pound 25 yards.
They can easily be out-trained by most civilians. Or even a middle school gym class.
And a white woman being held might be the tipping point for a lot of maga. And when they complain...I am for sure going to let them know they told on themselves.
Shoot, the Trump admin would lie and say she's a drug mule and those supporters would believe it. They don't care about proof. They're so brainwashed it's unbelievable.
Being white will not save anyone. trump's been saying shit about Canada for a while now. She may be white, but she is Canadian and now the enemy. Just like any white person who doesn't agree with trump. No one outside of MAGA is safe!!
🇨🇦🇺🇦This is Donald Trump’s America- even dictating that Canadian snowbirds have to register /apply to stay longer than 30 days in the US.
I say fck them!
Avoid travel to the US-which will result in massive layoffs because of DAF Donald Trump, the “stable genius”.
Seriously, any and all travelers AVOID THE US. The gestapo are out for blood and they don't care who or why. It's not safe. I would love nothing more than to have folks from all over come to the US but now is not a safe time.
Absolutely disgraceful. What was her crime, other than probably having more brain cells than the collective amount of 'agents' detaining her... I respect 'ethical and honest' law enforcement, but hired thugs don't become more respectable just because they have a badge...
She's been released. She's safe. She's speaking out.
It's not at ALL ok. I'm just saying she is safe now. And should sue the bejeezus out of this corrupt illegal occupation.
He totally stole the election. Starlink transmitted election counts & voter suppression in the millions.
Is it seriously getting tense on the US/Canadian border because of this prick ? Now Canada is 'drowning us in fentanyl'. And you thought weapons of mass destruction were lame.
The guns and drugs flowing on this continent, including the northern tip and the southern tip are all coming from the United States. We are funding the drug war and the gun war with impunity it feels like.
Dude no. We let China illegally detain the Michaels for years. Tone it tf down over this white lady. We should issue a warning not to travel to USSA, but if folks choose to go and don't realize it's dangerous than they haven't been paying attention.
Time to put some explosive charges under the ambassador bridge. All the bridges actually. Ukraine lost Kherson in the first days of the war because some bridges weren't blown.
We the PEOPLE need to physically resist these unlawful kidnappings. If you are a citizen, ICE has ZERO jurisdiction over you unless you are re-entering the country. They have no authority to stop, detain or question Americans. Fuck them up. They ain’t police.
That's three now, all from countries Trump's attacking. No reason to detain them if this was about immigration, they'd just be deported. This is about leverage and sending a message.
This kind if shit is only out of spite on the orange dickhead.
It's uncalled for and ICE and those doing his bidding should know better.
I hate this regime shit !
As a dual citizen, I fear traveling to Canada and trying to return. I fear that I could be detained on “Trumped” up charges. I fear they could read this post and decide to detain me indefinitely while they make sure my documents are real.
Trump’s building metaphysical walls between nations.
Why am I now imagining the future 🇨🇦🇺🇸 relationship like that of the East/West Germans pre 1989? Wonder when Trump starts shooting people trying to escape his MAGA Kingdom?🤴
They could have denied her entry. She wasn’t breaking the law as far as I can tell. This is a terrorist tactic to keep Canadians and Europeans from legally visiting the country.
Take heed. You might be detained indefinitely for visiting US.
What the actual fuck "I was put in a cell, and I had to sleep on a mat with no blanket, no pillow, with an aluminum foil wrapped over my body like a dead body for two and a half days," she said.
Yeah it just means they will use even the flimsiest excuse to detain someone because they get paid by our taxes to maximize a quota of “illegals” captured so they can ask for even more funding to build more concentration camps. They want to have the worst conditions also to maximize profits.
God I hope this is not true…
If this is true the World is gonna fk America up with good cause.
Lawsuits on ice now
Immediately restraining order on ice
So sorry, Canadian. I love your beautiful country. I lived there for a few years when I was a kid due to my father's job.
I am so deeply embarrassed by this administration. Please know there are millions of us that do not go along with Trump and his deplorable supporters.
I keep seeing these expressions of embarrassment. I appreciate your sentiment, but I lay awake at night in terror. I haven't felt this terrified since the cold war. Please realize the danger we all face. Be horrified.
I'm in a neighboring congressional district to where she was taken (though not held anymore). I'm contacting my representatives to pressure them to try to help.
Jesus… diplomacy with an insane asylum. As an American, I am appalled and infuriated that #Krasnov (aka, Trump) and his asylum inmates have been loosed not just here but are impacting our allies in horrific way. Dear allies, MOST of us here are deeply - so deeply! - sorry
The fascists are sending a message that anyone from a country with tariffs (theirs and/or the US) isn't welcome in the US and can be detained without cause.
They're trying to fabricate justification for a "drug war" on Canada. So they found a lady who formerly worked for a health drink company which has a hemp product in its lineup, and violated all of her rights. 🤦
We must assume this is the first of many and won't just impact Canadians or foreigners.
Canada does not treat people like this. This is what America has become, but not Canada .. we are better than the USA.
For any Canadian thinking about visiting the USA, remember this story, it can be you. Stay home, stay safe. I hope she comes back home to a heroes welcome soon.
Planning to cross into Canada in just over a week to catch a flight from Vancouver. This makes me fearful that we'll be stopped before we get there. Doesn't feel like there is enough outrage over shit like this.
Wife and I are trans and are flying out of Vancouver because we don't know when the tsa will start confiscating passports of trans people trying to leave the US. With everything between the US and Canada we're worried they might put US checkpoints on the exit side of the boarder.
Do I understand you correctly? Your intention is to enter Canada by car so you can depart from Vancouver Airport to a destination (other than the usa)? I suppose anything is possible. logistical nightmare would be to check all outgoing traffic. They seem more concerned about who is entering the usa
Whoa anonymous - as a fact checker on a previous post points out:
She entered overland from a 3rd country, for a work visa that was already previously denied.
The detainment until process & return is awful, but also normal US procedure in this instance.
It's just headlines now bc it's white people
You are free to check with an immigration lawyer what normal procedures are in this instance.
I'm not saying I agree with it. I'm saying people from other countries have historically faced the same procedure.
Motherfucker, I'm a US citizen living in Canada and have crossed that border countless times. Canadians and US citizens have free right of travel across borders. And while she cannot work in the US without a work VISA, she certainly can travel for a conference. This is NOT normal for Canadians!
I'm Canadian. And not a motherfucker.
Had she entered from Canada she would likely have been turned around, as is normal.
Again: I don't agree with US procedure, but it's no different than they do to a Mexican entering from Canadian border.
No, it is NOT normal. This isn't just outrage bait, the United States is targeting edge cases to justify detaining Canadians they'd never have detained in chains before.
Your normalization of this demeans you and your fellow citizens.
You sir are full of crap READ THE ARTICLE BEFORE YOU TROLL. This is about one stupid ICE super trying to show "the boss" hes is a good little Trumpist.
Had she arrived from Canada, not overland through 3rd country, she likely would have been just turned around.
What they did in this specific instance is what they've always done to others.
I still think the consulate needs to be involved, and their procedures are terrible, but it's not abnormal
Feeling powerless already in your greatest nation on earth? There no being sense in protesting, demanding the rule of law? Too dangerous? Aren't US citizens proud defenders of their ideals, would never bow and stay silent, like russians or Germans, North Koreans... ?
My father, God rest his soul, spent his pre-adolescent years in Germany during the holocaust. Thankfully, he had US citizenship and was able to be smuggled to safety. Today’s reality sounds too much like my father’s childhood reality
BP behaves like this in many places, Tucson, etc; and has for sometime.
With all this noise, a serious border and immigration policy/standard is needed, remove the nazi/KLAN politics, but catch and release did cause much of the issues today. Dems did that. Enough to go around.
Call Schumer, Tell him there's a Blue Wall.
Do not vote for the budget CR
Let the gov shut down.
Yes it's going to hurt. It's already hurting, They are already shutting it down. Do not enable them anymore https://www.schumer.senate.gov/contact
Call Schumer, Tell him there's a Blue Wall.
Do not vote for the budget CR
Let the gov shut down.
Yes it's going to hurt. It's already hurting, They are already shutting it down. Do not enable them anymore https://www.schumer.senate.gov/contact
Sounds like Canada can't do anything???? This is so wild. "The Government of Canada cannot intervene on behalf of Canadian citizens with regard to the entry and exit requirements of another country,” said Global Affairs Canada spokeswoman Brittany Fletcher.
Why would anyone want to go to the US right now? Anyone with any sense will need to stay away from this country pariah racist red necked evangelical evil administration driven by billionaire greed. I have friends and relatives who are US citizens and I feel very sorry for them.
Same. This scared the 💩 out of me. Recently cancelled our group of 9 trip to Alaska. Flights were already purchased so we’ll vacation in British Colombia instead. Keeping our $ here 🇨🇦
I don't dispute that US immigration enforcement has long been structurally racist, but my impression has been that this was because the law was structurally racist.
To suggest (even accidentally) that their behavior hasn't gone off the scale and lawless in the last eight weeks, doesn't wash.
Interesting isn't it the amount of attention that gets paid to the unconstitutional inhumanity of the world's largest incarcerator state when a pretty white woman is subjected to it.
Is it, though? She's Canadian. With a visa. He threatens our sovereignty daily. She will be a pawn. We're aware of the incarceration business in the usa.
He is just like Putin. There is no difference. Anyone who voted for them needs to be hitting the street righting the wrong. Too many innocent health because of idiotic people.
The Hague . Crimes against humanity. Anyone can file a complaint there. Report Trump directly. Many European private individuals have already done so. In this context, for failing to provide aid to Ukraine. Since than, He is not only a criminal but also a murderer.
Smfh! No matter how old I get, no matter how street wise I am, no matter how much book smarts I've learned, it will NEVER cease to amaze me the callous stupidity that runs rampant.
Oh...it's 'anecdotal'.....So since you're a Canadian citizen coming to the US from Canada it's fishy because how can you do those two things at the same ? Good. Glad hiring from the bottom of the barrel is still the standard.
Nuke us. I'm sick of their Putin party surprises!
Nuke Putin's billion dollar castle and empire in crimnea to smitherines!
Not me for sure, US immigration is not a nice place during 'normal' times, it must be pure evil nowadays.
thugs do not go to America if you are not American or white
I wonder what Trump's terms are going to be?
Let me guess "agree to be the 51rst State."
Go get them Canadians - hit this administration where it hurts THEM the most!
Because she looked Indian. Long black hair and all that.
It doesn't take much to bring all that back, and more.
Why I won’t visit Canada alone.
I truly hope she sues the hell out of us
They can easily be out-trained by most civilians. Or even a middle school gym class.
D tier troops
Your time for change may be tomorrow
I say fck them!
Avoid travel to the US-which will result in massive layoffs because of DAF Donald Trump, the “stable genius”.
I URGE YOU to forcefully get your citizen back!!
Canadian special forces aren’t something to snub ;)
It's not at ALL ok. I'm just saying she is safe now. And should sue the bejeezus out of this corrupt illegal occupation.
He totally stole the election. Starlink transmitted election counts & voter suppression in the millions.
There are groups starting to prepare. This country is on the brink…
We haven’t reached the point where we need to rebel in an armed fashion yet, but that time is coming.
It's uncalled for and ICE and those doing his bidding should know better.
I hate this regime shit !
We are no longer a country governed by laws.
Why am I now imagining the future 🇨🇦🇺🇸 relationship like that of the East/West Germans pre 1989? Wonder when Trump starts shooting people trying to escape his MAGA Kingdom?🤴
Take heed. You might be detained indefinitely for visiting US.
Europeans & Canadians need to rethink their relationship with Trump’s America!
Come visit the USA--where you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave…
-Accommodations by ICE-
Latest news
John Lewis proud
He is the father of protests
If this is true the World is gonna fk America up with good cause.
Lawsuits on ice now
Immediately restraining order on ice
I am so deeply embarrassed by this administration. Please know there are millions of us that do not go along with Trump and his deplorable supporters.
Perhaps you have friends in the area. But it's a big ask, I know.
We must assume this is the first of many and won't just impact Canadians or foreigners.
For any Canadian thinking about visiting the USA, remember this story, it can be you. Stay home, stay safe. I hope she comes back home to a heroes welcome soon.
She entered overland from a 3rd country, for a work visa that was already previously denied.
The detainment until process & return is awful, but also normal US procedure in this instance.
It's just headlines now bc it's white people
I'm not saying I agree with it. I'm saying people from other countries have historically faced the same procedure.
Had she entered from Canada she would likely have been turned around, as is normal.
Again: I don't agree with US procedure, but it's no different than they do to a Mexican entering from Canadian border.
Your normalization of this demeans you and your fellow citizens.
And pro facts.
What they did in this specific instance is what they've always done to others.
I still think the consulate needs to be involved, and their procedures are terrible, but it's not abnormal
Never has been the greatest nation. That's proof propaganda is nothing new at all.
Time for PM @mark-carney.bsky.social to come out SWINGING!
@charlieangus104.bsky.social what say you?!
With all this noise, a serious border and immigration policy/standard is needed, remove the nazi/KLAN politics, but catch and release did cause much of the issues today. Dems did that. Enough to go around.
Do not vote for the budget CR
Let the gov shut down.
Yes it's going to hurt. It's already hurting, They are already shutting it down. Do not enable them anymore
Do not vote for the budget CR
Let the gov shut down.
Yes it's going to hurt. It's already hurting, They are already shutting it down. Do not enable them anymore
I should double check that on principle, but that is in character for our government nowadays.
Sigh. Again.
Like if they MAGA supporters
This is nothing less than a sadistic practice designed to instill fear, suffering and terror.
JTF in against those joke
Rental cops called ICE 🇺🇸🤡
Elon Musk
Think that thru
Do not enter this country.
To suggest (even accidentally) that their behavior hasn't gone off the scale and lawless in the last eight weeks, doesn't wash.
That said, this story does deserve that attention. As does the deeper systemic media blackout (or whiteout, actually). Let’s abolish ICE, then flip it
Is this why the U.S. has been put on the Human Rights watch list?
Avoid the US at all costs!