How many innocents will need to die before everyone else accepts they are being intentionally culled by Trump and Musk? It's not incompetence. It's autogenocide. #3E #EndAutogenocide
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End autogenocide: "Autogenocide is genocide that a population is coerced to perform on itself. Sometimes, this is a media incited war, often accompanied by wide availability of drugs and weapons to ensure maximum violence. #3E #EndAutogenocide
Please share this video so the world can see who Elon Musk really is...
Hypernormalisation = The Halls of Illusions.
The trap we are all stuck in.
You're LUCKY if they don't slowly kill you. It's almost certainly not going to do (only) what it says it does.
Do NOT buy in. Eat (mostly plants), sleep and exercise is nearly everything for most.
Winston Churchill
Bc we were slow to enter WW2
The ppl here , are lost in illusion , but they will have no choice but to fight soon .
Trump & Musk & The GOP are all traitors to USA & its Allies .. I say Russian puppets
There will be change.
Change is inevitable.
The right wingers are going to get that civil war they’ve been salivating over. They, their billionaire friends, are not going to like it.
Wars destroy wealth. The wealthy seem to miss that point.
Yup. We've been screaming to the rafters about this for a while now, but nobody thought it would impact them, nobody thought that after they got done with us trans folk, they'd move on to the next one.
This isn't even red v. blue, it's the rich v. humanity.
For now, those goals dovetail. When they stop... that will be the end.
If we don't win now, we all lose.
Fortunately that normalcy bias is cracking...
Senator you were elected to a national level office and your votes impact every person in the country. I'm calling you as one of those citizens.
Use the last 4 digits in PHONE column
WE NEED REAL FIGHTERS!! Sign the petition✊️
Also call his office...
They're so blindly loyal to an outdated document to run their lives it will be their own executor.
Death by stupid.
Normalised violence and drug use.
This agenda is pushed by the large companies producing entertainment, drugs and weapons. This also generates a large revenue for the privatised insurance and health industry. It feeds the rich.
Ask yourself.
Who wanted Germans during / after WW2 started.
NO ONE. Trump is ruining America so bad, it's hard to even point that out 2 you.
But I'm Canadian. You know, the guys your fuck sticks insult every day. So I'm barely sorry to tell you that.
I am still nice, but to fascist nation, NO.
This is going to get VERY bad before it gets better if the people cannot band together and stop the elites from pushing this through.
I am sorry that it is that way for you.
So many growing up have had their lives ruined.
It is just so crazy how no one is even protesting as hard as they did for George Floyd.
Both are despised by history.