Yeah I make some mistakes sometimes when I write in a foreign language.
Edit isn't implemented, and I don't verify all the time.
And yet it still doesn't change the facts I pointed :)
It's a side effect of having these tiny super computers in our hands; either way too young, without adequate critical thinking, the blurred line that has occurred with posted videos between non-fiction v. fiction, fact v. Fallacy.
Intellectual curiosity is a vital aspect of preserving “intelligence”. By inferring that asking “why” is a bug vs feature will doom us ALL.
Asking “why” is the key to scientific discovery.
I have 2 brilliant nieces in college STEM programs. One is already looking at going to work in the UK vs US.
I would tell people new to IT that they are expected to ask lots of questions, as it’s key to need to know why something works. And that not understanding why something didn’t work should bother you enough to figure out why. That helped them to determine if IT was really something they wanted to do.
I keep saying it all goes back to the internet and social media, technology is always good and bad, but it's made the population in this country at least, extremely lazy and dumb
The average IQ is 100. The average IQ of Americans is 97. We are placed 30 something in nation rankings for IQ. Our IQ is absolutely declining, and it shows..
Let's show them we still have brain cells! And guts and spines. And also, why should we listen to the Financial Times' findings about our intelligence. Don't they cater to the Oligarchs?
People's brains are not being exercised
Instead of figuring things out - look up answers, find a DIY video
Instead of retaining facts and details, we don't bother to really remember things because we can easily look up the formation any time we need it
As people of all ages spend more time consuming media (much of it mindless short videos) they will spend less time being bored and forced to process what is happening in the real world. This lack of reflecting upon what is happening is arguably a contributor to cognitive decline.
I really thought I was dreaming🤦 😕 😪 😐 😒 or I was dropped from another planet. Or in time & space b4 my time as things around were done & spoke without discernment or rational.
No rational reasoning, no logic in avoiding obvious facts & factors in truths having no concept of awareness 🙄.
You know, I know that I am I’ve always been more intelligent than most people, but I’ve noticed for years that people are just dumber. I’ve even mentioned it to my son. What the hell is going on?
My husband and I are in our 60’s. We have 5 grandchildren ages 14-5. So we try to keep up with what’s going on with young people. But I swear sometimes I think I’m talking to people from a totally different planet. The things that people don’t know boggles the mind.
A lot of it is social media, a lot of it is covid but the biggest is those in power want it to be this way. A dumber population is easier to control. It's purposeful.
Parent involvement and environment play a strong role in development. You have 2 generations of latch-key kids raised by TV and music either being involved or not. Their kids were raised by video games and social media filled with misinformation. It boils down to bad parenting and harmful media.
I'm not saying that TV, music, and video games are inherently bad. I'm saying that relying on and replacing parenting with media is harmful. Neglect and misinformation are detrimental. Humans seek meaning and a desire to belong. When that message is a negative one, you end up with modern America.
It was ironically shows and video games that saved me from anti-intellectualism when I was young. I'm not sure what parents are like in other countries but in the US we have many family based cults, parents are one of the major demographics that support Trump.
100% agree! I stem from an ignorant Trump-loving family in a deep red state that neglected me. Thankfully, my desire to belong brought me to the skateboarding and black community where my eyes were opened, and I gained a better understanding of the world that we live in. Others aren't so lucky.
It's wild they gave US citizens the benefits of mass pillaging/exploitation of other lands & resources & peoples... and kept US citizens pacified and dependent on illusions and distractions (ie individualism)... and now that citizens are comfortable, the carpet is being ripped from under their feet.
Like, thanks for destroying the world and erasing cultures and languages and peoples to provide these illusions and material goods for an entire population... whom you're going to eventually also fuck over.
The US social experiment/project really are a cancer on this planet, and all life here.
Americans don't read anymore. "It's too much trouble." They'll listen to an audiobook maybe, or prefer the movie, or just watch mindless entertainment.
The eye/mind/language pathway surely exercises lobes of the brain with corollary benefits, which don't get used otherwise.
This article doesn’t mention the impact of Covid on the brain. Kids are subjected to multiple infections and nothing is done to improve air quality in classrooms.
People no longer think for themselves, they Google or use AI...I'm convinced it's the last laugh; give them everything at their fingertips, control what they see, what they hear...limit their options, etc..
You might say, "Critical thinking is a dying art."
As a teacher of 15-year-olds, I can confirm they are coming in with lower skills, but they also learn really fast when given quality education. My students this year have gone from apathetic to enthusiastic and have made significant gains so far this year. They are looking for guidance.
Check the world standings of the American education system and where the students rank compared to other countries....... I believe they were not very high.
Americans have never been a leader in educational achievements. Too many don’t value education and they are in bizarre religious groups that actively discourage higher education.
Encouraged since the 1960s when opportunists in positions of political influence gutted "civics" from public school curricula and most yanks from then on would not ever be taught how government, voting, and economy worked.
Then that’s a serious lack on the part of parents too. Ideally religion, sex education, home management and finances, and civics should be taught at home, not sure if parents have been careless, lazy, overwhelmed, too reliant on the school system or what.
Over a hundred million parents with led poisoning and no education on civics are expected to do the right thing the right way with the right foresight?
No.It's a lack on the part of people who took oaths of office to lead and govern these people into prosperity.
Apologies. I’m from a generation that did those things. I cannot believe how fast the ‘extended family’ disappeared either…we used to look after our elderly too 💔
Studies show IQ loss due to covid is cumulative with each infection which isn't given enough space here. Globally we're in the process of turning into Eloi, but the U.S. is probably ahead of the curve.
Smart kids from poor backgrounds are more often ostracized for being smart while the stupidest rich kid is allowed to make all the rules unchallenged. Question it & its your fault things fail.
This is how we end up w/'very stable genius' dumbasses.
I’ve always believed reality tv has been the first and most popular way of destabilizing America. It creates false realities and it makes people think they should be ruthless over compassionate. That’s the real deficit in America.
My son said the same in the early 2000’s about Paris Hilton. He was 17. He said, rewarding people for bad behavior is bad for society.
Then a Kardashian “accidentally“ released a sex tape. It was all down hill from the there.
Watching old clips on YT of (1960s) 5th and 6th grade children in the US debating various topics for the cameras is concrete proof of the damage done when Corporations started running the Republican lead Presidency and voted to cut Education for the first of many deeper cuts over the next 40+ years.
I guess this isn’t a bad place to start? Haven’t seen this. If anybody has recommendations on resources about auto-genocide, let’s share them in this thread. It’s not a term that’s thrown around every day.
Social media scrolling has shown to physically change the brain so we cannot focus. If you are on social media for hours, you may have this problem. Cut your scrolling time.
Not to side with RFK, but I'm pretty sure a majority of our food is garbage with unnecessary addictives, chemicals, texture conditioners and hormones-hormone imitating substances is harming our gut bacteria. Then there's microplastics and pfas in the water.
The four basic food groups shouldn't be starch, fat, sugar and salt ... but that's what is being added to make up for lost flavor as lower quality ingredients are being used.
COVID like many viruses will go directly to brain, food is important part trying to keep the damage overtime from every viruses on control, but as more people's are turn's against government (themselves) they are creating more crisis's and damage.
The lunatics have taken over the asylum!
The capitalistic society of greed and competition, is causing “antisocial personality disorders” ASPD, psychopaths, sociopaths. These groups now hold positions of power and great wealth. Society is mentally sick.
It went bye-bye in the 1960s when greedy opportunists with political influence successfully caused the US to remove civics from its public school curricula.
From then on, no meaningful amount of yanks would be taught how their government, economy, or voting system worked.
I mean...not just diets but our environment as well. Monsanto, overuse of private planes and private cars. Individualism convincing us to live on our own. Other countries are not like this.
Bring back the requirement where you have to have a bachelor’s or even a masters degree to obtain a job. College makes you smarter unlike Meta and X platforms because that’s where 🍊,RFK Jr, and their cult gets their education from
Evidence of vote swapping fraud in Pennsylvania!!!
This is no joke. Hot off the presses from Election Truth Alliance. Fast forward to the 37 minute mark. Substantial and reliable data analysis is EXTREMELY indicative of fraud!!!
How exactly do you measure intelligence from any decade using any sample size? What geographic region are you accessing, how are you making that decision on which people to test?
They'll still die in 2 billion years when the sun expands.
Maybe humans are still in their infancy as a species. Then someday, before the sun does its thing, maybe we can save the animals from the date awaiting us all.
The problem is men who cannot regulate their emotions and capitalism.
I'm on a short timeline anyway, but I agree. Big planetary changes coming, and there ain't no Earth 2.0, regardless of #Tesla #PresidentMusk's fantasies to the contrary.
I don’t necessarily disagree, but there are some countries that are clean and crime free.
There are no guns, children go to school in peace, there is no homelessness, they have health care and people seem to generally like each other.
You might want to narrow humanity down to Americans. Or not.
Wall E tried to tell us the future but people just sit around watching for entertainment & not reading between the lines let alone using critical thinking. This "kid friendly" movie is just one of many. Wake up people 🤷🏻♀️
actually as dumb as the united states is the human race as a whole seems to be dumber and unable to make anything that is long lasting and beneficial. they have been dumbing down the american populace heavily since the late 80's. These nazis started with the school boards here after all back then
told people years ago they were starting with the school boards, police, churches civics groups and the military said this is the late 1980's when i was a teen ager because i payed a lot of attention to things people are just now seeing. but america is racing to the top.
I'd love to see how they've handled the increase and shift in quality information. As far as television or social media acting as an intellectual stimulus, it's definitely been failing on that. Exceptions aside, mainstream television is significantly more stupid than in the late nineties.
I don't think it's their capacity to learn, I think people are so happy in a world that moves so fast, they're happy to be told what's true as far as politics and current events. There are so many things to worry about in these times on a daily basis than ever before. It's not excusable at all
Too many in leadership positions in our country are denying the fact that the US is now an infant dictatorship. You can’t make good decisions if you’re not seeing reality. If you can’t even say “Dictator Trump” how can you begin to restore democracy?
What's sad is a a hard hearing person in the USA and living in NY we do not get quality education. We are not seen as part of society. We are viewed as our own community and not fully part of society. The schools to social services to medical care we have to fight to be seen and heard. So we struggl
I want to add if it was not for the internet certain apps and using the internet as a tool and not the wrong way I'd never be here today however due to book bans and censorship I have to use a vpn to access information and stay in the know that should not be the case
Education has devolved.We listen to sound bites,use technology to correct spelling/ educate us w/ crib notes, ChatGPT for answers, ask teachers to lead prayers, lock down drills,fire drills,be psychiatrists, all on a stipend.While rich politicians pray for shootings,require prayer,take away books.
More could be smarter, but education was amongst the first things to be dismantled by capitalism in the US when, as early as the 1960s, civics were suddenly no longer taught in public schools.
Edit isn't implemented, and I don't verify all the time.
And yet it still doesn't change the facts I pointed :)
It is because the yanks have been conditioned to be emotional rather than reflective.
Asking “why” is the key to scientific discovery.
I have 2 brilliant nieces in college STEM programs. One is already looking at going to work in the UK vs US.
Discuss anything in detail and they are as clueless as they are gullible
Instead of figuring things out - look up answers, find a DIY video
Instead of retaining facts and details, we don't bother to really remember things because we can easily look up the formation any time we need it
We are not exercising our brains
There are some people that can't even remember their own phone numbers without having to think about it
How about it? It's not asking for much.
No rational reasoning, no logic in avoiding obvious facts & factors in truths having no concept of awareness 🙄.
Saturday April 5th, find a protest near you at!
We need everyone out into the strets together to tell the Oligarchy we're not for sale!
The US social experiment/project really are a cancer on this planet, and all life here.
The eye/mind/language pathway surely exercises lobes of the brain with corollary benefits, which don't get used otherwise.
Reading IS fundamental.
Sinclair Lewis
You might say, "Critical thinking is a dying art."
Pop in a documentary.
Get a word of the day calendar.
This mom believes in you!
No.It's a lack on the part of people who took oaths of office to lead and govern these people into prosperity.
Stop supporting "bootstrap" logic.
Plus we save people from their stupidity… and with no consequences, they never learn.
Smart kids from poor backgrounds are more often ostracized for being smart while the stupidest rich kid is allowed to make all the rules unchallenged. Question it & its your fault things fail.
This is how we end up w/'very stable genius' dumbasses.
Then a Kardashian “accidentally“ released a sex tape. It was all down hill from the there.
Their brains are turning to goo from lack of use!
Inability to concentrate is environmental.
Lack of access to relevant information is environmental.
People, Americans, aren't losing intelligence.
We are under attack.
The capitalistic society of greed and competition, is causing “antisocial personality disorders” ASPD, psychopaths, sociopaths. These groups now hold positions of power and great wealth. Society is mentally sick.
From then on, no meaningful amount of yanks would be taught how their government, economy, or voting system worked.
That is why I never blame voters/non-voters in a system like this.
one wonders if it's Covid induced dementia
Anecdotal, absolutely, but I'd be willing to bet the venn diagram of non readers and trump supporters is almost a perfect circle.
This is no joke. Hot off the presses from Election Truth Alliance. Fast forward to the 37 minute mark. Substantial and reliable data analysis is EXTREMELY indicative of fraud!!!
What an absurd claim.
clickbait nonsense
Maybe humans are still in their infancy as a species. Then someday, before the sun does its thing, maybe we can save the animals from the date awaiting us all.
The problem is men who cannot regulate their emotions and capitalism.
There are no guns, children go to school in peace, there is no homelessness, they have health care and people seem to generally like each other.
You might want to narrow humanity down to Americans. Or not.
The Earth will recover. Who knows? In 50 million years there may be a new dominant sentient species, perhaps a descendant of cockroaches.
But given the election of a FOTUS I would favor the hypothesis that in the USA the slope is steeper.
(But I ain't denying covid's awful contribution either.)
Education and feminism are the most enormous threats to capitalism. A populace that can think for itself cannot be controlled.
Is that across the board or just a statistical average?
(I am not refuting or challenging. I'm concerned.)
So we can parse the data.
But there are so many complex aspects to modern society, that there is so much *to go wrong.*
We need anti-corruption laws to prevent this from happening, assuming we get to that point.
The "founding fathers" were not smart enough, or they were still greedy themselves.
They have public schools.
Do the Math.