Trump administration is warring against civilians in America. They will use Militia too. This is very dangerous. It's outrageous. It is civil war. A civil war is a war between organized groups within the same state (or country).
They have always been clear: no brown people welcome.
Even ones who were here first.
These actions will make our country a weaker, impoverished place, with less creativity, less soul.
all I can say is, como son pendejos, al prencipio el panson nos dijo que los mejicanos eran puros malvados y violadores. ¿Cómo pudiste pensar que este racista te iba a aceptar?
Trump latinos can fester in detention as the only ones who deserve to be under those conditions. They need to carry this by themselves but they sucked everybody else in with them.
I’ve seen Noem on tv commercials saying that if you’re in the US illegally to enjoy our freedoms, you should get out now before we round you up. Can’t make this up.
I'd love to see the statistic of people who voted against their personal interest and paid the price for it. I know at least one Ukrainian guy who voted for Trump because he's a dedicated republican, and boy, does he regret it.
I suspect this is all a ploy to trigger riots so martial law can be enacted
There is no way can deport them all ........this is just pushing buttons IMO anyway
The plane trips...all of it is to create fear.....riots
I hope I'm right....that is a lot of people j/s
On top of the Ukraine, Mexican.....
The military is 1.3 million, and some of those would need to be brought back from oversees. If every person in this country stood up today and said "I do not comply" he wouldn't have the man power.
Plus, the military would fracture, they swear an oath to protect the constitution not the president.
Did you read project 2025? This is all in there. They absolutely want to set up a white nationalist Christian state. Right now they're deporting the immigrants soon it'll be brown citizens.
As for Marshal Law, There aren't enough people in the military to hold down the entire US population.
Oralè Resister “They’re not like illegal Immigrants” GOP CubansTranslation:We’re not like those Dirty Mexicans Who vote for Democrats! #RevokedCubans #USDemocracy #Immigrants #NoGOD4ICE #NoTacos4Trump
People don’t always understand that latam is conservative, a Petri dish for neoliberalism and American money slushing around for those willing to betray their country’s sovereignty.
FYI I said this in a convo in Miami with a few old school Cuban and they are undeterred supporting saying that 1) Biden should have finalized their paperwork and instead left them vulnerable 2) the new gen are bad and stealing 3) they should have filed properly or 4) jealous bc THEY had it rougher.
In what can only be described as the most obvious of obvious obviousnesses …. A pumpkin faced racist Florida man is going to purge Florida of anybody darker than his spray tan
Marco's parents fled dictatorship under Castro. He knows about dictatorships. I just grew up in Miami and I've heard the stories from people who came from Cuba. My partner's grandmother used to talk about people being dragged out into the street and shot during the revolution. Marco should comment.
I saw Latinos buying Trump T-shirts at the Seed to Table grocery store in Naples, Florida a few days ago. Seed to Table is a MAGA magnet and it's owned by a major Trump cultist. It was the frickin' Twilight Zone.🤮
Have you ever noticed that if there is a turd on the ground, all the flies gather around to feast. Seems like similar things happen with humans, supposedly the most intelligent creatures on Earth?
Hope they are proud they voted for Trump
They said they didn't want socialism but it wasn't socialism it was respecting and taking care of fellow Americans
Now they get what they deserve
See you 😘
Hope you go to a welcoming conservative country who looks after you
The systematic division of people into racial, sexual and religious groups by the Right and Left was designed to ensure their loyalty and reliance on their respective political masters.
And to ensure they could never unite against the Oligarchs funding both the Right and Left.
I can guarantee that they don’t care. Some family lost their child to measles and didn’t give a shit. You think any Trump voter cares about this? Stop with this regret myth, they want all of this.
You could be right but Cubans might be quite outraged.They’re a big MAGA voting bloc but the tacit agreement is for Cuban refugees to be treated as “special”. They don’t give a crap about “common” Hispanics. Oh, the horror 😱 of being lumped in w/them. They were hoping he’d only hurt “others”.
Here in the southwest I know several Hispanics who emigrated from Mexico, but claim Spanish ancestry, which they feel makes them white & affords them more status, than mere Mexicans :O
I live in Miami, my partner is Cuban and aside from him and his great uncle, his entire family is maga. It still hasn't sunk in that they might be deported at some point. They still think they're the special chosen ones. They're anything but outraged. Most Cubans here still think they're winning.
In my experience, there are dynamics of Cuban-Americans and how recently they came to America. In particular there is disdain for more recent arrivals, so most Cubans won't care.
No, no. He has a couple of factions: bootlickers and koolaid drinkers. The Cubans that voted for him thought it would be everyone else but them (elitist). The measles folks are outright nutters.
The comments are awful. These are regular people who were in a dire situation and hoping for a better outcome, it turned out different than expected, maybe they were influenced by others saying Trump would help, this fafo just shows how disgusting of a human being u truly are. U deserve Trump
They are upset bec their decision effect not just them but them too. That’s why they are upset at them. Ruin your own life but they choose to ruin millions of others lives too.
That doesn’t make it better, but worse. It shows that not only are you okay with dehumanizing those who don’t follow you, but that you’re so self-centered that you only care about suffering when it affects you personally. But indeed that's what Blue goes for.. Palestinian genocide with 🌈 flags
The character limit cut me off, it was meant to say ‘you deserve Trump more than they do.’ As they might have been misled by ignorance or political innocence, but you’re fully aware and still choose to be an awful human being.
Dehumanizing ??? Me saying they made bad choices and now they pay the consequences is very human. It’s something that often happens to my children. I care about everyone , these people included but they are at the bottom of the list bec they choose this.
It's condescending to imply these people didn't understand what they were supporting. They are grown adults who share Trump's ideology and supported his policy agenda knowing it would inflict pain and hardship on others. They thought they would be immune because they voted for him. Classic FAFO.
People make choices based on false promises all the time, that’s not condescension, it’s reality. If your response to that is cruelty, you’re not seeking justice, just enjoying others' suffering.
The people that voted for him were not isolated from factual evidence, including from his first term. Having a lack of sympathy for people willing to risk harm to themselves by supporting an agenda to harm others is not cruelty, it's acknowledging the consequences of their actions.
Trump is a vengeful little piece of scrap. Just because so many people went to the defence of the Haitians in Springfield, because it was proven that they did not eat the cats and the dogs, he has to take his revenge. Horrible!
Hi, I am terribly sorry what is happening to our beloved Canada. Just know that we didn't vote this evil man into office. Russia used psychological warfare on the weak uneducated Americans that voted for him, for yrs. TY for fighting with us against this attack. We are with you!
There is room for more than two parties, there usually is a number of parties on the election ballot
But I’m guessing you either don’t live in the U.S. or are a protest voter
So again how are things working out for the Palestinians , Trump and Netanyahu decided there are still …
Not white enough apparently.
They're fucked but anyone who trusts Trump deserves the rewards of their misguided support.
Sorry folks, but I've got my own problems.
Maybe next time you'll shelve the macho shit and see the light.
They really did vote for this and all the other p2025 as well. Many will regret it when their Medicare and Social Security are cut. The key word is their. They will care when they lose their job or groceries are not affordable. Grocery shortages are coming
"I can't vote for a woman." Michigan Muslims for Trump changed their name. Florida Latino's, Cubans "I can't vote for a woman."
530,000 is going to blow hole in the local economy, taxes.
My memory is a bit cloudy but Bill Clinton turned a whole bunch of democrat voting Cuban Americans to the republican party when he sent the swat team after the grannies on Easter Sunday morning to facilitate the repatriation of Elian Gonzales back to Cuba.
Actually your memory is a bit cloudy. Immigration officials raided the house of Elian's uncle to remove Elian because Elian's father won his custody case. Elian's father was at Andrews AFB and took him back to Cuba. Clinton didn't have much to do with it.
Cuban Americans have hated Democrats since Nixon. Now they've voted against their own. Everything they've gotten, including protected status, is because of Democrats but they don't see it that way.
The fact that some would be shocked shows human naivety. It also shows how despicable Trump and his backers are, cause they simply don't care for law or human life
530k people? I don't think they will all be able to self deport. Even if 1/2 go, where the hell does trump think he is going to be able to put over 250K immigrants if they don't leave and ICE arrests them?
So, so stupid. Turd, put ALL Latin people in the same racist boat! I am Latina, so I can call them STUPID. Turd, put me on the racist boat too. My family has been here for generations. My father fought in WWII. He is on the boat too!
I just keep reading this over and over, like it’s gonna change what it’s saying if I just try hard enough.
Half of America and 2/3 of white men (who, in the USA fall into the obsessed-over demographic of) “without college degrees” think he’s great. I have to mete out my despair.
Well, there goes all the home improvement and light construction work in and around my business. My equipment rental center gets regular business from that community.
This country will suffer indefinitely no matter the birthrate.
We will all die mostly from lack of inoculations.
What they are posing as the salvation is really the destruction.
Selling the US a lie in the form of the unbelievable best.
It's the ultimate con job.
I have to say that sadly many Latinos don't seem to care much about what happens to other Latinos, even if it is out of obvious racism. Many Latinos are giddy about mass deportations because they think they'll profit.
There are a lot of shitty jobs done by immigrants. Who’s going to work on the kill floor of the local meat processing plant, pick the fruits and vegetables grown here, and build houses? MAGA? INCELs? I doubt it. I don’t have a crystal ball but I see shortages and price increases in our future.
When I was 18 I worked at BilMar, now SaraLee. I normally worked in a dept that made Airline dinners. One day I had to go the the kill room. I lasted all of 10 minutes and left. Who worked in that dept.? Immigrant men. You are correct. We will have shortages in shitty jobs.
Those are the “black jobs” he kept going on about and that Kamala dismissed with a nose crinkly giggle. Pretty soon, blacks will be unable to get any jobs except agriculture (slaughtering pigs and picking the fields). It’s by design.
It is my understanding that these people work and pay tax so who will do the jobs when they go and who will be paying the tax that will no longer be going into the treasury
Registration to self-deport seems like a trap, I read that some of those sent to El Salvador had opted to return to their country. Instead, they may die in prison. The cruelty is the point.
Easy to say when the last round was randomly sent to El Salvador before they were allowed immigration proceedings before the courts “tried” to stop it… most of them were probably just Hispanic and nothing else…we might never know… makes you wonder why the US just bought a shit tonne of Boeings….
I'm all out of sympathy. They were told. They were warned. They saw him in action the first time. They KNEW. And now they are reaping what they sowed. They built this wall themselves and I no longer have any interest in helping them tear it down.
Plenty of Miami cubans voted for this and they deserve exactly what they voted for. Maybe they should go protest at the street they named after the 🍊💩 🤡🤡
Yep, my friend’s parents are in that group & she’s seeing the first cracks in their unbridled joy. Also, my friend has a long term illness & he’s messing w/her treatments. Too bad they refused to believe him when he promised this cruelty.
They believed him. They just thought he was going after all the other Latinos and not them. They call other Latinos criminals when in reality, they are the ones who started the crime wave in the 80s when fidel sent a boat full of criminals but they seem to forget about THAT part
I suspect they still think it was like it was in ye olden daze when they were utilized to combat the communists back in the ‘60s. They’ve been played and used for years. But “America Dream” yadda yadda.
Absolutely - they got special treatment like expedited permanent residency & citizenship, exemption from immigration quotas & from other requirements imposed on most immigrants. Seems they voted for the guy who’ll eliminate all this. Oh, well-they’re getting what they voted for. Thoughts & prayers.
THIS is how they get their numbers. Exaggerated on the "illegals" to deport? Go after those with legal status.
Morons, lie about everything. WE THE PEOPLE will prevail. They are the criminals that WE look to deport.
None of this should be a surprise to anyone. They stated as such prior to the election. I feel bad for those who tried to stop it, and their kith and kin voted against them
I get the pain, fear, and anger we are experiencing but wishing the worst for these people? What are we becoming if we're eager to have families uprooted from their homes and sent back to countries where they'll have nothing and maybe worse? Do we need more hate and lack of empathy in this country?
Not exactly a leopard eating face moment. This is exactly what latinos that are now US citizens voted for, they hate other latino immigrants because they got in "easy"
My Great Grandfather crossed the border illegally in the 1930s. Was no big thang, became a working and contributing member of society, and fathered a WWII soldier (my Abuelo). He died a decade ago, but I remember where he was politically. He'd have been a Trumper... much of my family is.
My Grandmother (his wife), is Mexican American too. When I first asked when she came over, "My family never crossed the border, the border crossed us!" Indicating her family had always been in socal.
She is a huge Trumper. Believes EVERY lie Fox and my brainwashed uncles feed her. It's so sad.
Who saw that coming?🤷🏻♂️
Next, you're gonna tell me it didn't work out for Dearborn residents who got in bed with DJ Trump and boyfriend Bibi.
Good call, bros!
Next up... Any non Christians who voted for Trump (which includes the Jews). Those in charge want a government with laws based on the Christian bible. Eyes wide open folks
We sure do. This is in Vegreville, about an hour drive away. We also have the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage village nearby. Because of our large Ukrainian population nearby, I have met quite a few refugees
He’s already tried to deport the Indigenous peoples of North America. He’s so effin stupid he doesn't realize that not all brown people are born outside of NA.
due process isn’t afforded to non-whites anymore. they want to be able to show their slavering fanbase that ‘the illegals’ are being deported in record numbers so there will absolutely be ‘mistakes’ made even if they try to keep the GOP immigrants here
It's good to have optimism, and I think it would be more likely a little further along the Project2025 dismantling of civil service work and VA benefits. That drives that entire area, along with tourism. That is, it would be easier for a D maybe a year from now.
I don't disagree, just trying to keep things realistic in terms of FL1. Also, based on growing up there, not sure they picked the best candidate to run as opposition. FL D party has never really understood that part of the state.
Still. Not monolith.
Dems dropped that ball. I can attest to it. For example, in MKE, even after talking my head off for 2+ years to Wisconsin dems & to Ben W... there is no democratic infrastructure in the Latino community... this is on Dems.
I feel bad for the ones that didn't vote for Trump. But I wish I could be standing there laughing and pointing when they're taking the ones that did...
No nazi/nationalism/fascism isn’t communism. Fascist hate Marxism and would never allow workers to own the means of production over our labor.
Just look it up.
I am an immigrant of ppl who fought fascism Mussolini then fought to brake away from communism pls do tell what is the correct description of the current events happening are in America
Communism is misused & it causes confusion. China & Russia aren’t Communist countries but authoritarian & controlled by central party leaders. Communism follows socialism where workers own all businesses & share profits & in communism the state falls away and people voluntarily share-it’s utopian
Let people enjoy fascists getting their faces eaten, our country is going to shit. We need whatever wins we can get at this point, even if it's laughing at fascist misery.
If there's nothing I can do about something, I'm gonna laugh at the fascists who suffer for my own mental health.
Even ones who were here first.
These actions will make our country a weaker, impoverished place, with less creativity, less soul.
The trump regime is going full nazi.
The Roman dictatorship.
Just putting it out there.
What do you mean I'm not welcome 😕
There is no way can deport them all ........this is just pushing buttons IMO anyway
The plane trips...all of it is to create fear.....riots
I hope I'm right....that is a lot of people j/s
On top of the Ukraine, Mexican.....
I suspect they will cause it....riot or something to get the military online
Every button is being pushed.....internal/USA and external/international
There is a reason for that........military
Not good j/s
That guy will never work a day in his remaining life
Working class is what drives everything....something the felon just will never understand
think I missed your point j/s
Plus, the military would fracture, they swear an oath to protect the constitution not the president.
As for Marshal Law, There aren't enough people in the military to hold down the entire US population.
Latinos for Trump are very awfully mean people! 🤬
They said they didn't want socialism but it wasn't socialism it was respecting and taking care of fellow Americans
Now they get what they deserve
See you 😘
Hope you go to a welcoming conservative country who looks after you
Ask to self deport. And then kill.
The systematic division of people into racial, sexual and religious groups by the Right and Left was designed to ensure their loyalty and reliance on their respective political masters.
And to ensure they could never unite against the Oligarchs funding both the Right and Left.
Trump thinks he’s smarter than everyone
He’s making them no longer welcome or legal…
Definitely not a racist….
So much so, they had to change their name to Arab Americans for Freedom?
But whose freedom?
(Eddy Mercury continuing)
That black Asian woman told them so
I don't know, seems like a meh system.
But I’m guessing you either don’t live in the U.S. or are a protest voter
So again how are things working out for the Palestinians , Trump and Netanyahu decided there are still …
You people bet on the wrong Horse !
When media ignores everyone but the two?
They're fucked but anyone who trusts Trump deserves the rewards of their misguided support.
Sorry folks, but I've got my own problems.
Maybe next time you'll shelve the macho shit and see the light.
530,000 is going to blow hole in the local economy, taxes.
Y'all need this man stopped
And, of course, for the leopards.
I suspect will create "Caravans" at Canadian border or even into Mexico
Just my two cents
No sympathy for TRUMPTARDS at all, I gladly watch them trip and fall 🖕😡😡🌟🙏
Half of America and 2/3 of white men (who, in the USA fall into the obsessed-over demographic of) “without college degrees” think he’s great. I have to mete out my despair.
This country will suffer indefinitely no matter the birthrate.
We will all die mostly from lack of inoculations.
What they are posing as the salvation is really the destruction.
Selling the US a lie in the form of the unbelievable best.
It's the ultimate con job.
Seems like that would be relevant here.
Morons, lie about everything. WE THE PEOPLE will prevail. They are the criminals that WE look to deport.
She is a huge Trumper. Believes EVERY lie Fox and my brainwashed uncles feed her. It's so sad.
Am I Right Marco Rubio?
I don’t think they see themselves in new immigrants anymore.
They are just selfish assholes now.
Next, you're gonna tell me it didn't work out for Dearborn residents who got in bed with DJ Trump and boyfriend Bibi.
Good call, bros!
#FAFO Oedipus
That was a long time ago, but Schaudenfraude has no expiration date.
Or is it time for a nap?
These are our brothers and sisters
away only or mostly non-GOP voters...
We are not monolithic
Pendejos come in every shade & ethnicity
Dems dropped that ball. I can attest to it. For example, in MKE, even after talking my head off for 2+ years to Wisconsin dems & to Ben W... there is no democratic infrastructure in the Latino community... this is on Dems.
Blue MAGA blames anti-genocide protestors. But who really fucked around and found out?
They "didn't vote for Trump".
That equals no accountability.
Just look it up.
If there's nothing I can do about something, I'm gonna laugh at the fascists who suffer for my own mental health.