There are rumors Trump is planning something for 4/20. Tesla's quarterly report is due on 4/22 and he's been begging Trump to do something about it. This report will show that Tesla's international sales are terrible and the stock price drop will likely trigger a margin call on his Twitter loans.
I don't know for sure if the rumors and Tesla's quarterly report are related but the dates are suspiciously close. This gift may be Elon buttering up Trump more than grooming Kai.
His efforts are futile because trump doesn't give a shit about anyone other than himself. It's probably a little bit of both grooming and buttering up. Have you seen how muskrat looks at Kai?
Unfortunately the poor girl is surrounded — and she’s clueless.
I too came far too close to being fooled.
Am so thankful for life lessons taught me by my late father; and for my own strong gut instincts — always served me well!
Gotta tip da hat 2 da Brits🇬🇧✌️4 best forms of PROTEST against Elmo Musk & #FelonDon Trump:
Here👇, a Tesla Model Y grooms a beach in Wales — beautifully capturing Muskolini’s Seig Heil salute to Agolf🏌️♂️🇷🇺🤡Shitler‼️
And butt-hurt Elmo wonders aloud why da WORLD🌐”hates” him & jalopy Tesla #Swastikars⁉️🤔
Her father's a junkie, her grandfather was Epstein's best friend and wanted to shag her aunt. They have welcomed the apartheid freak into the inner circle and cannot see what we see.
So creepy 53-year-old alleged sexual predator and serial slut and cheater on his baby momma's Elon Musk gives Donald Trump's 17-year-old granddaughter Kia an $80,000 CyberTruck.
Musk like Trump, has always been above consequences, but if he really goes after his 17 year old granddaughter? he still is president and might jail musk or worse for that. Let alone Don Jr
Sorry but dump connected his own daughter with a well known pedo to “help her modeling career” so I’m not sure he hasn’t already given mush the go-ahead here.
Oh yeah, forgot about that. how evil of him. Well hope her dad has some protective instincts for her, he is also evil but he may keep an eye on Muskrat
No, it's only grooming when someone whose political sensibilities exist generally to the left of hunting people for sport. If you truly believe some people should just be born and then immediately starve to death, you're totally fine and nothing to worry about
Yep. They grew up with grooming and pedophiles as their uncles and dads and pastors and think it’s everywhere. While projecting all these fears onto “others” as the cause.
They don't get pregnant much these days. They use surrogate. Only his first wife had 3 pregnancies. Grimes has 3 kids - 1 pregnancy. Zilis has 4 - all gestated by surrogates.
Republicans love pedophilia so long as it's an old white male and an underage white female with breasts (y'know cause if the child looks like a woman it's totally fine to fuck em by rightoid logic. They don't care about consent, only degeneracy.)
You think so? I think she looks a little eerily like him (it's like they're related or something...) if you ignore her ponytail and focus on the hairline, brow, eyes, ear shape....
Perhaps it is I that is the one afflicted with TDS. That's a real medical condition in Minnesota!
He doesn't drink because can't handle his liquor and doesn't like the feeling of not being in control. Alcohol is one thing that could probably end this insanity.
Kai Madison Trump (b.2007) is the eldest daughter of Donald Trump Jr. and Vanessa Haydon, the eldest grandchild of the 45th & 47th United States president Donald Trump, and a competitive golfer... and a popular social media personality.
What could possibly go wrong in this twisted pentagon?
She is the impending 64th Supreme Leader of the future Citibank Confederacy of All-American Patriot Fully Fuckin’ Free Freedom City States of Super Free America according to my current American dystopia simulator. 🤦♂️
He gets the cars for free. Also, they suck and have a lot of recalls. Plus, they are ugly. And, Musk is weird old perv. Did he give Barron a car? How about Jr or Eric? Dirty old man.
I realize she's thisclose to carrying another of President Musk's cloven offspring, but I'm also a big fan of thinning the Krasnov herd in flammable Teslers.
Mf wanna do something special why don’t he gift those shit boxes to people who actually need fucking wheels like the mfs who served this fucking country and then got shit on by it. Some bum ass representatives with some spoiled ass brat ass kids who not gonna amount to fucking shit
Well it allows a parent to track their kid without using the phone. Just follow the truck parts scattered along the side of the road as the think delaminates.
Meh, grifters gonna grift. Just another distraction. I’m focused on actual, real life matters. Such as the attacks on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, IRS, NIH, immigrants, free speech etc. I honestly couldn’t give a shit about this. If it wasn’t posted here, who would even know about it. Focus.
I wonder what this family/descendants will change their names to after the downfall which is coming. I hope they all get deported. Although being related to the most hated man in the world, biggest buffoon bag of skin - might have its advantages now, I doubt history will be kind on the family.
What's this crap that you have evidence that Musk interfered with the election? I saw something on YouTube. Voting machines are NOT online, so he'd have to go to each state and get physical access to the machines. Stop getting people riled up and do something constructive, like hacking Tesla cars.
Isn’t this the same girl he was drooling over in a photo I saw recently, had her drugged out impotent father in the background looking unhappy. Musk is a danger to all women.
Lemonade from this era is that MAGA is going to become the most fervent EV proponents....hell, they'll be demanding charging infrastructure in Alabama! And saying "Suck it, libs!" while we smile a little "Oooh, you got us bad on this one".
What can he do about lack of sales anyway. His White House infomercial made it worse. The cars are trash.
🛞 🛞
Next Week —Free Tesla Stock!
In the UK there’s a media flap if the PM gets a freebie to watch a football match.
I too came far too close to being fooled.
Am so thankful for life lessons taught me by my late father; and for my own strong gut instincts — always served me well!
Here👇, a Tesla Model Y grooms a beach in Wales — beautifully capturing Muskolini’s Seig Heil salute to Agolf🏌️♂️🇷🇺🤡Shitler‼️
And butt-hurt Elmo wonders aloud why da WORLD🌐”hates” him & jalopy Tesla #Swastikars⁉️🤔
Musk now knows her locations, hangouts, friends. Could get interesting.
She's in so much danger.
Enjoy 😉
Shiny trinkets will impress them and win them over
So he has to give them away for free
Makes perfect sense
sick, sick, SICK, people, those Musks.
Of course he's grooming Trump's granddaughter. And Trump probably approves of it.
Give her a car. But when the baby comes don’t expect money for food and clothes !
Perhaps it is I that is the one afflicted with TDS. That's a real medical condition in Minnesota!
What could possibly go wrong in this twisted pentagon?
Very thoughtful.
Yes stuffs like this is grooming. They would never buy it for old ladies
your daughter has a Sugar Daddy.
This is literally the opposite.
He's probably giving them away to everyone he meets