Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee 2025 report includes research by Mandala of social returns from an increase in JobSeeker to 90% of the pension rate.
The modelling found significant returns from mental health improvements
The modelling found significant returns from mental health improvements
why ask for people to remain in poverty? It's not like pensioners are living it up
The EIAC recommends a 'substantial increase' and changes to indexation
Modern day slavery, fascism is end result of predatory capitalism and warlord capitalism, which will not fit with democracy or freedom for people.
Trump’s $billionaires America now enabling tyranny.
1. Aboriginal gap.
2. High rate incarceration.
3. Domestic voilence.
4. Mental health issues.
5. Education grades.
6. Housing.
7. Homelessness.
8. Health issues……
Public money spent on liveable income cancels cost spent on above.