Does the Met Police still infiltrate groups campaigning for modest political change? If so, it might more usefully direct its resources to those actively and openly seeking to destroy our democratic institutions.
well it can't be a worse series of Power Rangers than UK Border Force so looking forward to Elite Talent Force on Cartoon Network Watch Again +1 (channel 543 on your Sky Box)
Powerful forces behind him …. The game is well rigged! We underestimate their proven grip on “democracy”. Nudge nudge
Ps wonder when Johnson will emerge!!
Cummings et al live in a nerd-bubble. Most people I know recall, if anything, only a nerdy weirdo in a silly scarf who broke some Covid rules. Meanwhile we endure the main parties taking turns to plod on with all the predictability of a grey British winter. We aren’t excited by disruption.
Largely powerless people concerned by the conduct of state and commercial actors; 😡
Active supporters of a hostile regime and their dupes; 🥰
Always now feels like a man searching for someone to listen to his ramblings
Has he now reached maximum Speakers Corner mode? Shouting the odds with no one really listening other than the professional hecklers?
A rare treat to see Underpants Gnome Economics in the wild. Cummings is as much a 6th Form Common Room lawyer as anyone on the Left.
Ps wonder when Johnson will emerge!!