Watching Neolibs do victory laps over Syria the same way they did Libya is proof that they never learn lessons.
Surely, THIS time leaving a power vacuum for fundamentalists and local gangs will magically turn a country into a thriving democracy!
Surely, THIS time leaving a power vacuum for fundamentalists and local gangs will magically turn a country into a thriving democracy!
Many that are waking up on Palestine probably weren't politically active to any degree during the initial stages of the Syrian Civil War back in 2011.
Hahaha! K, dude.
Was it seen as necessary by most Cubans, given the fact that America never ended its low-intensity war against them?
Capital kept Castro in power.
Truly Red Scare-brained.
This was a major win for rebranded Al-Qaeda and the Genocide Coalition. I hope for the best for the people of Syria, but everyone who was actually fighting against genocide and Zionist occupation just suffered a massive blow.
From what I've been able to follow Turkey is sort of an all over player here that is a bit of a footsoldier for NATO in so much as they were literally aiding ISIL oil tanker movements.