My favorite is Sigourney Weaver in 'Galaxy Quest' when she is presented with an impossible obstacle course and clearly yells 'Well fuck that' but they dubbed in her saying 'screw that' even though she clearly--and sanely--says 'fuck'. It's perfect on so many levels.
Not much on remembering books but you hav e. To include the book “Go the Fuck to Sleep” read by Samuel Jackson. A classic but if you read it to a kid make sure they can’t read yet and change the word. Frequently.
OMG really? That would be the top of my worst deliveries. She delivered it like a 5th grader that just learned the word and is thrilled to be saying it out loud because she's soooOOoooo naughty! Ugh. No. No. Cancel Subscription. No.
Next question.
Near the end of the movie, when Claire asks Ronna (Sarah Polley) where Manny is, and Ronna remembers:
Ronna: Oh, fuck me.
“YOU’RE a vulgarian, you FUCK!”
— Ray Bones (Dennis Farina),