The fact that Trump thinks boycotts are illegal is just more evidence that he is a next level idiot and is clueless when it comes to the law.

Has there ever been a bigger idiot?



Stop being arrogant, wanting to be the kings of the USA, and hurting others without compassion; start negotiating with humility. Then, we will also be willing to talk.

They won't because they are both narcissists, and Tesla will sink.
The person standing next to Dump in this photo comes pretty close in the stupidity dept.
What do you call Bud Light
They think 'illegal' is an official word for everything they don't like. It's really just a stand-in for, 'omg, why don't you like what we're doing? Why are you protesting and not kissing our asses'.
Bud light and all of the other ridiculous things that hurt their feelings would like to have a word.
Yea, the 77 million people who voted for him, most of my relatives.
like a person who can't swim and in the deep end of the pool.....
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There’s never been a bigger idiot in the White House.
I think it’s worse, as a lifetime criminal and a bully, he has no problem, changing everything to suit his own agenda.
Right this. He’s just going to make them and protesting illegal so he can call for Martial Law 😒
NO !!
So is my fking opinion according to the egotistical temper tantrum throwing pedophile
He knows full well what the laws are. He just doesn’t care and thinks he is above and beyond them,which makes him the biggest source of evil imaginable.
No he is the BIGGEST IDIOT, but we have don jr running in 2028 to look forward too 🤭 but here's praying Vance never gets his hands on the wheel of America. I believe he is the biggest threat and the biggest Nazi of them all.
Pres Felon NEVER tells us what legal reference he is using to say this is illegal or that is illegal. Anecdotal is how he ran his rallies - no basis in facts because facts would show that he lies like a rug.
The people who are boycotting Tesla are also done with your treasonous acts Donny.
He certainly is the best idiot we have ever seen.
No. Never.
Maybe an equal in the man standing next to him in the picture.
It's our duty to boycott fascism, so Trump can take a flying leap off a tall building.
Or be pushed
Fuck you krasnov47
"Who's the U-Boat Commander?"
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Free speech....his an idiot on his best day.
Ah yes, Dear Leader commands the masses to buy the shitty product of his loyal toady and sycophant.

How very North Korean of him.
we’ll boycotting Israel has been made illegal in several states
trump and musk
are both functional idiots, and with the racism, bigotry, ego, and narcissism adds, they are truly dangerous incompetents and must be removed. 25A, impeachment, whatever it takes. Time for them to go.
I'm sure that's a rhetorical question, but I can't resist answering.
No, there has absolutely not been a bigger idiot in the history of the world.
Vengeful idiot
But that Bud Lite thing was cool.
Anything he doesn’t like is illegal
He thinks his people are idiots