They don't care. It's not about America. It's not about us. It's not about right or wrong. It's all about their unbridled avarice. We've been shivved in the back by our own (felon) president, his drug-addled sidekick, and their syndicate of billionaires. May they all rot where they fall.
I just screamed inside my head. What they're doing is a crime against humanity happening in our own nation, and what the hell are the Democrats doing about it?
Related: Meals on Wheels saves hundreds of millions by keeping seniors at home and our of Medicaid-paid-for nursing facilities. More penny wise pound insanely foolish.
Insest ivanka account
Meals on Wheels will not be affected.
steal the food out of little old ladies mouths so trump can charge our taxes $3M to play golf
How can a round of golf cause $3M
Tell DOGE!