Kinda think the world could benefit from an ElfQuest documentary. It doesn't get its flowers like it should.
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ElfQuest - Fantasy with Teeth!
ElfQuest is BACK! The new FULL-COLOR, hardcover edition of Book 1: Fire & Flight from is out now.
It’s time to (re)discover #ElfQuest. Grab a copy today and we’ll send you an exclusive, signed art print!
It’s time to (re)discover #ElfQuest. Grab a copy today and we’ll send you an exclusive, signed art print!
They announced like a year ago that there was going to be an animated series, which I will definitely watch but with great trepidation. I hope it's good.
With "useful notes" pages for locations and history, sometimes it can even be useful for other things.
Tell Mr what your vaginally elf ears hear.
Well, I was *very very wrong*. Them elves were horny as hell and once they started, apparently, just couldn't get enough.