I'm very very nervous for these returning astronauts. Imagine having no option but to get into a vessel built by a man who gives not one tiny shit about human life. And whose inventions all catch fire.
It's the stuff of horror movies.
It's the stuff of horror movies.
That won't last though.
They just crashed a cargo ship into a fuel tanker in the North Sea, in miles of clear water.
Where’s the guitar-playing nun?
He's got too many company's on the go to actually do anything
"How are we getting home?”
"It's Boeing or SpaceX..."
"... fuck."
Although ... the next one is Boeing. Um.
I'm sorry for the astronauts because they left a democracy and they are going home to a budding dictatorship.
What world happen if they refuse to board it?
stranded on board Mir during the dissolution of the Soviet Union. As the country that had sent him into space no longer existed, his return was delayed and he stayed in space for 311 consecutive days, twice as long as the mission had originally called for
clearly they're used to it lol
It's kinda fun to watch his idiot fanbros scampering about in this thread getting all excited about someone saying A Bad Thing about their fantasy daddy.