It's easier to keep people angry, if they can't afford every day necessities. He needs life to be difficult for his voters because the only thing he has to offer is fear mongering and hate.
And you are going to support him? Because all your hardwork gone in a flash. He will reverse everything. You will be lucky to have a seat after forvong an election at this crucial time with the U.S.
It's not just taking the GST off diapers and essentials. You're taking it off expensive wine and thousand dollar restaurant bills. The richer you are and the more and more you spend the more this break will save them. This is not the cut you proposed. You should vote against it.
Stirs up business, good for the consumer and business, but I agree that a rebate given to lower income consumers or reduced tax rate for them may be better.
Part of me agrees but being nice & fighting with reason doesn't get us anywhere with Poilievre. The Libs tried that for years & they've been framed entirely by the Cons. At some point the gloves have to come off. After all we're not dealing with rational, deep thinkers. They speak in slogans!
Stooping to a lower standard will not mobilize voters. Good communication and brave policy will. I want my political leaders to lead not act like school yard brats
Perhaps I wasn't clear with my comments. I don't want to see the Libs stoop to name calling and mindless slogans. I favour progressive policy that will help people suffering, unable to pay their bills. We should not need food banks and shelters. I believe food and shelter is a human right.
The issue,in my view, is many people have stopped listening. They are being conned to believe in magical solutions sold by a charlatan. PP will not improve the economy or solve any of our problems. In fact Con policy will destroy the benefits we now enjoy. The Libs need to call out the lies.
I want my leaders to lead. I think Jagmeet squandered his power by spending his time trashing Trudeau and sidling up to the Cons. And now he is bashing the Cons. The NDP and the Cons spend too much time on the easy 'blame game'. Get your act together NDP. Don't act like the Conservatives!
You are spot on. NDP leadership is loosing it’s way and it appears to be a 3 way race to the bottom. It makes me quite sad how things seem to be going from bad to worse.
I think the NDP wasted its time coddling the Liberals and accomplished relatively little for the working class, thus paving the way for a neo-fascist dirt bag like PP.
I think the Cons are following the 'populist right' playbook and are attracting the blue collar workers. That is where the real threat lies. Just look south of the border. This is how fascism begins.
This is what lost the election. Democrats and their "we go high" bullshit. If you want the MAGATs in the USA and the Conservatives in Canada to switch, you need to speak their language. Playing nice doesn't work. You have to roll in the mud with them and prove that your idea is better
The democrats spent the election talking about how bad Trump id and squandered the opportunity to communicate their vision. The BC NDP did the same this Fall and narrowly missed handing power over to a bunch of conspiracy theory wing nuts
Democrats kept it minimal. It should have been brought up every time the Republicans started a lie. Eating dogs? Get back on message. Border Czar? Get back on message. Force the press to report it- even if it is just calling Dems out.
I'm surprised they don't just go all the way... Big business can already abuse the system to shelter profits in ways that the average Canadian citizen can't take advantage of. Make it official: take taxes off of luxury goods and only tax essentials at 1000%. Free yachts but babyfood costs a kidney
PP is an annoying contrarian. Type of person who has a problem for every solution. That said, I feel like diapers should actually have some form of environmental tax, simply to offset the damage they do to the environment. One man's opinion anyway.
Hey man I know this account is run by a bunch of dorks who graduated from western and shit but are you ever going to actually break left on any of your policy positions? You’re a freaking landlord ffs
Raise more money and nullify those PC false advertisements criticizing NDP. Save the Canadian Identity and remove American influence and all the media disinformation.
We need leaders that care about all Canadians not just the rich.
PP needs to go! And so do all the rest of the cheaters.
Pierre: "No, not like that!"