Bernie Sanders is a friend and ally to Canadians.
We both agree: Trump is focused on tax breaks for corporations and billionaires, but his policies will hurt working class people.
Today, more than ever, Canadian and American workers must unite to fight back.
We both agree: Trump is focused on tax breaks for corporations and billionaires, but his policies will hurt working class people.
Today, more than ever, Canadian and American workers must unite to fight back.
And your messaging is troubling; on one hand you speak of fighting with a peace symbol in the photo. Time for a new head of communications.
And I despise you.
This is no time for me, me and more me leadership.
We're all frustrated, but turning it on *people* "I despise *you*" just keeps this anger going. Go vote Rev or Com Party.
It just looks like you’re watching Bernie videos on tv.
Not exactly sure what I’m supposed to do with the information in his post.
A blurred picture of B. Sanders doesn't give you any credibility.
Might want to confirm you use actual words before hitting send.
TY for the insights on biases... i apparently have a lot to learn from you in that area.
From the uneducated random dad in the living room.
Or maybe a hell of a lot more bernie sanders.