Is it just me, or is there a lot more body positivity about huskier men lately?
Like, most of my i.s.o. OCs were super ripped sixpacked guys because I wanted shirtless guys, and that's the way all guys who took their shirts off publicly looked, at the time.
Like, most of my i.s.o. OCs were super ripped sixpacked guys because I wanted shirtless guys, and that's the way all guys who took their shirts off publicly looked, at the time.
Things have definitely changed since I.S.O. but it was more gradual. It did pick up hard right before the pandemic to now though.
"Zaftig is making a comeback."
I don't know that men ever quite had their "heroin chic" period, but there does seem to be more of an embrace of soft and cuddly than before. do you have any demographic data on aging furry population and larger size body-positivity?
(IRB prevents me from participating because wearing sweatpants and t-shirt that no longer fits over belly)😼